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Everything posted by MissP22

  1. They usually let people apply the discount to any drink, not just the drinks of the day.
  2. That's another charge we can do without. I guess we're just frugal. (cheap)
  3. We once saw on a Princess cruise that towels were to be left at the DR door and not carried to the table. I'm not certain if they do that any longer since we no longer go to the DR on a sea day for lunch.
  4. Same with us. We sent our renewals in around the first week in April & just received them back 2 weeks ago. Each one was mailed separately.
  5. I'm sure many Elites have noticed since they've removed most other perks that Elites have had in past years. Any yes we care.
  6. If it's still in operation, arrive there early as the line outside the entrance tends to build up quickly and moves rather slowly.
  7. They claim that plastic is not allowed since it easier to refill bottles with liquor but I've never been denied boarding with them. On the last cruise in Fl. last March, my DH returned to the ship during a B2B with a suitcase filled only with 8 one liter bottles inside, so you can't say they didn't see them. They never said a word when it was scanned. Nor did they make him go to the liquor check in desk.
  8. Princess also doesn't have circular staircases entering their DR.s either.
  9. I assume it's still there. My DH always used it in the past but it's been a while.
  10. We always bring at least 6 one liter plastic bottles each onboard with us and have never been questioned. One time a few years back security questioned me the about cans in my suitcase, if it was beer and I told them to go ahead & check. They waved me through.
  11. It's been many, many years since a jacket and tie have been a "requirement" on Princess unless you feel it necessary. It saves a lot of room in your suitcase for more important items.
  12. Besides using it for photo's we always use it to order items when sitting at the buffet or IC that aren't offered. It takes a while to arrive but if you order once seated they'll bring it right to your table. Also it works great to contact your spouse on or off the ship via voice or text.
  13. Or you could pack it to take home.
  14. Taken with an instamatic camera. 😆
  15. As you can see, many things have changed in recent years, including dress codes. I seriously doubt that dressing has affected service or quality of the food as much as the cost of doing business. Enjoy you future sailings.
  16. Shoes yes, but not what type.
  17. Hence, the big difference in price.
  18. I guess all those people who don't want to pay extra for it will now have to circle back to the DR for another seating. 😉 Princess will now have to keep track of how many times a person eats in the DR.... any what items they consume. 😆
  19. My DH wears his crocks w/o socks in the DR except in the evenings. No problem.
  20. Sounds interesting. I've keep track of our cruises using a spread sheet for years now and using it on my phone is cumbersome at best. Perhaps it's time to update.
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