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Posts posted by VintageGeo

  1. In 2020 we sailed north past Cabo and along the coast of Baja California. We were very entertained by the variety of sea life.


    A small thing to most, I'm sure, but I remember a being a small feller in Ohio learning for the first time about flying fish and being amazed at the idea. This is my first pic of a flying fish...



















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  2. 13 minutes ago, rkacruiser said:


    I wonder if we are on the same cruise.  Eurodam, Viking Passage (a repositioning cruise for the ship) from Europe to New York:  the drill was held at the mid-ship pool with a 2nd Officer in charge/narrator and the Cadets on board being the demonstrators.  Most interesting.  Any guests that have been in such a situation to listen to the Officers' instructions/reminders about lifeboat requirements/procedures, etc. simply have to be impressed.  I am safer on a cruise ship than I am in my own home:  that's how I feel!

    Afraid not, although yours sure sounds like a fun one to be on. We were on Oosterdam on a Panama Canal Transit to San Diego. As a matter of fact, the demonstration was a year ago today, during a sea day between Mexican stops. The crew shared some really good info on how best to try to survive going into the ocean. I do agree with your feeling of safety on board.

  3. Good evening. Thanks for the Daily. As is typical, we have laughed, we have learned, we have sympathized (so sorry about your neighbor, Jacqui), we have prayed and we have cheered. Mostly we have enjoyed.

    It is so heartwarming to see so many having gotten both vaccinations. Every one is a step closer to conquering this pestilence and saving lives, so thank you all for being willing. We'll get there someday.

    Our best wishes to those so affected by this horrible spell of weather. We have so far avoided the problems that so many are suffering, but we do commiserate.


    To close out our day, last year's sunset from off the coast of Mexico.



    Stay safe and healthy, and have a great evening!


    Lori & George



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  4. 16 minutes ago, rkacruiser said:


    Watching and being "the fly on the wall" when it is possible to do so during these drills and listening to the instructions given by the Officers to the crew is a "peek" into the "behind the scenes" of a cruise that I value highly.  


    Only once, when I tried to be an observer of a crew drill, was I shooed away by an Officer as the drill was about to begin.  

    I do the same, when I have a chance. Without becoming a 'speed bump' for the crew to run over, that is. 😃 It was very interesting on a sea day to see the demo in the lido pool of the crew lifeboat capsule during the same cruise. Had not seen that before.


    • Like 2
  5. A year ago the Oosterdam visited Huatulco, Mexico.



    In the afternoon we were entertained by a man overboard drill by the crew. 





    That evening as we sailed out we were walking the promenade deck waiting for the sun to go down when we noticed some activity around the ship. They are fun to watch.








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  6. In 2020 we sailed into Puerto Chiapas Mexico.



    Maybe the subject of the next great blockbuster, "The Pelican Whisperer"?







    We left the ship to wander the port area, look through the shops, and enjoy a snack. It really is a lovely spot.









    Lori & George




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  7. Good morning and thanks for the Daily!

    The local weatherman just came on and said that the temperature in Wichita dropped from -10 to -16 an hour ago. Hoping we can avoid the rolling blackouts, and sure looking forward to that 40 they say we'll make it to this weekend.

    It was odd seeing snow on the beach at Galveston, and to hear Louisiana having parts of every major interstate closed for snow coverage. Strange news is becoming commonplace...

    It was reported yesterday morning here that vaccination was on hold due to the weather only to see on the news last night that the lines had simply been moved indoors. The level is finally down to 70 and over, so there has been progress.

    Warmer thoughts.... we enjoyed a colorful sunrise as we sailed into Puerto Chiapas a year ago.





    Stay safe and healthy. And warm, if you can. 

    Have a great day!


    Lori & George


    • Like 27
  8. Last year we sailed into Guatemala, and our day started early with a mountain that was having a bad hair day...



    As we headed inland we passed several volcanoes, including one that appeared to be to some extent active.





    We embarked a passenger ferry to cross Lake Atitlan, a very scenic mountain lake surrounded by dormant volcanoes and small villages.





    We enjoyed lunch at a lakeside resort in the village of Panajachel and some time wandering the shopping and dock areas.





    This is Lucy. She does not like to take no for an answer...



    We then made our way back across the lake and back to the ship.







    In all, this excursion consisted of around 4 1/2 hours on a bus on roads that were sometimes good and 1 hour each way on the boat with just over an hour ashore. It totaled approximately 8 hours and we got back just before all aboard. It was a tiring day, but Lake Atitlan is worth seeing.


    Lori & George


    • Like 4
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Daily!

    We are so sorry about your brother, Roy. Hopefully it helps some to know that this community will be here to uplift you when you need it.

    This morning it is -9, officially. Our thermometer here reads -4.5...thankfully we haven't lost power. Tonight it is supposed to drop to -13 and then begin a warming trend. As high as 50 in the next ten days! We have several inches of snow on the ground. Haven't rustled up enough interest to go out and measure.

    Glad you will continue the sunrise pictures, Roy. We look forward to them every morning. 

    Last year we enjoyed the sun rising over the shores of Guatemala.




    Stay safe and healthy, everyone. Have a great day!


    Lori & George



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  10. Good morning and Happy Valentine's day to all of the Dailyites!

    Thanks as always to Rich and Roy and all who work to make this an enjoyable place to look forward to every morning.

    It's 3 degrees this morning and unfortunately that's the high for the day. Between now and Monday evening it's supposed to drop as low as -13 with wind chills in the -20 to -30 range. On the bright side they've dropped the snow forecast from 7 - 10 inches down to 3 -5. So there is that. 😝


    This greeted us in the Lido on the Oosterdam a year ago this morning...



    And in the spirit of bright and colorful (since we haven't seen much of that lately around here), a centerpiece we saw later that day as we visited Nicaragua...



    Wishing everyone a warm, bright, colorful, safe and healthy, and Happy Valentine's Day!


    Lori & George


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  11. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily and welcome back Roy!

    It is always sad to hear of ones being lost to this virus. Best wishes to those undergoing and facing surgery. And our congratulations to @DeeniEncinitas on an awesome milestone!

    We are in the single digits and under a wind chill warning. Not looking forward to it getting colder the next couple of days.


    In an attempt to distract from the cold outside, the sun was setting as we sailed from Costa Rica last year. It was much warmer 🙂



    Stay safe and healthy and know that sunnier days are coming.


    Lori & George



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  12. 5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

    Strange!  I'll swear I posted earlier this evening.  I got home just after 6 this evening.  They did a lot of tests but no treatment.  I have an appointment with the hospital cardiologist Thursday at 1PM to finalize a surgical plan for a defective valve, so I'm not really out of the woods yet.


    @TraceySD is my nephew's wife in San Diego.  She used to be quite active on Cruise Critic as TraceyP but apparently got separated from that account when she had children and stopped cruising.



    Welcome home!

    • Like 5
  13. 3 hours ago, VMax1700 said:

    Good afternoon everyone from a damp Ireland.

    I haven't posted much recently as we have been greatly taken up with DW's daily radiation sessions, which are now completed 👍  Her Radiology, Medical and Surgical Oncologists are happy that she is now cancer free and we are working on getting some weight back on her.  Thank you everyone for the support, prayers and thoughts you have sent our way over the past months.

    @rafinmd @richwmn you may now remove her from the 'Care List'.


    Having spent the last few hours reading the 'Daily' for the past few days, our thoughts are with those who are suffering and/or need care, to mention a few @rafinmd for a quick and complete recovery, @superoma following her lumpectomy (careful which arm you get your covid vax in!) and @ger_77 steady on girl!   Also anyone else who I have omitted.

    Stay safe everyone. 


    Thank you for sharing this news. It is always wonderful to see prayers upheld and fulfilled.

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  14. 9 minutes ago, kazu said:

    Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our morning smile 🙂  And thank you for taking care of Roy’s list so well.


    Happy Chinese New Year and birthday to Abe.  No searching for lost pennies here.  They don’t exist in Canada any more 😉 


    LOL on the quote.  Summer, that drink sounds yummy.

    I think we’ll pass on the meal suggestion for tonight as we had mushroom lasagna (with portobello mushroom) last night.  New recipe & pretty good.  DH who is not a fungus fan really enjoyed it.




    Speaking of DH, I caught him checking for growth with a magnifying glass over the chili seed container yesterday.  I told him it was too soon and he gleefully pointed to one coming up.  A Serrano, though - @bennybear not one of last years - it’s too soon for them if they do sprout.  I’ll be starting another batch today and crossing my fingers.


    Today Miko is being tested to see if he has learned to walk properly with someone who excites him a lot.  It will be interesting.  If he passes I won’t be breaking his treats in half 😉 




    Lots of us are facing ice and snow right now so I couldn’t resist this one when a friend of mine posted it on FB yesterday.




    Prayers for everyone on Rich’s Care list along with a special one for Roy & for those that need them and a toast to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


    Have a great TGIF everyone.  Stay safe and please don’t forget your masks 😷 

    Rich might start us with a daily smile, but you usually manage to elicit a chuckle. Thanks!




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  15. 12 minutes ago, KirkNC said:

     We are supposed to be heading to Ocracoke island today but it’s too windy for the ferry to run.

    Wow. I remember taking the ferry over to Ocracoke. Our family used to vacation on Hatteras every summer. That was back 50 years ago. My first time on the ocean. There weren't many people to trip over back then. Thanks for the memories.




    • Like 7
  16. Good morning. Thank you Rich, as always for the fleet report, the maps, and the conversation kickstart. And again, for stepping in for Roy.

    Our prayers for those with a need, and cheers for those with a cause.

    It's 7F here this morning, and we're waiting for the snow and colder temps to move in this weekend. Depending on which direction the weatherman is facing we're supposed to get from 5 to 10 inches of snow. Maybe. They seem most confident in 7 to 10. And temps to 10 below with wind chills from minus 20 to 40. Good weekend to hibernate with a pot of chili.


    Have a great day, everyone! Stay safe and healthy. And warm, where appropriate.


    Lori & George


    • Like 20
  17. One year ago we dipped into the bucket list and transited the Panama Canal.


    Gatun Locks





    Many thanks to the good people on CC who clued us into Panama Rolls.



    Gatun Lake






    We got the chance to see what it's like to be in the fishbowl...



    Panama City



    Lori & George



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