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Everything posted by Woofa

  1. Well, if your asking about children then we have to let you know O is not the best choice for most families. They do have some Alaskan itineraries in the summer but for the most part, there are no children activities on board. Check with your TA about prices after the second in cabin.
  2. @bubbaed Just to clarify. I believe the answer is that you cannot get cruise only fair when booking online. If you have a TA have them book it for you. If not call Oceania to book and that should drop the extra $300. Sorry this gets confusing. Of course I have not booked online, only through our TA and was also not aware of this issue. Was wondering why I could not make it work either.🐵
  3. I am not sure if I understand your question. As far as I know once a categorie sells out it is listed as waitlisted. But of course people do cancel and some cabins open up. This is especially true right before final payment is due. My understanding is you can ask you TA or Oceania to put you on the list or you can be put on the list and pay the deposit. I understand the latter will make it more likely to get a cabin. As to pricing, O has some complex pricing for some but it is the same whether you get a cabin available or waitlist. Always comparing cruise only fare is a good way to get a quick number. Perhaps someone with more experience will chime in.
  4. Our experience on Riviera in January, in the Caribbean was that decks 12 and 14 are filled with chaises but maybe half are in direct sun ( as are all in the Spa). It seemed pretty clear that many on that cruise barely, if ever got off the boat. Sea day or port day, it was very difficult to get two chaises together in the shade after noon and often not easy to get a single. Never had an issue if you were willing to sit in the sun and go up to 14. Now, this also had issues with the "chair hogs." Plenty of threads here on that topic and suffice it to say that most other lines with small ships run into this issue. I have no intent to rehash the discussion other than to say O has a policy in place and if you feel people are abusing it, let someone with O know. Fortunately we had an extended balcony which my wife preferred anyway and I played bridge in the afternoon on sea days so we did not feel it was a major issue for us. Vista looks similar enough.
  5. We are not drinkers but I am not so sure if I am reading this correctly. Even if you have the maximum drink package I don't believe you are allowed to take a glass of wine from your room from a bottle you brought on board to a dining venue. This would seem to circumvent the $25 corkage fee price which you still pay even if you have the maximum beverage package. Of course apologies if I have this incorrect. As basically non drinkers we are thrilled about all of the options O has to allow us to keep our price down but it sure can get a little complicated. Maybe easier soon when basic beer and wine at meals will be included.
  6. Try hitting the underlined "review" from the initial post then scrolling down. There should be numerous page options.
  7. Thank you. Fyi, when we met for bridge on sea days we met in polo as opposed to the card room anyway.
  8. I really like the bakery idea near Baristas. They had nice snacks in the small area but this looks like a nice expansion. I assume this takes away the card/game room across from polo? Has that now been combined with the library?
  9. Just to clarify. As far as I know everyone can access the Spa area for free including showers, heated chairs, sauna. Access to the terrace area, at least on Riviera was a $25 fee per day if you were not in at least a concierge cabin. Concierge and above have free access and this area includes (on Riviera,) chaise lounges (no shade) and the T pool. We were in a B3 and toured the spa area the first day. We did not end up returning but it was very nice and may well be worth the daily fee or moving up to a concierge if you like/need the T pool. Or if you don't mind sitting out in the sun.
  10. Thank you for letting us know. So sorry your food was not up to expectations. If you have not already, please let your TA and Oceania know. I hope your future cruises, regardless of line are better. For those future cruisers reading this, never accept the kind of food being described. While good food is not the only thing one gets while cruising O, it is certainly a big one and if the food is as described above please immediately let someone know. No excuse for these kind of issues but if there is a problem, someone in charge needs to know to help fix it. Not making excuses but I have sent back overcooked steaks in high level steak houses more than once. These things do happen but for the premium I am paying they need to get me at least close to what I order. Now, as @pinotlover said above, we also felt the basic steak on our January Riviera cruise was nothing special. We did have superior steaks in Polo but for example the terrace grill was such I started ordering other options. (Lamb, shrimp, etc. was much better.) This was not something we felt the need to complain about as it was not cooked poorly, we just felt this was not up to the other food standards and ordered accordingly. Again polo was better and the MDR beef Wellington also very good. Lamb was good everywhere we tried it.
  11. Most of us here feel that since O treats us like adults and gives us options not found on many other lines, everyone is expected to follow the rules and not try to take advantage in an effort to get just a little more. The concern of course is that if enough people cheat, O will notice and if they believe enough money is being lost, they will close up the loopholes. As these can be real money savers for some. (If you choose to drink only in your cabin and bring on the liquor you want/need you can save alot.). Do people on O "cheat?". I have no doubts some do. Seems a little absurd to me when someone is spending quite a bit already but I am sure it happens. Those of us who are regulars on this board ask everyone, please follow the very reasonable rules so as not to ruin it for everyone. enjoy your cruise. Fyi, while we did not get a drink package, it is my understanding that you have to show your card for each drink to be rung up. So, they should know if one person is using another's card.
  12. As far as I have read. Oceania ships have one ATM, it is in the casino and only pays out dollars. It is my impression that the desk can convert to other currencies although I do not know the types, the limit or the exchange rate (varies by day?). Someone may chime in who has experience with this or ask your TA to find out.
  13. While most on these boards would agree that we would like to see Oceania advertising become more transparent (and new information suggests that management is working on this,) a few quick points. 1. While the upper suites are a small percentage of cabins, they do allow more than one free user; 2. We felt it was quite clear On the Oceania website that free WiFi access is limited to one per stateroomat a time which as far as we could see is still pretty much on par for premium lines which are not specifically geared to a younger, tech or connected generation; 3. While Star link is now on the new Vista and being rolled out on the other ships, it has been quite clear, as evidenced by many threads on these forums that if Internet Access was important to you, you have probably not been a Oceania fan thus far. Usually of course the concern was usage and streaming more than number of longing but I am sure that as well. We believe this is improving but from what I have read even Vista will limit logins to one per cabin for free in most staterooms.
  14. Fyi, there is a news article about the food on Vista in the news section here on CC. Not very in depth but worth a look.
  15. A quick look at the vista PH layout seems to indicate a space directly across from the restroom large enough to have a walk in closet but not enclosed so an open space with two closets to the right and left. I am sure more pics are coming but The exact same space in Riviera/Marina is enclosed as a walk in closet.
  16. I am sure someone from Vista will chime in but while we wait. Here is the price list from our January Riviera cruise.
  17. Just an fyi for those who have not cruised O previously. When we were going ashore when docked we pretty much just walked down to 4 and walked off. Currents will show you the basics each day. Tendering on the other hand was not nearly as quick. Luckily it was only one port and we were not in any real rush. Seas not like glass made it more difficult but everyone got there eventually.
  18. Yes, a plastic but solid, not going to easily rip off but as others have said we did not put ours on until we got to Miami. Howdy neighbor. Here to help in any way I can.
  19. We got four each. Kept for souvenirs.
  20. From those pics it looks like Embers has table cloths. Mock up pics we saw previously it looked like bare tables. A little nicer in my opinion. And I believe I recognize the guy from Barristas. On our Riviera cruise in January I think k he was in Baristas and we also had him as a bus boy (maybe) in Toscana. Don't remember his name but if he is the same, really good guy. Americano's in Barristas at least once a day, one of my favorite spots or enjoy it sitting in the library. Edit, actually both guys were on our cruise, my wife just confirmed.
  21. Congratulations and have a great cruise. Enjoy yourselves and enjoy that beautiful new ship. When you get done I have no doubt that many of us are interested in the Embers and Aquamar dining experiences. No rush to post while on your cruise. Enjoy.
  22. Agreed. I do think that we are in the midst of a unique time coming off of covid. From our experience people are not running up huge amounts of OBC by taking the onboard certificate for a future cruise. A few hundred more certainly but not thousands. We took the onboard future cruise certificate, within a month or six weeks we had signed up for another cruise in 2024 and had it all transferred and done with our TA. Easy, O holds a minimum of our money until final payment and we got some OBC which we had none on our first cruise so we may splurge and do a la reserve or something similar. And lets all remember that we, at least, assume and hope that in the future there will not be any more major sales like the one that has gotten such great deals for many on these threads. Not that we don't want to get great fares but we do want the O product to remain strong and for them to basically fill all their ships all the time. I don't think anything overly negative about this sale at this time but if there is another one next year, and the year after, I think it would then be time to be concerned. Finally, lets remember that cost is not the single biggest factor for all O cruisers. In fact I would guess for many it is of some importance but only within reason compared to itinerary, food quality, etc. But once again, as I always try and say, what works for one does not have to work for all. These threads are great to point out options for people like me who came here looking for knowledge. However, everyone needs to understand, regardless of what side they fall on any particular issue, that those who disagree are not wrong, only of a differing view. Except of course when it comes to taking the olife OBC, that's just plain wrong. Kidding, do what makes you happy.
  23. From the daily currents on our 10 day Riviera cruise in January. Apologies these did not come out in order. Generally discounts went up as the cruise went on.
  24. When we were on Riviera in January it has shops selling, jewelry, purses, watches, some clothing and a few specialty items like chocolate. Many days they had sales outside of the store for purses and jewelry. I believe I may have read that they were expanding the purse sales? Don't quote me on that. Of course with the Dom dinner and some nice spa hours the credit can go fast.
  25. From the pics we have seen terrace still there but outside is now covered.
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