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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. @grapau27 I know it's tomorrow but I hope you and Pauline have a most wonderful Anniversary celebrating your love for one another. I hope you can do something fun and toast to all the good years past, present and future. Cheers to both of you! Greg
  2. That is so wrong on so many levels. My guess is that most of those kids will get burned out and never play high school baseball.
  3. Thanks Mark! Good for you for tracking your blood pressure. So Sorry Sue. I’m glad your symptoms are not severe. Get well soon.
  4. That’s great news I love V8. I’ll get the low sodium which I’ve had before. I am still partial to the regular V8
  5. My feet and ankles always swell up on cruises. I’m going try wearing compression socks at night in bed with my feet elevated. Those horse pills are the worst. They even halved them for me and I still couldn’t swallow them. I basically had to chew them and they tasted horrible.
  6. Same here. I like bananas but they always mess with my stomach. The two horse pills they had me take of potassium upset my stomach as well.
  7. When Linda asked the ER doctor about getting a copy of the report he gave her a card with a web address. We had to register and now it just says report pending. Not sure what’s taking so long.
  8. We tried to access the portal and so far the report is not there. We put in a request. So I hopeful we will get it by tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for caring. I will be anxious to hear your opinion. I was at least smart enough to know I needed to sit down. Fainting standing up is no fun as evident from my broken collarbone. Thanks Sue! Banana Split does sound good. Thanks Mimi! Will do thank you for your comments! Always seems like it’s something as we get older. If I eat too many bananas it upsets my stomach. I’ll need to find the right balance. Yes she is feeling pretty good about her hand now as it was so painful before. Yes exactly John. I wouldn’t want to ruin my cruise for anything.
  9. Thanks Dani, I think bananas and a potassium vitamin may be a daily routine now. Great picture of you girls. That's the way my close high school friends are. We may only see each other once a year but pick it right up like time hasn't flown by at all.
  10. Thank you! Yes Linda was extremely worried. I do like bananas I just don’t eat them often. I guess they will now be a part of my morning routine. Knee is better and Linda saw the hand doctor yesterday and he was quite pleased. She know doesn’t have to wear a brace and can start physical therapy in a couple of weeks.
  11. Yes Helen Linda has had to deal with a lot of medical issues with her mom before she died and now her brother. She said she is not going to lose me.
  12. Thanks Debbie. I could see the look of fear on Linda’s face. Sure was very forceful in sending me in the ambulance to the ER. I didn’t want to burden the paramedics but she and them said you will get in the ER faster if we take you than your wife. Knee is feeling a lot better. The pain at the injection site is very minimal now.
  13. I may be in the same situation. My father had high blood pressure. I was skinny my whole life till I turned 40. Then my metabolism just decided to quit. I’ve lost 45 pounds but I would like to drop another 50. I take Amlodipine and Telmisartan Hydrochlorothiazide. Both for my blood pressure. Yes I too pause after sitting up in bed. Linda really thinks the Galveston episode and this past one are related to low potassium. It makes sense. So happy that Jack has lost the weight and is feeling better. Please give him a hug and hello from Sea Dog!
  14. Thanks Larry I’ve written this down and will talk to my doctor about it. In a perfect world after my knee replacement in November I’m going to get back into the gym and workout so I can lose even more weight and hopefully get off the blood pressure meds.
  15. Thank you Sue! Yes I hate the diuretic meds. It’s hard to get a good nights sleep as I’m always getting up to go to the bathroom. We are trying to access the report now. No I’m not on Lasix but I agree it’s time to have that talk with my primary care doctor. Linda’s mother had potassium issues and you are right they did a number on her. She would get delusional. At first Linda that she was having a stroke. Pretty scary.
  16. Well yesterday was a stressful day. We went to a celebration of life for our dear friends mother. I did not eat lunch but while we were there started to get light headed. I decided to sit down for awhile and apparently someone saw my eyes roll back into my head and I think I passed out. Next thing I’m doing is laying on floor talking to paramedics. I started feeling better after drinking some water and did not want to be taken to the hospital. Linda and the others thought otherwise. So off I went. The paramedics were really nice including the one riding with me who loves to cruise Royal Caribbean too. Got fluids in the ER and some blood work done. The doctor said my potassium levels were real low and probably was the culprit. Now that I think about it this was most likely the cause of my Galveston Cruise episode where I fainted and fell and broke my collarbone. I was also dehydrated and that was caused by my blood pressure medicine having a diuretic in it so I pee more than I put in. So it looks like more bananas will be in my diet. I was extremely embarrassed that it happened but all my friends where so caring and concerned it was nice of them. I’m fine today just a little tired. The staff and doctors at the hospital were great I was in and out after a couple of hours. I’m so glad it wasn’t serious and that it’s treatable with diet. Banana colada anyone???? cheers,
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