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Everything posted by MissP22

  1. Do you realize that when you unsubscribe from some emails they sell your email to hundreds of other venders. Princes is the least of your worries.
  2. Nowadays, it's becoming easier to track the remaining perks than the lost ones.
  3. Tell us just what things you're afraid of them finding out? (other than your bathroom visits)
  4. I'm just guessing, but maybe they had a large crew turnover on that particular trip and didn't have sufficient crew to open the DR until dinner.
  5. If they had to rely on matching faces when it's really busy hardly anyone would get served.😜
  6. You can select any date for your celebration even if it doesn't take place on your cruise.
  7. Unless something happened on that particular trip, embarkation lunch is always available in the DR either on deck 5 or 6. Did you check the doors on both sides to see which were open? What did the patter say?
  8. A missed port should have been corrected while on the ship in the form of an OBC.
  9. Unfortunately with all the drinks being ordered at busy times, mistakes will sometimes occur. It's so easy to check your account every so often and have it corrected while on the ship, there's no reason to wait until you get home to resolve the problem.
  10. It's refreshing to hear that most people are agreeing that formal clothing is no longer a "requirement" on Princess's formal nights. They've finally relaxed the dress code to allow a more relaxed atmosphere for those people who don't wish to dress up just to eat in the DR. It's still controversial about the wearing of shorts in the DR, at least on casual evenings. From my experience they are being tolerated on casual nights but rarely seen on formal nights and something I wouldn't count on. A pair of dark jeans or Dockers might be a better choice. Now all they have to do is change the written policy to agree with the actuality of what is being worn on all their ships so people wouldn't be confused before sailing.
  11. It can't hurt to try. 😉
  12. Maybe 10 years ago on the Crown or Emerald it was definitely a better offering. I can remember a pile of really large shrimp instead of just a few presented in a glass as well as beef tartare. My thinking is why bother with the P/E/S lounge since it only makes you late for dinner and the show, especially if you want choice seats and avoid the crowd for dinner.
  13. Whatever the reason, they sure have dumber down the snacks to what I consider minimal. Other than to receive a small discount, there not much reason to attend any longer.
  14. You had me going for a while. Glad to know I haven't lost it yet. 😆
  15. Yes, I've got a stack of them in hopes of a return to the old program. There was a time when they were honoring any card from any ship for a while. Maybe newyorkjameson will let us know how they responded. There's always hope. Yea, I know I'm a pack rat with certain items.
  16. I really doubt if the OP will get anything BUT if they do, I'll be standing in line with all my old cards as well. 😉
  17. Not on my class balcony on the Enchanted, we didn't. Just a small table which was worthless. Never, unless it became absolutely a necessity.
  18. Maybe I could use it as a foot stool on the balcony?
  19. As did we. The cake they give you at the table in the DR is nothing special, so why bother. We couldn't give it away.
  20. Why not be among the dozen guys dressed up?
  21. Yep, there not a prominent as they once were, but they still have them,
  22. Why not? You've already paid for it even if you don't drink it.
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