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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. I do feel it is an upsell especially since they said after they do the deep clean they will speak with me about their teeth whitening process. I will call them Monday and see what they say about my dental insurance and my out of pocket and decide from there.
  2. Good point. I was told they would check if my insurance would cover and I never heard back if it would. I will definitely call them Monday and ask what they found out.
  3. Was it painful? Would you do again? I'm unsure whether I want to keep my appointments or is this all an upsell for the new guy just starting out?
  4. I am looking for some advice. My Dentist that I went to for many years retired last year and the guy that bought his practice is nice but also seems to be focused on selling extras. I do not have any issues with my teeth or gums. In fact I have never had a cavity and the previous Dentist prior to retiring told me to just keep up with what I am doing as I have great teeth. The new Dentist scheduled me this Tuesday for a deep clean (as preventive maintenance) which I understand can be rather invasive of gums. They set up two (2) separate appointments 2 weeks apart so he can do one side of the mouth then other side so I won't have discomfort from doing the whole mouth at once. I am a bit nervous about doing this deep clean. Has anyone ever had one?
  5. Honesty is always the best policy. They were probably searching all over the ship for more cords and finally someone found one. Maybe they unplugged a speaker๐Ÿ˜‡
  6. You can only use one trade-in per person per booking.
  7. They have been in every cabin on every sailing we have done on Anthem out of NJ. Enjoy!
  8. We all watched the confusion during Covid and how all the rules were constantly changing with Royal (and others). IMO, I would hold off making your final decision until last possible day and maybe by then they will have min-segments ready to put on the market.
  9. Questions for the OP @MVP2024 Most importantly, I hope your husband had a successful surgery after your return to Tampa and that his recovery goes well. 1. Did onboard medical advise that DH would be sent to a land based hospital/medical center before you arrived in Cozumel? 2. Did ship Dr. show you the x-rays and review the severity of the break or say additional medical care would needed? If yes, this would have given you the time to pack your belongings yourself. 3. You say you were stuck in Cozumel for 3 days. Was he in the hospital for those 3 days or were you both sitting in a hotel room trying to figure out how to get back to Tampa? 4. Why did he need an air ambulance? Was the break too severe to fly commercially (first class for more leg room) back to Tampa?
  10. Maybe at stop at the Loyalty Ambassador's desk or the Diamond Concierge can assist. Sorry to hear you are having troubles. Hopefully it gets resolved soon and you enjoy a stree free cruise.
  11. Wow 1200 ml is alot, good thing you went to the ER. Sorry to hear you are having these difficulties. Please stay well hydrated. You want to keep #2 working too.
  12. Same here. At least we only had about 4 inches today but tired of shoveling. All mailboxes will be safe today! I'm staying home today and doing some cleaning and going to make a pot of meatballs and sausage with the last of my sauce from last summer's tomatoes.
  13. Strongly agree. Lots of meaningless posts that I skip over too. I really wish John was able to do a review on CC of the WC ๐Ÿ˜” He is truly missed, especially for this adventure.
  14. Sorry to hear of Charlie's Sister passing. May she RIP๐Ÿ™ Prayers for your Friend too. And big hug for you and Charlie ((((((โค๏ธ))))))
  15. More white stuff coming tonight. One local station says 3 to 5 inches but a site online says 5 to 8 inches. At least I have off tomorrow. Mailbox update...I left an apology note with my contact info Wednesday morning and have not heard from them, yet.
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