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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. I think that sounds great. I'm doing a "As If Live" for Symphony since I don't trust the on board internet and mine will be photo heavy as well. Since I'm doing a review of all the restaurants via the UDP I want to put a lot of thought into it. I will take detailed notes and then write it when I get back home. I know others like live but I feel like I can have better control of the finished product if I can do it later. Not sure what I'm doing for liberty. Right now I'm not leaning towards anything but maybe posting pics here and answering anyone's questions.
  2. Interesting that you and I are going on cruises around the same time. Two cruises in two months we are so close yet far away. Are you going to review?
  3. This is the first Labor Day I've had off in over 35 years. I always used to joke that Labor Day means I will be laboring. I think I'm really getting used to this retired life. Even better I am getting organized for our cruise. So tempting to start to pack but I won't. It is a great feeling when you lug the suitcases up from the basement.
  4. What beautiful photos Sue of baby Theo. Welcome to world and congratulations to the family. Much love and joy is wished for you all. That's horrible. Plus you have the risk of serious injury to pitcher's knees from getting stuck in the mud. Sorry about the games.
  5. My bad didn't have my glasses on and looked at the wrong number in my notes. Total for two plus Gratuity was $394.08 If you divide by 7 comes to $56.29 Also I'm not counting lunch in the restaurants on the two sea days. Still cheaper than most nice restaurants. Sorry for the mistake.
  6. On our upcoming Symphony Sailing we bought the UDP for $166.99pp back in January of 2022. I thought it was a good deal. If you figure with gratuity for two it comes to $279.86 divide that by 7 nights in seven restaurants that's a $39.98 dinner. Considering the fact that last time I ate at Ruth Chris for two it was over $250. Win win in my book.
  7. This is so true. I had the good fortune to get to know some real craft bartenders. It really is an art form. I've gotten to the point where when I am on board I can spot the really good ones and I will make it a point to seek them out have them make me something and tip really well. You can easily tell the ones who love their jobs.
  8. That's too bad. It shouldn't be that hard to screw up since it only has 5 ingredients. My guess is that the bartender did not muddle the mint, lime and sugar long enough. The other thing is using quality mint. One other problem I have heard is using crushed ice instead of smaller cubes can dilute it too much losing taste.
  9. That's an amazing photo Bob and that looks really cool what they did for the wall. That photo could earn you some money. Have you ever thought of being a contributor to Shutterstock? https://submit.shutterstock.com/
  10. I agree and thank you for the recipe. I will have to make that. Welcome back so glad you had a great time. Now you can start making those Kraken Colada's at home. Welcome home. Glad you got to hook up with Debbie and had a great time.
  11. My guess (as a member of the media) the reason that they have not released few details is that they (the media) are not getting much information from the police since they are still doing their investigation. The media also wants to thoroughly confirm and attribute any information they get and verify it's truth. I'm sorry this happened. It's very sad the state we are in when you can't even go out and have a good time without fear of a fight or something more horrible happening. I really think that social media is part of the problem. We have become too much of a "Me" society. It's all about me and what I want. We have become too selfish as a society. It's now me instead of us. Sad. This is just my opinion and to not be taken as anything more than that. Do you know I've never had key lime pie? I always get chocolate if available. I need to try some key lime on Symphony in a couple of weeks.
  12. I’m weird when it comes to pie. While I’ll eat a fruit pie if I have to I’d much rather have a chocolate pie or even better a French silk pie. I love chocolate.
  13. Great news Sue even though you had some heart pounding moments. Love to see some pictures. Glad you back at it. I’m pleased that I’ve been able to do my workouts without going to a gym. At some point I may join a gym to fine tune but so far I’m having success here at home. Thank you. It’s amazing what some rest and water will do for the body. I have to chuckle and that’s what I love about Dani’s thread. We talk about everything from septic tanks to how much underwear do you pack. I’m a +Packer. Rather have too much than too little. Bottom line is that I pack for a large suitcase and a carry one. If I can’t get everything in those two suitcases it doesn’t go. Underwear is the one thing that I will change every day. Pants and shirts I may wear more than once. For the cruise in a couple of weeks I will only pack 4 pairs of pants to cover the 7 nights. The only other item I pack a lot of is my Sea Dog tee shirts. I’ll take at least 8 of those and I have 4 polos with the Sea Dog logo embroidered on also. If anyone sees me with my Sea Dog shirts come up and say hi.
  14. Yikes what a mess you had to go through. I’m hoping when we board Symphony in a couple of weeks the Key will have signage and be organized. I Jesé’s to be a gym rat in my younger days. I need to remember I’m a lot older now and don’t have the stamina I once had as a youth. Wow what a story Maryann. Yes I have some obsessive compulsion tendencies that when I do something it’s all out. I need to remember how old I am. Thanks for sharing your story and I’m glad you weren’t seriously hurt.
  15. I second this. Santorini and Mykonos are a must see.
  16. Much better thank you for asking. Yesterday I slept most of day. I monitored my blood pressure and it was good all day. I think I am going to chalk this up as overexertion and dehydration. I drank more water and gulped down some gatorade and felt more with it. I just think I have been pushing myself too much, plus lack of sleep, not enough water and exercising too much. I'm glad it's not covid. I do need to keep an eye on my blood pressure numbers as I have lost a lot of weight and my meds may need to be adjusted and hopefully some day get off them. Thank you for caring.
  17. The only way I would that is if they had showers too. I think the office could get pretty stinky if people couldn’t clean up after exercising.😉
  18. I think ultimately that's what I want to do. I have just been really motivated to get the weight off plus with two cruises coming up in Sept. and Oct. I want to eat anything I want and not have to worry too much.
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