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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. @scubacruiserx2 Never thought I would make it back there but we are getting there by the Konigsdam RT San Diego in February 2025.
  2. Our day in Santarem, Volendam Grand South America. We went Piranha fishing which was more of a river boat ride than fishing. Still fun and plenty of shade on the double decker boat. They picked us right off the ship. Very easy.
  3. Good Thursday morning! I can celebrate technology day today because I am using my new Starlink mobile for my emails and CC today. It arrived on Tuesday evening and we got it set up yesterday. It is faster than our AT&T signal. We will be brining this to the cabin and it will provide our internet. No more sitting in the truck using the Onstar wifi like I did last year. I will have more than an hour to be on the internet. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Sandi and Rich. The soup sounds wonderful, I'll pass on the cocktail and the vino sounds great too. @superoma thanks for keeping our Care and Celebration lists for us. Prayers for all needing them and the people of Ukraine. I am happy to read that Tana can get a few steps with her walker. I was in Santarem on March 2. I will share photos from my phone. Nancy
  4. @sciencewonk I am sure we will repeat the GSA as it was the perfect length for the long winter getaway we need. When we rebook first thing I will ask our PCC to do is book me on that excursion. We missed a lot on that trip. I talked to several people that were doing it for second and third times. Thanks for your videos. Your flight to Torres del Paine reminds me of my first helicopter tour in Maui. We were going in and out of clouds and with the mountains so near it was rather scary.
  5. Good morning, I got up and cleaning up the house was in my plan so I match one of the Daily notables. It is beautiful outside but only 50 degrees but getting into the high 70s. Everything for prep for the cabin has stepped it up a bit because the couple we are hiring to open the cabin is going in this weekend in their UTV. If the road isn't flooded we should be good to leave next Tuesday. It is always nice to get up there before the mosquito hatch so we can get everything in the cabin free and clear. Sandi thank you for filling in for Rich while he enjoyed his world cruise. As long as he has been gone, they left FLL the same day we did for GSA, it would be too long for our life as it is right now. Thanks to @summer slope, @cat shepard and @dfish for today's edibles. I will take the wine but pass on the other two. Thanks @superoma for keeping out care and celebrations reports. Prayers for all on our care list and the people of Ukraine. Just a short break in the Bon Voyages. I was in Malaga in September 2018 on the Koningsdam. As usual if horse events were offered I did the HA shorex that took us to another small city to ride Andalusian horses and then a wonderful snack of beautiful tomatoes and bread.
  6. Good morning. A beautiful day today so I have weeding and spreading Preen to try to keep the weeds down while we are gone for the summer. An interesting bunch of days, definitely will pass on Moscato and lost socks are a perennial problem. Thanks for posting these for us Sandi. I look forward to the port photos. I will pass on the sweet potato and the herbal cocktail. @kazu Ivan is handsome dog! Prayers for all on our Care list and the people of Ukraine. I had the opportunity to taste Cristal on the Volendam. We had a great cellar Master, Fernando, and he pulled together a wonderful premium tasting. Only chance we would ever be able to try it. Have a nice Tuesday! Nancy
  7. Torres del Paine was sold out so quickly that I never had a chance. Thanks for sharing your photo. We have a very active Volendam 74 day group on FB but I don't think anyone was one of the few that got to visit. N
  8. @bennybear thanks for the Iris photos. They look like the old heirloom varieties, same with your CA ones @XBGuy! Thanks everyone for the Martinique photos. Nancy
  9. @scubacruiserx2 thanks for starting this thread. Great photos and great ideas for future cruises. Nancy
  10. Thanks for these lovely photos of Antarctica with some sunlight. We had about 3 minutes of sunlight in Antarctica on GSA. Between views like that, missing the Falklands and not being able to go to Torres del Paine I will definitely book GSA again as soon as it is offered after Christmas.
  11. Good Monday morning, a morning of errands here then rain. We got a bad report on the roads to our cabin so will delay until our neighbor goes in first on May 17. Hopefully we can stay later this year but it depends on what the Ravens schedule will be when released soon. We like to go to a game a year but we like September/ early October games. We had a beautiful afternoon yesterday and I got a lot done outside. Thanks for the Daily Reports Sandi and Rich. VE Day is definitely a day we need to recognize. Debbie's recipes today look almost Atkins friendly but will pass on the sweet drink but the SB looks wonderful. Prayers for all on our care list, the victims of the tragedies in TX and the people of Ukraine. We were supposed to go to Martinique in 2022 but for some reason it was pulled off our itinerary. I think it is on the books for next year so I look forward to photos. Have a nice Monday! Nancy In honor of Iris Day.
  12. Good morning, we had noisy thunderstorms all night long. It is supposed to clear up later today. Sandi and Rich thanks for the Daily Reports. Thank you @summer slope, @dfish and @cat shepard for researching these comestibles for us, some days more obscure than others. I will pass on all today, I will drink my bourbon minus butter. Prayers for all on our care list and now another mass shooting in Texas, when will this stop? Prayers for the people in Ukraine. @marshhawk Bon Voyage in spirit, I know you are going "dark" for your cruise but BV nonetheless. We are soon to begin our summer tourism season. As soon as we can get a clear report on the logging road to our cabin we plan on leaving May 15 or 16. Our neighbor always is in there by May 15 for the opening of Walleye season. I have some more yard work to do and our GC plant sale next Saturday. Have a great Sunday! Nancy
  13. We were on the Volendam for 81 days December to March and their Bourbon selection was pitiful. It was the well Jim Beam and Bulleit. No Jack D, couldn't be they couldn't procure it because it was for sale in the store. HA on the Pinnacle ships sets a benchmark for Bourbon and whiskies. If I hadn't caused a stink about Laphraoig I would have asked for more bourbon selections. Thankfully we were on a 7 day prior to the GSA so they would put the Laphraoig on board. Thanks @Crew News for updating on the latest in what is happening on HA.
  14. Good morning. Thankfully I woke up at 6 so I could see most of the coronation of King Charles. We wish him well. I went out to put the bird suet out and in the middle of the night some animal came and dug up plants that I had out behind the house and of course it was the fragile Oak seedlings that I was going to bring to the cabin. Our forest is almost 100% Maples and it is nice to have some Oaks near the house. They are present in the UP but not near our cabin. I hope they survive. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Rich and Sandi. The wine looks wonderful today and I have had it in the past but the meal and the cocktail are a pass. @superoma thank you for keeping our care and celebration lists for us each day. @smitty34877 I am happy that Tana is feeling better with the new medication. Prayers for everyone else on our list and the people of Ukraine. @cruising sister Bon Voyage! Today is Derby Day! I like three horses, Forte the favorite and Derma Sotogake and Mandarin Hero both from Japan. Some form of exotic bets I will use these three. Enjoy your Saturday and the Kentucky Derby! Nancy
  15. Good morning! It is a beautiful day here and we are going to have a nice run of sunny days. @cruzn single and @Vict0riann prayers that your surgeries go smoothly today. @mamaofami Great news on your cancer results. Prayers for Tana. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Sandi and Rich and thank you for all the research our three members do for our food and drinks each day. Today I will take a pass on all three. @superoma thank you for keeping our Cares and Celebrations reports for us each day! Prayers for all needing them and the people of Ukraine. We were in Rio February 18 and 19 this year. We did nothing but walk around the port area because HA offered nothing that I could do due to Carnival. I will have to switch over to my phone for my photos. Have a wonderful day! Nancy
  16. Happy Thursday! My garden club meeting at my house and a filling at the dentist ate up my day. It seems the smaller the garden club the longer the business meetings, so it was 2 and a quarter hours including my plant sale talk. Then my dentist was 30 minutes late due to a power outage in town the day before so squeezed in patients needing care. Prayers for everyone, @St Pete Cruiser so happy to hear you will be heading home and prayers for the people of Ukraine. I have to get to the grocery I didn't make it to the last 2 days then I have a wine dinner this afternoon. Have a great day! Nancy In honor of bird day. We have one Oriole, waiting for more and the Grosbeaks.
  17. @marshhawk safe travels and enjoy your cruise. @kazu beautiful flowers from your sister in memory of Jose's passing yesterday. Thinking of you at this time. Ivan looks cute and I am sure he will settle right in. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Sandi and Rich. I appreciate my siblings and it is nice to have them all nearby. Thank you for the Cares and Celebrations reports. Prayers for everyone needing them and the people of Ukraine. @ocean sounds how exciting to be heading to GB for the coronation festivities. Today's wine and cocktail look wonderful but will pass on the Tilapia. It is a miserable day here. 36 degrees, windy and rain. We are truly ready for spring. 🌷 Nancy
  18. Good Monday morning, thankfully it is rain here and not snow but at our cabin they are supposed to get at least a foot of snow. Baltimore Orioles have arrived and between them and my house finches my jelly feeder was empty this morning needing a fill. Suet cake was all gone too. I have some prep for the smaller garden club that I am a member for the meeting at my house on Wednesday. At least it won't be raining just cool. My grandmother had a children's clothing store and it was named the Mother Goose Shop. Looking forward to seeing Leis when we return to Hawaii in 2025, never thought that would happen again. Loyalty to our nation is extremely important and thanks for the detail on that @grapau27. I will pass on all the comestibles, the chicken sounds good but we don't have an air fryer. @superoma thanks for keeping our cares and celebrations lists updated for us each day. Prayers for all needing them and the people of Ukraine. Have a nice Monday! Nancy
  19. Grand South America 2023 Iberian Adventure 2018 Amsterdam to Civitavecchia Panama Canal 2017 San Diego to FL Photos - Ballestas Islands Pisco, Peru - Fjordo Glacier Chilean Fjords, Duoro and Eiffel Bridge Porto Portugal, Malaga, Spain, Gatun Lock Panama Corinto, Nicaragua
  20. Good morning! WE have beautiful sunshine to start our day but with more rain and cold weather. Wet snow predicted for May 1 here. I got a lot done outside yesterday before the rain and it was much warmer than they had predicted. I got all three holes dug for my Winterberries though one needs some touchup. @Mtn2Sea, @StLouisCruisers and @richwmn thank you for the photos of Eidfjord. A place I would love to go to. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports. I will be honest, I don't like jazz. I have a great hairdresser. I will pass on all three comestibles today but thanks for researching them for us. @JazzyV I hope your knees feel better and I am glad people came to help. @superoma Thank you for the Cares and Celebrations report. Prayers for all on our list, our group who are healing after surgery and for the people of Ukraine. @lobsternight Bon Voyage!!
  21. We were on the Volendam for 81 days in December through March and we picked the Lido for breakfast and lunch and MDR or specialty for dinners. Our first day trying the MDR for breakfast it was cold coffee and a 45 minute wait for breakfast. Usually we would avoid the Lido at all costs but on the Grand Voyage it was mainly people who cruised a lot. On the day they handed out 100 day medals they had to schedule 2 separate event because there was 400 some to be handed out. It seems that the people in the Lido weren't trying to cram in everything they could fit in and it was a relaxed experience. It was extremely rare that we had the crowds around the food serving areas except dessert specials and lobster lunch. Only at the end of the cruise did we have trouble finding a table. On other ships with HA and a different cruise experience group the Lido was bedlam and we avoided it like the plague. We probably would have dined there more in the evening but a major drawback in that if one enjoys wine with dinner and has a package it is near impossible to get wine delivered and opened at the table and we had to insist on glass glasses. Other than this cruise we rarely dine in the MDR or the Lido so my experience is probably more appropriate for super long cruises.
  22. Good Saturday morning, a later start for me because I stayed up until past 11:30 last night watching the draft. Another afternoon of it and it will be over. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports Sandi and Rich. Thank you everyone for the lovely photos of Istanbul. @dfish thank you for the Paella recipes. We had a Spanish head chef on the Volendam and Paella was featured in the Lido almost weekly, sometimes two different ones. John loved them. The wine is too pricy and the cocktail is again one that I would probably drink too quickly. @superoma thank you for keeping out Cares and Celebrations lists. Prayers for those who are healing from recent surgeries, those just not feeling well and the people of Ukraine, We have a beautiful morning so I am going to start digging the holes for my Winterberries as we have rain and cold coming for the next few days. Have a nice Saturday! Nancy
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