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Tranquility Base

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Everything posted by Tranquility Base

  1. Having transited 3 times my preference is to move around and generally spend a fair amount of time outside. The Gatun will be very popular for prime spots being the first set. Pedro Miguel likely less busy, and then busy again for Miraflores. Whilst being near the bow for entry is good, being aft to view that side of the operation is also worthwhile, especially with a ship close behind you. You definitely should be outside on the side (likely starboard side in your direction) to view any large ship beside you in the opposite direction. They are very close. You will get close up views of the mules in operation. Also get some photos from deck 5 outside as the ship is in a chamber with the water level reducing. For the middle chamber whilst in Miraflores be on the port side to wave and shout to the people onshore on the viewing platform and the restaurant. So, in summary; move around to view multiple aspects of the operation. That's very easy to do on Insignia.
  2. Posting this excursion booking query on this thread as it concerns SM. Whilst we have our 2025 cruises booked under O-Life, the ones we made onboard recently for this year are under SM. When booking excursions online under SM, is the programme set up to use in order : 1. SM excursion SBC; 2. Other SBC which is already showing in your account (eg: Oceania Club benefits) 3. Credit Card payment. Also, let's say each person has $400 SM excursion credit, The first 2 excursions booked have used up $350, When booking a 3rd excursion will the programme use the remaining $50 then the remainder from other SBC ? Would be good to hear from anyone with actual experience before I call O.
  3. One is a segment on the Insignia ATW. The next day Riviera sails a similar itinerary which is also on sale, but only as far as Trieste. Riviera's Trieste to Barcelona is then also on sale. All of them have availability in most categories.
  4. Speaking for ourselves, we found buying ashore and paying the corkage suited our wine drinking style. We don't buy expensive wines. In Italy, Croatia, Greece and Montenegro we asked our tour guides if they drank local red wines. They recommended a wine able to be bought in the local supermarket / wine store which is exactly what we did. We found them all very drinkable and suited to our taste. In fact, at subsequent ports if we saw one or two of them again we bought some more. Those small purchase costs plus corkage suited our wine drinking style perfectly for 2 months.
  5. Three other things. Take a supply of chemist items with you. Buy these in Sydney. If you want small amounts of cash to walk ashore with until you find an ATM (eg Euro), Singapore has plenty of money changers at reasonable rates. 22 sea days. Whilst most people settle into a sea day rhythm which makes the days pass quickly, it does pay to be prepared in case of bad weather. On those days activities & entertainment will likely be curtailed, but also there will be more people inside in the public spaces. Have a thought as to how best to handle 2 or 3 days in a row in such a case.
  6. The majority of passengers will be from Aussie or NZ. Therefore, if the ship runs out of Vegemite (as the 2023 WC did for a short time), there will be quite a few grumbles. The Kiwis won't mind as they'll have their own supply of NZ Marmite. The onboard currency will be AUD. When you look at the drinks menu the price you see is the price you pay. There are no gratuities added onto the displayed bar menu prices. Someone on the roll call may take the lead and organise various onboard meet ups; eg: a lunch in the dining room every couple of weeks. A great way to keep in touch with / meet new people. As mentioned, there won't be many children on board ( perhaps less than 10 ). The crew will really try to make their cruise extra special. Avoid the tendency to overpack. As you mention the self service laundries are there for a reason.
  7. @Izzywiz Hi, Many thanks for your various descriptions.....excellent. I just wish to confirm when you mention 'Mahe' town / gardens etc that you mean the capital ie: Victoria ? Also, can you hazard a guess how far up the coast to the North of Victoria one could find some nice bar / restaurants on the coast please. Thanks again.
  8. True......unless one wishes to include stays at the Kenai Lodge or the Copper River Lodge.
  9. All I know is that they are noisy. 'er indoors would give me 60 seconds warning to enable me to escape the racket.
  10. Is there a daily limit for 500ml water bottles whilst on the plus or premiere package ....???
  11. Thanks for the detailed explanation. An interesting situation, and one to keep in mind under these new procedures.
  12. So, I just wanted to clarify your actual onboard experience please. 1. You had a tour booked using SM credits at the final port. 2. Oceania informed you this tour was cancelled ? 3. Was any other tour at that port available / offered as a replacement ? 4. If no, did you discuss with anyone onboard, (apart from Destination Services) about whether you could have those SM credits used as how normal SBC is used onboard ? Do you know what would happen if the ship was unable to dock at the final port and one had a SM credit tour booked ? Do you know if one was on a B2B whether any unused SM credits, through no fault of your own, would be able to be transferred across to the second cruise ? Thanks.
  13. For those passengers who live in a country where cheques have been relegated to museum exhibits, Princess have been refunding electronically for over a year.
  14. I just use the boarding pass printed by the airline at the airport. After all, that's where they stick my part of the baggage labels. I like that.
  15. Thanks, but I just want to clarify we are talking about the same ' book on board perk.' I have seen the 'fare reduction on the cabin price' vary. I believe that depends on the length of cruise and cabin category booked. However, I thought the SBC perk, which could be applied to current cruise or the future cruise, was fixed at $250. Am I mistaken on this ?
  16. SBC for booking onboard ?? I thought that was $250, ($125 per person) ?
  17. I had a look at an example of a 30 day Grand Voyage made up of 2 segments. Currently the SM credit is $2,000. Under these new rules the new amount would be $1,200.
  18. They certainly do on Riviera. There is the ability to have a night stand between the two beds providing a space either side of both beds.
  19. Did they pre-empt this and keep the Queenstown overland pax onboard, or do they get and extra night onshore ?
  20. Pre cruise with SM can the excursions only SBC (OBC) be used unequally between the 2 people on the booking ? IE: Once one person has used up their excursion SBC, if they booked another excursion, will it come out the other person’s excursion SBC, or would it come out of other ‘regular’ SBC ( if available) ?
  21. Was the difference noted during sea days or port days ?
  22. I am pleased that is still an option. Last time I was there I did the Harbourside walk past Corsair Bay, Cass Bay, and as far as Pony Point. Very enjoyable on a nice day which I would happily do again.
  23. Does anyone know ( before I call and ask ) what happens in a scenario such as this. Free cruise booked under SM. Cruise is 20 days. Discount of the basic fare for the first 14 days is given. Does that mean the entire 20 days onboard has no SM benefits, or would the last 6 days onboard receive SM benefits ?
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