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Everything posted by TayanaLorna

  1. Gosh I wish! But no. On one cruise we were trying to watch the Star Theatre show on the room TV. We had the volume maybe half way up. Got a knock on the door from a ship officer telling us the room next door complained that our TV was too loud. We have blue tooth headphones too.
  2. They are more like opera glasses. To really see, find and follow something like a bird, you need better ones. To spy into your neighbors cabin around the veranda petition, they are fine. Just kidding.
  3. For all the English teachers. Guess I can just go crazy now...start talking about the benefits of eating in the Main DINING Room...ask WHETHER YOU'RE going to be on my cruise...will you be wearing YOUR fancy clothes...find out what time YOU WILL be THERE...and if THEY'RE bringing friends... And then there is the matter of all those "...". Did I win? More fun then playing Wordle here.
  4. I recall that a Viking world cruise that went to Manaus reported that the laundry was supposed to be closed after French Guiana but indeed reopened a few days later. Perhaps back then they docked rather then anchored and were able to take on water in Manaus. They did not say which day it reopened.
  5. RBachmann, since you are closely following posts (thank you) i have another question. You mentioned the laundry was closed by the end of French Guiana day. I am wondering if it ever opened again for the duration of your cruise. We have the 3 days with active Viking excursions and another 6 days afterwards of hot, humid sweaty clothing weather.
  6. Obrigado for this addtional information. I am definately anticipating a challenge as i must hold on to a railing up or down and a cannot take a big step down unless i do like on a ladder - backwards. At least i know to wear appropriate footwear. I also cannot manage a carry on only. But i can go with the flow without complaining.
  7. Hi again, Have you joined our Feb 19 roll call? Don't recall your name on it. I would think that getting to the ship from the airport or a hotel would be easier - maybe not. I also hope that Viking worked out the kinks in getting folks from the ship to the airport for our cruise. The luggage handling for those of us doing our own transfers or post cruise activity will probably be the same. Hope to meet on the ship. Lorna & Ray
  8. Hi Wander58. We are on your cruise and pretty active on our Roll Call. I closely followed the Roll Call of the January 6 first cruise and there is some good info there. Disembarkation by both people having Viking transfer and independent travel was extensively discussed. The Roll Call of the current sailing has been practically non existent.
  9. I saw numerous promos for the 2023 sailings of this cruise as well as most of the Panama Canal ones. They started in May and went into the Fall.
  10. Ha ha, I guess in retirement we want to micro manage and plan our days.
  11. That's an interesting option. We are staying an extra two nights in Manaus to catch the Saturday and Wednesday only non stop flight from Manaus to Miami. Total itinerary is less then 11 hours with Miami layover. Heck of a lot better then the 24-32 hour itineraries with 3 flights through Brasilia, Sao Paulo or Rio. That would do me in.
  12. I am curious as to what @FlyerTalkerthinks. I was hoping that our codeshare AA/GOL from Manaus to Miami and then AA to San Juan would be a thru check. The flights are on 1 ticket. However those who have gone before reported that in Miami after collecting luggage and clearing customs there was no where to drop their bags for AA flight. They had to go to the departure hall where all the people just arriving for their flights go, drop off their bags and then proceed through security to their connecting gate. It could be that it's an international arrival to a domestic gate and that GOL customs and AA customs are in different terminals. When we have arrived international on AA in Miami there has always been an AA desk right after customs and then security right after that.
  13. The space between the bed and closet is tight. The other side of the bed has the 2 chairs with the coffee table in front of it and that is a tight space. If you push the coffee table out, then you won't be able to pull out the desk chair. The coffee table can always be moved into the corner separating the 2 chairs kind of into an L shape. That would open the space up. A Penthouse Veranda would work much better. The alcohol in the PV fridge is replaced once a day and you can request the kind you want. It's 4 little airline size bottles and 2 beers I recall plus the sodas.
  14. In 2020 the Super Bowl game was live on the Jupiter in SA.
  15. On our Viking pre we received final details about hotel and included excursion about a month before.
  16. To go to Volunteer Point you need to book a round trip tour in a 4x4. You just don't hire a car to take you there like a taxi. It's an all day affair and best to go with a fleet of 4x4's because if one gets stuck, there are others to pull you out. In 2020 we used Patrick Watts and the cost of was $179. This tour is nice because you will see 3 different kinds of penguins. In Puerto Madryn you have a couple choices to see Magellan penguins. One is Punta Trombo and the other is on Peninsula Valdez at Estancia San Lorenzo. We used Sentir Patagonia for Peninsula Valdez. We saw every kind of animal it was possible to see there except the Right Whales as they leave in December and Orcas as the tide was out. We walked through penguins, their burrows and young. Had a lunch of lamb at the Estancia. It was an awesome day. There were 4 of us and I think $200 pp
  17. Visit the Pablo Neruda seaside home and the 2 in Valparaiso. Take a walking tour of the city if you are fit. Valparaiso has turned grafitti into an art form and there are street art tours, historical tours, ones that combine walking as well as taking the different funiculars up and down this vertical city of narrow alleyways and charming squares. Many find the city old and run down- and it is - but oh the history and quirkiness and street art and color and views.
  18. Is it unacceptable to call out the person who is using cell phone speaker? Many restaurants and doctors offices we go to have the no cell phone signs indicating no talking please. Even though Viking does not post such signs, it is a universal courtesy.
  19. And if there is only one show, it has been at 9:15 on our cruises.
  20. So how is a Viking rep in California office going to help someone embarking at a distant port? One word for this guy - idiot.
  21. We loved the Viking Included. Driving by the arts and sciences buildings was intriguing but we only saw it from the bus. The main tour was walking within the walked city. Loved it. We had the option of staying after tour as the guide pointed out where the shuttle bus back to the ship would be.
  22. When we did the trip with Viking, we left Ushuaia at 6 pm and it was around 9 pm when we did the technical stop in Puerto Williams. We were on deck for the golden light of near sunset and then went to sleep. (Do not miss the Gables near and across from Puerto William in this light.) When we got up and out to the Explorers Lounge it was 7 am and the ship was in the passage between Isla Nueva and Isla Lennox on our way to round Cape Horn. I don't know if the ship slowed down staying in protected waters for the night but that was the timetable.
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