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Everything posted by CarlaMarie

  1. This is what it states on the P4C website - "There's no need to worry about your car while you're away. Our secure parking facility is monitored with CCTV, and also features steel entry barriers to prevent any unauthorised access, as well as security lighting and perimeter fencing. Our car park is under 3 miles from all cruise terminals, so we won't be added on hundreds of miles to your odometer. Unlike some other cruise parking companies, we don't park your car on the street, in public car parks, or ANYWHERE other than our secure car park - so you can be sure that your pride and joy is left in good hands".
  2. I agree. Our family normally use CPS, but used P4C this year for the first time as CPS had no availability. They are parked incredibly close to one another, and from that photo it doesn't look very secure. Naively I would have thought they would be parked in their own parking spaces.
  3. Although technically she was safe to sail, she had two damaged lifeboats which means they had to reduce the passenger numbers accordingly to meet the quota that the remaining lifeboats could carry. I hope your friends have a wonderful time!
  4. Thank you for sharing @Cloudyrain I hope you and your son have a wonderful time!
  5. This air traffic control fault certainly hasn't helped P&O, and I expect they never imagined they would have to put the passengers in hotels for a few days before flights resume. It must have been difficult for them to source rooms for everyone affected. However you would have at least expected the standard of the hotel or hotels to have been vetted before sending the passengers there.
  6. I agree, unfortunately these things do happen and it is not the ships fault. You can only plan for so much. Freak weather is unpredictable. Although we don't hear of lines snapping often, it does happen and can happen to any ship.
  7. That sounds very fair to me. I would hope most passengers would understand and be accepting of the offer and arrangements. I do wonder though if the more regular cruiser would be more understanding than say the newer cruisers. Safe sailing everyone!
  8. You have to feel for the reception team. I can imagine they will have alot of passengers visiting them after receiving their letters.
  9. You would hope that is the most logical way of asking, as it should make sense to passengers (again you would hope!). I did wonder if this was going to happen when molecrochip said a team was on it's way to assist.
  10. Does anyone know how they decide who will fly home? I'm assuming it is to do with cabins of the muster station which the two damaged lifeboats are assigned to?
  11. @Angel57 Yes you would think that, but it isn't always the case. The sea and winds can be incredibly powerful, and they do affect ships differently. Even on a seemingly calmer day it can all be very deceptive. I live at a port and the sights we have seen have been a real eye opener over the years. We had a very large tanker in the harbour at anchor one weekend, suddenly a cross wind picked up mid afternoon and it dragged the tanker on anchor towards the breakwater. They had to get the 4 tugs out and hold it in position all night. Similar happened to Azura when she was here at the very start of lockdown, she dragged on anchor and it was safer for her to go back out to Sea.
  12. Pleased you are back onboard. Hope you enjoy the rest of your cruise!
  13. According to Marine Traffic she is underway and has two tugs helping her.
  14. I am pleased you are all safe and in the dry.
  15. Thank you for the updates. That's good they are moving you to a more suitable termianl. Hope you get some more information and can get back onboard safely soon.
  16. I have been reading very similar over on the Celebrity threads. Prices have increased, services cut and with many other changes (repeat itineraries for one) the regular loyal cruisers have held off buying their future cruise credits and booking cruises early to see if prices may drop. Many have even booked with other lines. P&O maybe seeing a similar trend, especially as Aurora and Arcadia would be the two who would normally attract the loyal P&O cruiser.
  17. That's not good that you have been told that @Megabear2. We know that many passengers book the retreat before sailing. I just read on the Arvia retreat pricing thread a passenger has been able to book the retreat for their 2 week Britannia cruise in December!!
  18. Lovely photos @Selbourne and I hope you have a wonderful day in port. Your dinner at Sindhu looked great. It really does amaze me how much the food varies across the fleet. I am sorry to hear the lift issues continue for you. Unfortunately there are many inconsiderate people in life now who lack manners and have an attitude of they can do what ever they like and when, and they will! It does seem more prevalent on the cruise ships nowadays, you can see that with how many ignore rules over simple things such as smoking, allowing their children in adult pools, and not adhering to dress codes.
  19. What on Earth is going on?! There are far too many inconsistencies and this is the most frustrating thing for passengers. I hope you get some answers soon. Like I've said before, there were inconsistencies onboard that my parents found - advertising that the Glass House would allow walks ins, yet they weren't allowing them; and advertising that you could book a table for later on in the cruise, but again they were not allowing that either.
  20. The select dining venues on Britannia in May that could be booked prior to sailing were Epicurean and Sindhu, but the Glass House and Beach House were "enquire onboard". Can you not book any at all before sailing now?
  21. Even when I was much younger, I have always preferred the traditional style of a cruise ship. I remember going onboard Adonia and being blown away by all of the traditional wood, decor and the colours used throughout. Now in my mid 30s, that hasn't changed. The ultra modern, shopping mall/conference hotel look doesn't appeal to me at all. I don't find it warm and inviting. Hope you have a wonderful time and thankyou for sharing your cruise with us @Seabourne. I also hope the lift situation improves for you.
  22. Welcome home Damian and family! So pleased you have had a wonderful time and once again thank you for sharing it with us!
  23. That is great that you would cruise again, even with a different line. The Royal Caribbean ships from what I have heard and seen are definitely more designed for the family market, with more for children to do, experience and to keep them entertained.
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