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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. Good for you. I've needed to lose weight for a long time. I just didn't have the time to exercise. Now I'm retired there is no excuse.
  2. We have a 10:30 in Miami in a couple of weeks and have the "Key" what's an acceptable time to show up?
  3. My doctor is off on Friday's so I am going to see how I do over the weekend and call next week on Tuesday. Right now I feel better but tired. I am not having the dizziness and vertigo issues and I'm drinking more water. It could be that I have been just pushing myself too much. I've been on a mission to lose weight and have been working out hard. Everyday I do the elliptical for 45-50 minutes standing (watching an old episode of Below Deck) then another episode sitting down on the elliptical pedaling. On the commercial breaks I use a dumbbell and do 15 arm raises each arm and then take the dumbbell and do lateral swings from side to side for 20. After the Below Deck episode is over I then do pushups (As many as I can do) and then 200 crunches. My wife thinks I'm just doing way too much. Maybe I am. Worse case if I don't feel better I'll go to urgent care. Puppies have been sleeping me all morning. Lizzy likes to plant her head on my cheek. I need to have Linda take a picture of it.
  4. Thanks everyone for your well wishes and concern. I went to bed at 8pm and slept till 8am. I still have a little bit of a headache and what I would describe as brain fog. My balance is ok this morning. I took my blood pressure and it 129/69. @brillohead Thanks for your suggestion of doing my BP both sitting down and standing up. Hope you feeling better. I guess good news is that I took another Covid test this morning and it was negative. Which in some way I was hoping it would be positive so that I would have a definite cause. It could be my blood pressure meds now that I've lost weight. I'm not going to exercise today and rest and see how I feel. The main thing is want to feel better than I do now as I've got a cruise in two weeks.
  5. So I just took a COVID test and it was negative but I got some weird stuff going on. Yesterday and today after my workout I started feeling dizzy and lightheaded with some vertigo issues. All today I’ve had a headache and felt really really tired. I took my blood pressure thinking maybe my blood pressure meds need to be amended as I’ve lost a lot of weight but it was in an acceptable range. Tonight I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some Kraft Mac-n-cheese and it tasted funky. So I’m going to bed early tonight and take another COVID test tomorrow. This is really weird. Anyone else have issues of dizziness before testing positive?
  6. We got 10:30am. Hopefully it will not be a zoo. I totally agree and would be ok with that. Whenever we had made reservations in the MDR we also let them know when our specialty reservations were to give them a heads up that they do not need to hold our table.
  7. So sorry. I hope you feel better. Guess it's good to get it now and over with before your cruise. Our roll call is real weak. There is more activity over on our group on FB than over here. Winner.....Winner....Chicken Dinner!!!!!!
  8. Good idea. It was great checking in for our Symphony sailing out of Miami. I checked in at 11PM. I was really tired last night so it was a pain to stay up after midnight to check in for Liberty.
  9. Yes I was an idiot for thinking it was based on headquarters time in Miami when the ship will be going out of Galveston.
  10. It's amazing how they become used to us. We've gotten to the point where they will walk by our backyard and the dogs will bark and they see us but they do not fell threatened. It's kinda cool.
  11. Thanks for the explanation. Interesting that they fry them twice. I could see how that could have happened but un called for. We are really wanting to see how they compensate you. Strawberries will not cut it. I think a comp in a specialty restaurant would be appropriate.
  12. That's a very good band. Steve Perry is not an easy voice to emulate.
  13. When you are in the app, click on the person icon. Then hit "select a different sailing". It will look up your cruise but scroll down to the bottom and select "Get more details on ships we support." Scroll through and select "Symphony." There you see a headline that says "Select a Sailing." there you can find the week that you are interested in.
  14. Thank you. I just thought that it was the time zone where the ship departs. It does make more sense for it to be where Royal's HQ are. Stupid me. I'm going to do this tonight. The main thing is to get the earliest boarding time. I learned that the hard way too.
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