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Everything posted by bucfan2

  1. Time change excuse wouldn't have worked....if anything, devices would have moved ahead an hour and they would have been early.
  2. CL remains our favorite experience, but boy, you were correct about the YC...it's a close second.
  3. Those that do so provide for late night entertainment, especially for the younger crowd (a friend of a friend mentioned there are 3 different keys that power them all....guess my fourth key is a duplicate).
  4. We enjoy CC early, and back on board before most are even headed off. As far as the 'dump' (Nassau) goes, we enjoy watching from our balcony as well. I especially enjoyed watching the 50+ workers sit around enjoying out $20+ port fees while they were 'working' on the new pier(s).
  5. Apparently the 'show up at your scheduled arrival time' message has served its purpose spreading out pax arriving, as we have not encountered any troubles checking in regardless of time (Tampa/PC/PE/Miami). We cruise monthly, and have for the past several years. Show up whenever you desire, realizing you have some micro chance of having to wait a little.
  6. You're delusional and/or simply entitled if equating the general 2am partier w/ the general 5am sun watcher.
  7. https://www.google.com/search?q=cigar+shops+near+port+canaveral&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS767US767&oq=cigar+shops+near+port+canaveral&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yDQgCEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgDEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgEEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgFEAAYhgMYgAQYigXSAQkxMDIzOGowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&lqi=Ch9jaWdhciBzaG9wcyBuZWFyIHBvcnQgY2FuYXZlcmFsSK_lxvDDuoCACFo1EAAQARgAGAEYAxgEIh9jaWdhciBzaG9wcyBuZWFyIHBvcnQgY2FuYXZlcmFsKgYIAxAAEAGSAQx0b2JhY2NvX3Nob3CaASRDaGREU1VoTk1HOW5TMFZKUTBGblNVTmtMVTAzYTJsblJSQUKqAWIKCC9tLzA5azV6EAEqDyILY2lnYXIgc2hvcHMoADIeEAEiGoA2oC2GEr_H7yeaqIqFz2iu25DE8ZMjtL1oMiMQAiIfY2lnYXIgc2hvcHMgbmVhciBwb3J0IGNhbmF2ZXJhbOABAA#rlimm=14651408179767007216
  8. We were grateful that our U.S. sailing was adapted for the American market, as that's where we chose to sail from. Be a pain to choose to sail from one country, and have to research what other country the sailing was based on. Food was excellent.
  9. Oh, not to worry...the Bohamian gov't will make plenty. Nice pipe dream on the people benefiting too.
  10. Be honest....your summation comes from the past 14 threads on the subject (in the past 2 weeks) doesn't it?
  11. Congrats for being part of the 'good 50%'. About 1/2 seems to be down to earth, and a pleasure to be around. Nothing more disappointing to us than being talked down to, and then when some discovers our status, they attempt to make us part of the group. They tend to be a bit embarrassed (as well as pull in their chest and pin)...we get a good chuckle out of it.
  12. Be nice if the cruise lines could avoid that dump and go elsewhere, but with their ships going to the private islands, the Bahamas has played their cards well and has them in a bit of a pickle. Nicely played overall.
  13. Plenty of that as well. It'll all play out nicely in due time.
  14. We've seen it as well, and simply acquired a couple unused chairs ('saving seats' is discouraged). Found a couple looking to use the lounge, gave them our seats, and re-acquired a couple more. Staff is hesitant to help (somewhat understandable), so we'll gladly do our part.
  15. On vacation, on a cruise, if you don't judge/access someone based on their actions, what in the world do you suggest? In a similar scenario, do you defend a confirmed chair hog, being that 'one person' that feels they may have fallen overboard and thus unable to return to the pool?
  16. Not sure why you basically repeated my post, but agree.
  17. Seems like attempting to use the 'entitled' portion would be a proper statement as well.
  18. In your opinion and/or attempt to stir-it-up.
  19. It is generally a quiet place. And all pax accessible locations on the ship are 'safe', regardless what one comes up with a definition for that term.
  20. Phoenix was playing for the week on one of our CL experiences. Outstanding 70's/80's rock back to go along w/ our favorite suite room. That being said, we still rank the YC experience above it....and at significantly better cost. Afraid those two markets will even out at some point, and pretty sure it won't be due to a reduction in CL fares lol.
  21. The problems at home haven't been ignored....they've been welcomed. No blame game to pass around.
  22. We aren't going to make it that long, and surprised you are. We're hooked.
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