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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. As you all know today was my first day back to work since Thursday. Overall, it went well. I was very busy all day. I found it very difficult to wear a mask while congested so I stayed in my office most of the day with no mask on. I only put it on when I left my office to go to shared areas or the bathroom. I hope to be caught up on my work by end of tomorrow. If everyone leaves me alone like they did today. No nap was needed but I will definitely go to bed early tonight.
  2. Welcome home! Sounds like you had a good trip. Congratulations on breaking even😃 Did you eat anywhere particular yummy? Did you have a stroll on the boardwalk? Do tell or does the "story" have to stay in AC like Vegas? Is Leonard happy you are home? No, I do not have 21 questions - LOL!
  3. Woke up to 29f with frost on my car. Thankful for auto start to defrost. Getting ready for work. Wish me luck, expect it will be a busy day.
  4. I'm with you. I prefer a Warm kitty and snuggly comforter. At least it didn't come on all day, next couple of nights temps to drop below 32f, but still not ready for this to happen😔
  5. Yes, Eric has been wonderful. Today was my first day hanging out in family room. Yes, I am still very congested and coughing. I'm going to try my best to work all day tomorrow but don't want to push it either.
  6. Today is much better, still congested, I can occasionally breathe thru my nose. I was on the phone with my SIL and started to lose my voice. No sore throat so don't know why that was happening. Just watched ambulance take one of my elderly neighbors away. He has had a lot of medical issues this year and his Wife told one of the other neighbors he is just too much for her to care for. Sad to hear that.
  7. Such a moving story and beautiful tribute to everyone's loved ones. Happy Anniversary Greg and Linda💐❤
  8. I wasn't too happy that Eric put on heat last night for the first time. I set up humidifier with new filter for the bedroom tonight.
  9. I have a very faint positive too. Yes, the simplest chores tire me out. I'm sure my in bin at work will be full so I plan on staying in my office and work on the computer all day tomorrow with lots of caffeine.
  10. I have been experiencing life as a cat with frequent catnaps everyday. Today I'm trying to avoid napping so I can sleep tonight and go to work tomorrow. Hasn't been easy as Sparky keeps jumping on my lap begging for some snuggle time. Sat outside on patio for a bit, chilly, breezy 54f but warm sun felt good. Going to go take a covid test. So far Eric remains fine, fingers crossed he stays ok.
  11. There is also a small elevator near the computer room/library for those they cannot use the steps in 270.
  12. I look forward to cruising with you, virtually. I love your style of writing. You did a fabulous review earlier this year. Glad you are back😃 Sorry to hear your Step Father has covid. Hope it's a mild case and he feels better soon. Never easy leaving the fur babies.
  13. I frequently move my chair but never to the point that I am blocking a walkway. I am usually moving it to get away from people and put my chair in a more private area. Yes, some people are unaware of their surroundings, some have no idea there is an exercise track, some people just don't care and some are clueless.
  14. The business owner is doing everything he can to keep his business operating while still giving clients the services they pay for and expect. Not every business can work from home. We all expected more positive cases, just hope there aren't anymore. And hope everyone remains mild.
  15. That is so very nice that you and Linda are taking her under your wings. I'm sure she will have a blast and be so happy she met such a nice couple to enjoy her cruise with.🥰
  16. Boss had cleaners come in this weekend to do a deep clean of the building. Around 7 am I heard from 2 of my associates in my accounting dept. and they both tested positive and heard that 1 other girl in another dept. tested positive this weekend too. So far we are 8 out of 20 that work in the office. I have no idea about the others that work in other departments yet. 2 of the guys had covid a couple of weeks ago so I guess they will be running things We have an older woman that just finished chemo treatments last week. She wanted to come back to work today. She has been out for the last 3 months battling cancer. Boss told her to stay home until things calm down in the office. He also said we will be back to full masks at all times and if he finds anyone not wearing their mask they will be sent home with no pay. ' Everyone please stay safe. Seems like the fall wave is upon us. I have heard from several people that either they have covid or their family or friends have covid. Even though I feel much better than Thursday night and Friday I am still battling congestion and fatigue.
  17. That is a very high fever. I hope she is getting medical attention since she has trouble breathing too. I hope she feels better soon. My SIL who is a charge nurse and has worked in ICU's with covid patients has avoided getting covid. This is my first round with it and thankful it is a mild one.
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