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Everything posted by jsn55

  1. And I usually think those women have no mirror at home at all. Hardly anyone looks good with their butt covered in spandex. Wear a longer top! OTOH, lots of people couldn't care less what we think. That's why there are dress codes.
  2. I think that health professionals recommend 'new sneakers' often, because people tend to wear comfortable ones for years, and the support breaks down. So not a particular brand, but a recommendation to get new ones for better support.
  3. I thought it was Michael Jackson's place.
  4. Three dollars? Even at 25% differential, that's hardly the end of the world. Any special fees for the taxi to pick up at the port? Baggage charges? How long did the taxi wait in line? Was your hotel 'local'? Relying on 'a port employee' for this kind of information means you need to be flexible. If precise costs are important, establish the facts before getting into the taxi.
  5. I wouldn't worry about much when it comes to testing, until the week before you're due to leave. It's all nuts out there.
  6. Yes, I remember hearing about this cruise; fly to San Diego and ride a bus to Ensenada. Couldn't quite see the point, but quite sure that it did happen. I'm astonished that the Ensenada pier wasn't packed with vendors in April .. that would seem like a perfect market for them. Everybody's relaxed, on their way home, and you'd think interested in buying some 'stuff'. But I haven't been in Mexico for years; my stomach goes nuts in Mexico, nowhere else, just Mexico. After about 3 days I'm gulping down Pepto Bismol like water. So We just stopped visiting Mexico. It's a shame, it's a terrific place to be, and I'd like to support their economy.
  7. Good for you! You gotta try ... if you get 'out there' and it's too hot, too dry, too steep, then you can make other plans for the rest of your cruise. As long as you working on your stamina now, you'll probably have a ball and consider those excursions just mild heart -thumpers.
  8. I think that very dark navy or black jeans, pressed, maybe even a crease, worn with a shirt tucked in and a belt, or a cashmere sweater, would be allowed anywhere. The ship's dress code is to keep out the people who dress like bums, I doubt that there's any other reason for it. The crew certainly doesn't care. I remember going out for dinner in Manhattan years ago, I was wearing nice jeans that fit well and my new leather jacket. The restaurant was down a few steps, and as I reached the door, right at eye level, was a sign "No Denim". I didn't even slow down and nobody said boo. It's the whole picture that's important.
  9. If you've ever spent 3 days or more wearing the same shoes, you'd know that yes, people pack multiple pairs of shoes. I only tried it ONCE. When traveling, you probably walk 4x as much as you do at home, and your feet require plenty of TLC. This is why I read those reports of "I travelled for 3 weeks carrying only a 1-gallon zip-lock bag. Into it I pack 53 things." with a large dose of skepticism.
  10. I never trust anything the hotel front desk says, unless I'm talking to a manager ... or the porter, or the shuttle driver. It's astonishing how those people at the front desk will just say anything to get you to go away. One of the best was at the Munich Airport, we asked the front desk where the covered walkway was over to the terminal. The agent had no idea, hadn't heard of it, and didn't offer to find out. It was right across the lobby, she literally could see it. They can screw up even the most simple answer. I feel the same way about phone agents ... just too many observations and experiences over the years.
  11. Best source of information is the departure country's regulations. The guidelines of a cruise line are merely an indication of what might be required. "Everything changes all the time."
  12. I had read about the brawl over 4 or 5 decks last July on Magic, but (fortunately) missed this latest one. I often wonder when when people are going to wake up to this simple fact: if they're not punished, they'll do worse next time. This holds true anywhere, any time. But few want to see reality when it comes to bad public behaviour.
  13. This is so interesting, I can't even imagine getting all that stuff in your two bags. Please check the weather ... we sail a week from today from Quebec and it won't get much above 60 all next week. I just added a fleece pullover and a vest to my stack.
  14. Wow, the virus disaster boredom has obviously made me feeble-minded. I have never seen any of this. Why? Because I never looked for it. Over and over and over we rolled our money for the last four years and perhaps I thought we'd never sail anyway next week. Wow, I'd best get in there before I pull an even worse blunder. Thank you SO MUCH for the information, I thought I had examined every cranny of that website, but probably only the part that comes up with my particular cruise. Interesting that I can recite every aspect of the drinks package tho.
  15. Well that reminds me why I don't cruise Carnival ... they won't let me put my inflatable pool on the balcony and splash around out there. Such narrow minds. I'm impressed with your use and spelling of the word piqued.
  16. I agree with you about the cost ... but what about the itinerary? I've heard so many horror stories about people flying with 3 connections, arriving to stagger bleary-eyed up the gangway ... the cruise line didn't release the itinerary until it was too late to do anything about it. Then there is the current story about NCL flying people into Montreal because 'the airlines they use don't fly to Quebec'. I haven't cruised on NCL in years, next week out of Quebec will be an eye-opener I'm sure. I'd call NCL's air desk to see if there are any options for booking a decent flight. Couldn't hurt.
  17. HOW I WISH!!! Salzburg is one of our faves too, then to see the Alps on your way to join the Artistry??! Pure heaven. Have a terrific time and savor every moment.
  18. I agree, but normally wouldn't go much above $50 pp. The Alaskans have had a very hard time during the virus disaster, so in this case I'd be very generous. I am so happy to see my buddies at Icy Strait Point have made it through and are still a viable cruise stop.
  19. Being the snowflake that I am, I'd not want to sail on a ship scheduled for dry dock 'next week'. I'd transfer to a different cruise if that made sense. As for the testing, you have plenty of time to learn how to do a 'proctored self-test' ... unlike me who had only a couple weeks notice. I needed to schedule a real test somewhere because I don't even know where the camera is on my computer and our travel schedule dictates that the test be done at EWR or the next day in Quebec. Surely this testing insanity will be over by next April??!?
  20. This must have been an extreme disappointment. I am grateful to this thread so I'm mentally prepared for chaos when we hit the US after cruising from Quebec. It just sounds like a huge kerfuffle caused by inexperienced crew, miscommunication and pax who haven't cruised in years because of the virus. What a shame.
  21. It doesn't sound like it will be 'obvious', but I'd put it in a wrapping with your name and cabin number just in case they want to confiscate it. Then you can pick it up at the end of the cruise. I know the thrill of photography and the sadness of not being able to get around like you used to. You're probably familiar with the protocol of when/where you can use it, so checking specifics is a good idea.
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