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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. I feel as though I have missed a lot on here this past week. I have been in and out and mostly lurking as time permits. @dani negreanu Happy to hear that you are safe and sound. You were in my thoughts and prayers the last couple of days and will continue to be πŸ™ I am not caught up for today on this thread but I was sure when I was on earlier we were still under the original name. When did the name of the thread change? Happy we are still under the RCL page and not somewhere else. We had a very busy weekend. I went to my neighbors 90th Surprise birthday party at her grandson's house. Boy was she surprised. She was in tears. So cute! She looks amazing and gets around beautifully. Then Sunday I spent several hours in the garden and kitchen. Made 6 or 7 gallon bags full of sauce from our Amish paste tomatoes. Put them in the freezer in the garage to be used during the winter months. Made some grilled and fried eggplant, squash and zucchini (also stored some in freezer using our FoodSaver vacuum sealer). Dried out and grinded some fresh herbs (rosemary, dill, thyme, basil, oregano and parsley) that I will store and use for winter too. And of course, Catnip Eric's Brother came over for dinner on the BBQ so I ran out and picked up some filet mignon and sea scallops. Delicious! @Ozark_Kid How is your garden? What happened with your cucumbers? Mine have slowed down probably because of the heat wave but I still have lots of yellow flowers. My bell peppers are not doing much this year I have heard others complaining about their peppers too. I wonder why? @Ocean Boy Have you tried giving Jade catnip yet? @DaniDanielle Has your Daughter decided to cruise with the family yet? I sure hope she decides to go. I think it would be good for everybody. @Luckynana Has the contractor completed the stone work on the front of your home? My neighbors that had the kitchen fire at Christmas time were told they can start moving in this coming weekend. The house looks gorgeous as they did some upgrades in addition to what the homeowner's insurance was covering. Just the backyard looks like a disaster an no one was maintaining weeds and shrubs, but in time they will get it cleaned up. It will be nice to have them back as neighbors again.
  2. Yes, there have been some reports of upgrades being done after you boarded. Some people on other threads were told not to unpack before dinner, just in case they were upgraded. If that happens I'm sure someone could help carry your luggage to new cabin. We love Anthem. Have a great cruise.
  3. I know Wonderland has a bar you can go to get a drink without eating there.
  4. It varies depending on what you play. Slots tend to get points quicker than tables due to tables are manually counted. Let's say you play $800 in slots but do the lose/win battle for a couple hours you could end up prime in one night. Most times it takes me about $1000 to $1500 to become prime. Gets me free cruise offers almost every Monday, free drinks from casino bar and 30% off internet.
  5. Are you asking about the resort in Nassau? If so, yes you have to buy a daily pass to use their pool/lounge facilities.
  6. Safe travels and have a wonderful cruise. Kinda wish we hadn't cancelled this one since we had a suite at a sweet priceπŸ˜ƒ Guess it worked out for the best since I started a new job last week and already told them of 3 booked cruises plus vacation at our shore house after summer/september tenants are done.
  7. Part of me wishes we hadn't cancelled this cruise. Look forward to hearing about your trip and Happy Birthday early in case you have crappy wifi.πŸ˜ƒπŸΎ
  8. Eric just got his 2nd booster of pfizer to help protect him for our cruise on 8.28 since he is immuno compromised. The other arm he got his 2nd dose of shingles vaccine. He felt crappy for 2 days. I said that wasn't a good idea to get both at same time but his choice. I plan on waiting until October when the new batch is released.
  9. I have known several people that have mixed pfizer and moderna. At one point I recall reading mixing might be better for you. Personally, we have boosted with same as our original doses, Pfizer.
  10. They dropped the prime points last year but put it back to 2500 points needed to remain prime for this coming casino year. Casino year runs thru april 1st thru march 31st.
  11. WooHoo! Let the fun begin! Hope you have an awesome cruise. We look forward to your photos. Will you be doing a live review? Which ship?
  12. For prime members it is 30% off (unless they changed in last couple of weeks). If diamond use your free 24 hrs for day one, then purchase at onboard price, go to voom desk and they can then apply the 30% casino discount. Doing this way is usually cheaper buying 6 days vs. buying 7 days at cruise planner price.
  13. Can only earn points onboard a ship with royal. Book a short weekend cruise. If sailing out of NJ, maybe do Bermuda or short 4 or 5 night sailing to canada
  14. Thank you for sharing! Sunflowers and Daisies are my favorites. I always like to mix up our sunflowers too but his year Eric picked out a couple different kinds and I feel he planted them too early since they are all done now. I usually scatter mine out so I always have some blooming during summer months. Ours were all done a couple weeks ago 😐
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