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Everything posted by ace2542

  1. How about answering mine then? Because if paper tests can be forged by just sitting infront of a computer for 20 minutes and those forged tests be accepted routinely then surely the only way forward is either scrap the tests as no check of authencity renders them meaningless? Or test at the pier as testing at the pier by staff is probably the only secure way?
  2. That doesn't answer my question of whether any paper printout is scanned or just looked at visually? Because if any paper printout is just looked at visually then it is not worth the paper it written on no pun intended? I could create a reasonable paper copy of any pdf test result sent to my email on Microsoft word with a bit of help from google images and I am not that good on computers. So far as I am aware though could be wrong the QR Code with the test result is damn near impossible to fake at least to a layman. If they scan the QR Code they knew the result is fake if they just read the paper copy they don't.
  3. But you can't change what is on the email can you? Not unless you sit at a computer and try and copy the printout on microsoft word.
  4. Yes and such testing can't be faked nor bribed to get a negative result. The test would be as accurate as your going to get. And also no refund should be given, you got ill tough turkey.
  5. So they don't check the QR codes on the test result printout or on the I Phone? A QR code which would be near impossible to fake wouldn't it.
  6. With I phones and wifi it would not be a problem although the carrier can bill for the flights arranged. Or simply throw them off the ship and leave them at the side of the pier and whatever happens happens.
  7. People also get deported from the third country as well?
  8. But can't you be thrown off at the first port of call after departure whether that is Canada or not?
  9. Isn't DUI a life ban from Canada something you cannot overcome? I have heard it was or used to be at least But as has been said just don't get off the ship and you will probably be fine.
  10. Would the QM2 test be acceptable with that extra day that you have?
  11. That will also give you the most accurate and up to date test for boarding the Island. And it looks to be very close to the cruise terminals.
  12. I suspect that advice is probably in error. All I know is we did Randox for our NCL Alaska in May had to test to enter country. Our flight number was recorded but so far as I am aware that was not transmitted to BA/AA as we had to show the printed document at the check in. If this info had been transmitted we wouldn't need to show it? Unless they are asking for printout to see if you attempt to fake the result? If you do test positive the best bet might to contact the Mayflower cruise terminal. They have a number on google. That would be a very quick call quicker than holding with Cunard. Or do you have the direct line for a Cunard agent?
  13. This could cause a lot of bother onboard. I can imagine people sitting in the chart room and the golden lion all day nursing 2 or 3 drinks all day so they don't have to wear a mask. What I like is being in them chairs in the atrium the big ones with my beer just watching people go by.
  14. Interesting you don't receive any digital copy. Did Cunard check in staff just look at the paper copy or did they scan it with something?
  15. It would be in uk a violation of GDPR regulations - the EU data protection laws - to provide information to a third party. Big big fines for doing that millions. Lloys or Randox testing or any testing agency won't do that.
  16. Everywhere in Southampton has strong wifi it is major city. I think it is 5g now?
  17. And I will offer the same objection handle to that. The quarantine procedures and also your test goes against QM2 numbers and also would a test at pier not give you greater piece of mind for that trip. You could be positive in the time after Cunard test. And your period between test and boarding emerald is longer.And are the tests not free at the pier?
  18. There apparently the 2 variants of Omicron going around you .4.and .5 so it is by no means certain you can't get both one after the other. I don't know if you can or you can't? But if you did test positive again Cunard quarantine would kick in at that point. Also what is to say you don't get it in the two days after the Cunard test before the end. Also your positive test result would be part of the onboard number for QM2. At the terminal your test is not record as any onboard number against any cruise line to my knowledge.
  19. If the worst comes to the worst a good move might be to ring the cruise teminal in Southampton directly and ask to speak to one of the check in staff directly? Might be quicker than holding for Cunard for an hour?
  20. Sadly for both of us as has been commented on and lamented upon on here Cunard does not have a web chat service. But it will be an easy phone call for the OP either to Cunard office or the Mayflower terminal direct if it comes to that.
  21. If you test postiive I suppose you contact Cunard by phone and inform them of the positive test and start the process that way and also contact your insurance. I don't know what would happen if you decided to go to nyc on the cunard flight - I presume it is the cunard flight - and return home at your own expense as a negative is not required to enter. That might be an option if you wanted to do that. We are in a different boat we test in USA and I am not sure what happens if we test postive. With regards to cunard being informed with our technical limitations of phones and the like and hotels and it being it might be a case of rocking up at the terminal and informing them in person and taking it from there.
  22. Could you not test at the Southampton princess check in terminal? After fwiw a positive results would cause the Cunard quarantine procedures to kick in. And would testing at the terminal the most accurate results you could get as well?
  23. It is good that you have posted this I will expand it if I may. I take it from your post that you board the same day or 1 day after you land?. But what would happen if you rocked up at the cruise terminal and explained to the Cunard check in staff that are you positive and bring in the cancel procedure that way?. Would you be detained to quarantine? What would happen?
  24. What do you mean fit to fly test? What does that mean? You don't need a test to enter the USA so far as I am aware?
  25. Number 1 unlikely to do anything unless the T/A brings in this complaint on mass. Number 2 would get the email address of one of the RCL main directors though who might respond or do something.
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