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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. Sounds like a wonderful day😍 happy you were able to get out and socialize with all your family and good friends.
  2. Or buy inflatable pool noodles. A 4 pack on Amazon is $14. We also bought a portable air pump on Amazon that has usb charger. Worked great.
  3. Greg your dinner party sounds wonderful. πŸ˜€ Thank you for the recipes. I am definitely going to try the bacon wrapped asparagus
  4. Not sure about Canada but in the US we have vaccine cards a little bigger than a drivers license that list date and mfg name and lot number for covid shots, initial and boosters are added as we get.
  5. Do they still have the person with megaphone calling out check in times? This was done earlier this year for a couple of our cruises. We didn't have to stand in line outside since we arrived at the time our check in was being called to enter.
  6. @lenquixote66Happy 79th Birthday!!! πŸ’πŸ˜ I hope you have a wonderful celebration with family and friends. Enjoy and stay cool. It's a hot one
  7. If using casino discount they are probably using casino rack rate which is always different than what you see on royals website. Casino rate is usually cheaper so I'm surprised to hear this. I would ask while onboard your next sailing.
  8. I'm sorry to hear she is dealing with this issue. Hopefully you won't need to go to medical ctr but they should be able to help her. I'm not familiar with chrohns disease but would increasing her salt intake help her retain fluids? Maybe smart water or other beverages such as pedialyte help with electrolytes?
  9. Got the popcorn🍿 Ready for some ghost storiesπŸ™ƒ
  10. I have seen the pills for free right outside the medical center on Anthem.
  11. Eggs Benedict is always top of my list, with bacon and homefries. #2 omelet with spinach, tomato, mushroom and Swiss cheese #3 chocolate chip pancakes #4 toasted everything bagel with smoked salmon, cream cheese and capers.
  12. Here is the song https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-boostdish-us-revc&source=android-browser&q=song+put+one+foot+in+front+of+the+other
  13. Maybe a Cubanelle pepper? They are mild and grow 5 to 7 inches. Please ask DH to find out when he goes to back I am really curious now πŸ˜€
  14. When looking at earlier photo I thought it was hotel. Lot is a lot of individual shops and would probably take a couple of days if you were to visit all of them.
  15. Maybe they are pepperoncini which is an italian pepper and typically 2 to 3 inches long, like a banana pepper. Whichever they are I am sure they will go good with your sausage. Enjoy.
  16. I saw that and thought that sounds disgusting. I love oyster and I love omelets but not together. I do love eggs benedict with jumbo lump crab or over a crabcake for breakfast/brunch.
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