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Everything posted by Russiamomm

  1. I hear you. I think I had the same offers. Alaska has been crazy cheap this year, but had no real desire to do it again. I have a friend that really wanted to go, so we took one of the offers. It was too cheap to say no and now I’m a superhero to my friend. It will be fun! 😃
  2. Yup. Two overnights are the way to go! I’ve done it four times, always on NCL out of NYC. I love Bermuda and try to make it an annual thing. The other trips have been “Girls Trips”. I talked DH into this one. 😃. It’s been years since we’ve been on a Carnival ship. In recent years we’ve sailed exclusively with NCL and Virgin. Hoping we like the ship. That’s a great deal on Amtrak - and I hear you about I-95! That stretch from Richmond to DC is horrible. We’re originally from the DC area, but moved down to NC ten years ago and make that trek regularly. Norfolk is about a four hour drive for us, so this cruise is really convenient for us. Looking forward to seeing you onboard! Are you on the Face Place page? If so, I’m Lorraine. 😃
  3. I really think they need to be more consistent in the rules. Seems to be all over the place. April was the first time we could not get both a soup and a salad (or other appetizer. In April we got one app, one entree and dessert. I think they allowed us two side dishes, but honestly I don’t remember for sure.
  4. Yes, prices are very high. But the ships are largely sailing full. There aren’t even good last minute discounts. As much as I hate it, why should they lower prices if they are commanding and getting the higher fares? It’s capitalism. Charge what the market will bear.
  5. I don’t know anything about CasNext. I’ve never been offered one. But I would call CAS. I’ll never understand how they determine who gets what, but I was talking to my CAS rep last week and asked him if I had anything sitting in my account. Turns out I had three comped insides sitting there. They never showed up online and I never got anything in the mail. They were only for insides on three specific sailings, but they were there. I ended up booking one.
  6. Thanks. I did look it up. It appears thers two ships in port while were there. We should be good. 😃
  7. We just booked this six nighter out of Norfolk on the Magic this morning. Leave August 27. I’ve been to Bermuda several times - always on NCL. I agree that one night is not enough. I’m concerned about the tendering thing. The best part about Bermuda is being docked for three days and coming and going as we please. Is there a chance we’ll have to tender on this sailing? Is there a way to find out?
  8. The Rising Son is awesome. Did both a sunset cruise and a snorkeling tour with them. The sunset cruise was the best. The crew was awesome. Would do it again in a heartbeat.
  9. Yup. The Shareholder OBC is no refundable. It can’t be used for the DSC, only for purchases onboard. I love my friend, but the OBC is mine. 😂
  10. Will do. But I do disagree with your analysis. This is OBC. It doesn’t go against the cost of the cruise. It makes no difference when all the charges are to the same card, like it usually is with a married couple. When I travel with my husband, I couldn’t care less. But with friends traveling together with separate accounts, it does make a difference. I own the stock. My friend that I’m sharing a cabin with doesn’t. Our onboard charges are handled separately, I usually use the OBC in the duty free shops. But now the friend gets half of my OBC, increasing what I owe at the end of the trip and reducing hers. like I said, we work it out amongst ourselves, nut it’s easier, cleaner and less awkward if the credit is all applied to me instead of split between us.
  11. That is odd! I travel with a girlfriend often and they always split it between us, although I own the stock. I’ve never traveled with more than two though. I do think it’s weird that you didn’t credited with any of it! I’m not sure it can be fixed prior to sailing, but it’s worth a try. Otherwise you can just ask guests 1 and 2 for $50! I’ve heard you can put a note in the request where you want to apply the credit. I did that with the form I submitted this morning for a newly booked cruise. I’ll let you know how it works out!
  12. Yes, you can order the bottles unopened and bring it back to the room. I’ve done it several times.
  13. They are tightening up on it. Same thing happened to us at Cagneys on the Breakaway in April. 1-1-1. Another tip. I would not use the Platinum voucher at the sushi bar or Food Republic. At least for us, eight items was simply too much food! Use your dining packages and split four items between the two of you, and go twice. 😃
  14. I think they were closed. I’ve been working with my guy for several years and I had talked to him yesterday about this trip. Shot him a note this morning to confirm the booking and he spent a few minutes finalizing it. I didn’t want to bother him again with the IT issue. I’ll call him tomorrow.
  15. Thanks for this. I just booked a trip this morning through CAS. My guy hopped online for a while this morning despite the holiday to finish it up. I had no problem making payment, but I cannot book anything on the app. I thought it was something with the system, but the chat function said they hadn’t heard of any issues. Maybe it is the CAS booking. I’ll call my guy in the morning for dining and spa reservations.
  16. I agree with the others. You can only opt for the FAS before you sail. But I’m curious. What NCL promotion gives you $400 in OBC? Curious minds want to know. I’ve never seen this.
  17. I’ve also travelled solo several times. Sometimes in a studio and others in balconies. I’ve never paid the full supplement and have always gotten the full credit.
  18. Yes, bit there’s no similar requirement for how soon it can be submitted. We just booked a transatlantic for December. Submitted the form and the credit was posted to the account within two days.
  19. True. It’s per cabin. They divide the OBC among the people in the cabin. I often travel with a friend. We each have selerate accounts and our own charges are put on our separate credit cards, I own the stock, but they give her half the credit. LOL. Not an issue. We work it out between ourselves. But be warned - this is how it works.
  20. If you own 100 or more shares of NCL stock you get non-refundable onboard credit for each cruise you take. The amount varies from $50 to $250 per cabin depending on the length of the cruise. See https://www.nclhltd.com/investors/shareholder-benefits. You have to submit a form with proof of ownership. It’s a great benefit. The stock closed at $21.77 yesterday, so at today’s value it would cost $2177 to buy the stock. You don’t have to prove that you still own the stock at time of sailing, only when you apply for the credit. PersonLly, we’re way underwater on the stock - bought it years ago. But we’ve gotten thousands of dollars of OBC over the years. I look at it as an untaxed dividend
  21. I believe it has changed. Tender tickets are definitely now booked on the app. I was on a B2B on the Breakaway in May. Was in the Haven for the TA trip so didn’t think twice about it. I did the second leg solo. Found out that unless you were on an NCL excursion you needed a tender number the day before we got to Santorini. I had no excursion booked and immediately got on the app and booked it - Group14. When I got to the theater when they finally called my group I found out that my Platinum status would have gotten me on much earlier. Live and learn. But bottom line is that you can and should book your tender tickets on the app, unless you’ve booked an NCL excursion, are in the Haven or have Latitudes priority - in which case it doesn’t matter.
  22. You need to get them on the app while onboard. I did t know that last month and ended up in group 14 and didn’t get off the ship until almost 3 hours after we anchored. I don’t know how soon you can do it, but likely as soon as you are onboard. I would do it ASAP after you board.
  23. I’m not sure how they calculate the fare when there are two cities/countries involved, but I’m sure they can do it. You would have to call NCL directly. There’s no way to do it online. As far as payment goes, I always just pay it all, we divide by two for the whole cruise and my friend pays me. Works for us and I get triple points on my NCL credit card for the whole cost.
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