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Everything posted by BlerkOne

  1. Some of us cruise. Like me. Now. Have a nice day!
  2. People don't cruise for Carnival perks. In fact, Carnival doesn't want cruisers who cruise for perks. That is not the case with Royal. It's reality.
  3. Anything can be argued. Puffery is not only legal, but encouraged - especially with marketing programs.
  4. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/carnival-corporation-completes-fleetwide-rollout-of-lr-oneocean-environmental-compliance--passage-planning-software-302131322.html Well done, Carnival Corp!
  5. In your opinion. Getting back to the original topic, Carnival will never add a higher level, and will never move to a bribe based model.
  6. Carnival's loyalty program has been described as cheap. Therefore it is virtuous and honorable.
  7. That is one definition. It is not a complete definition. Enticements are not necessarily illegal and are bribes.
  8. Well boo. Thought it would be okay to buy a bottle of wine in port and being back in the ship but they said no, I had to check it. Nope. So outside I sits and drinks. 🙂
  9. I switched a phone to Google Fi a while ago, and so far am delighted with the service. Has worked in every port. Two thumbs up.
  10. Last night's menu QR-D10-Dining-Room-01-2024 - Copy.pdf
  11. Wow - some serious storms last night in Ark-LA-Tex. Hope things are okay.
  12. hmmm pictures don't seem to be attaching... will look at later.
  13. Night 6 - we did the al fresco dining - can't believe I didn't take a picture of the menu?
  14. I don't think you can log into the app on both at the same time.
  15. Beef Wellington - this was good! I should have ordered it the other night.
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