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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. Crap I over slept till 7:15am. Obligatory sunrise shot. Now off to walk track to work off last nights dinner. Got in 12,000 steps in yesterday.
  2. Yes got everything I wanted. Chops was closed so we had to eat the Chops lunch for the Key in the MDR level 4. It was good and tasted like Chops quality.
  3. It’s 12:30 and Linda and I are sitting on the balcony listening to a bunch of drunk people singing in a language I don’t recognize. Great dinner at Jamie’s and saw the first 40 minutes of Hiro before they stopped the show due to lightning Got my DDP quota in. Last count 10 cocktails and I feel just fine. Cheers going to bed now.
  4. Ended up getting everything I wanted. Had to move my Izumi lunch to another day because of a private lunch. Shows were challenging because all the times I had researched were not the same. After about 30 minutes of juggling go most of the show’s scheduled.
  5. It was a good camera till it met it’s demise. Stay tuned for my review and is it possible to gain 50 pounds in one meal? That’s what I feel like. Details next week on my review.
  6. Thsts so awesome. It’s really hard to find Weller 12. Can I ask how much was the pour? Glad you liked it. The Weller Special Reserve is just as good and a little easier to find. Cheers to you and a great start. we had Cuban food at Versailles in Miami and then Tiki cocktails at Esotico! So much fun.
  7. Incredible! I highly recommend this place. Safe travels wished for you. Hope to meet you on board!
  8. We went to Versailles a great Cuban restaurant and post dinner cocktails at Esotico. It’s not that the Hilton was bad, not at all it’s just boring there. Double Tree has so much more to offer. I saw the people mover and I need to try that to go to the Bayside Marketplace We really like our hard shell suitcases from Samsonite. .
  9. As we walked around by the Hilton we are staying at we went into the Double Tree. OMG you are so right so much to do over there with the bars and restaurants plus the marina being right there. Hilton is nice but boring. Next time we come to Miami we are booking the Double Tree.
  10. Coming up: Sea Dog learns his lessons about Taxis and Ubers and explores the wonders of “Little Havana” and Tiki Exotica. All this and more when Sea Dog does his “As if Live” on September 25th. How’s that for a broadcast television tease?
  11. Yes being in Broadcast television it’s my biggest pet peeve audio latently. It’s worse over the internet than it is by satellite.
  12. Oops my bad! Seriously I hadn’t been drinking but maybe getting about 3 hours sleep has turned my brain into mush.
  13. We are using them too for the first time they showed up together departing Kansas City but I was getting some funky locations in Atlanta.
  14. Watched last night. I really thought the Rams played great. Poor Hubert he is so good and they came up short. Mahones doesn’t do it pretty like Hubert but he gets it done. So funny. Wish we could have met up.
  15. Watched last night. I really thought the Rams played great. Poor Hubert he is so good and they came up short. Mahones doesn’t do it pretty like Hubert but he gets it done. So funny. Wish we could have met up.
  16. We thought about boarding our two pups but we have an awesome girl that pet sits and allows them to stay home. This will be the first time we’ve been away from them since we are retired and they are used to us being around 24/7. We are Hilton Miami Downtown. Plan for tonight is to eat Cuban at a restaurant that was recommended to us, Versailles. Just landed in Miami. Let’s do this!
  17. This Dog has made the first layover to Miami. Getting closer!!
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