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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. If I book a $20,000 suite, do I need to wear a $1,000 Brook Brother suit on "Try and Dress your Best" night? Or will my "vintage" $99 Sears suit (sale price, regularly $129) be okay?
  2. My family have been using the "Move along, nothing to see here folks" line for as long as I can remember. Not sure who started it but at least I now know where it came from. P.S. - Part of the magic of Dani's thread, I can learn things about my own family. 😀 Although I guess we added the word "folks". Making it our own, I guess. LOL. P.S.S - The guy in the video is having a really bad day. 😁
  3. When I was in Bluffton, SC (just outside Hilton Head) this past January, we flew into Savannah, GA airport and took Uber there and back. Both Uber drivers complained about I-95, the condition of the road and the bottlenecks created when the highway dwindles down to 2 lanes as you cross the state line. Both said sometimes they will refuse fares to SC. Fortunately , both of them knew the back roads to Bluffton to avoid the traffic jams on I-95. One did say that highway officials are planning to add a third lane in each direction but it's going to be a 10 year project. Which got me thinking Is there any good section to I-95? I've driven it from Boston to Baltimore over the years (many small road trips) and most of it is just bad, too congested. The one good section is the NJ Turnpike thru central NJ. Eight straight, flat lanes in each direction, anything less than 80 MPH and you'll get run over. I've had NJ State Troopers pass me while I was doing 80!
  4. The rental was a Mustang convertible. It had the wimpy motor (V-6) but getting there & back was still half the fun. 🙂
  5. In all fairness to the OP, while the title mentions a $20,000 suite, post #1 puts the price range in the $15,000-$20,000 range. Just wondering if at $15,000 if people would change their minds? Just a simple yay or nay, no need to delve into the nitty gritty details of HOW or WHY.😉
  6. Should you decide to gamble &win $20,000, would you book a suite on a one week cruise?😉 I've rented a car & drove to the Grand Canyon from Vegas as a day trip. A very long day trip but it's doable.
  7. Proof of @Biker19 theorem that every thread can eventually turn into a tipping thread.😄
  8. I thought for sure some one would have posted a bank statement by now.🤣🤣
  9. Well now I have to take a peek. 👀 Now I'm paying attention 😃
  10. I think there are at least 3 tiffs related to just the suggestion of no-cost (or minimal cost) enhancements to Pin benefits on ships without a CK. But I'm only half-paying attention. 😊 As for tiffs related to the original post, no idea. 🙂
  11. I originally miss read it as well. But that's because I'm skimming thru posts while watching The Voice. 😊
  12. Lol! So a somewhat serious answer, I've been trying to think where I've had really good chicken fried steak. Most people usually can remember where they had a really good meal. And I'm thinking it might have been in Pennsylvania. Specifically Lancaster County, PA. It's right on the Mason-Dixon Line so it's possible some good ole Southern Food spilled across the border to the north.
  13. Yeah, I saw that. Doesn't sound appealing. All I could think of is wood chips in the gravy? Maybe little toothpicks to clean your teeth afterwards? So off to The Googs I go: "The term "sawmill gravy" comes from early logging camp food and old-time sawmills. It was originally made with cornmeal, bacon drippings, milk, and seasonings. This resulted in a somewhat gritty gravy; in fact, rumor has it that the loggers would accuse the cooks of putting sawdust in the recipe!" It's on the Internet so it must be true.
  14. I have it in DVD and VCR as well. Not sure why I still have the VCR tape as I don't have a player but hey, never know when it may come back in style. Like vinyl records. 😁 Love that movie, I can watch it over and over and still laugh at the same jokes. I also might have a mild crush on Marisa Tomei. But I would love it even without her, just a little less. 😉😇
  15. I think you hit on the reason why it can be less than ideal. Thin steak is easy to over cook (much like Veal) & I guess different places uses different cuts of steak? It's a staple at Cracker Barrel but I feel like the good ones I've enjoyed were at a nondescript roadside diner on a road trip some place. Just don't remember where.
  16. It's been hit-n-miss with me. Sometimes really good, other times tough and chewy. I guess by frying it, it's easy to over-cook? But as @DaniDanielle said, enough gravy will solve that. 😊
  17. True. It was really more of a tongue-in-cheek remark that, in retrospect, only I would get. When my niece went away to college on Long Island, she said it was like another world. In a good, eye-opening way, not that she lived a shelter life in any way. After awhile, it became an inside joke whenever I told her I was going to Jones Beach or Robert Moses Park, I made it sound like I was going some place exotic. 😉
  18. I feel that way when traveling to upstate NY....or Long Island (apologies to @lenquixote66 and @MJSailors)🙂😇
  19. How do you like your grits? Regular, creamy or AL Dente? And you don't use instant grits, right? No self-respecting Southern would use instant grits! *** pumps fist in air *** Yes! I worked two My Cousin Vinny quotes in one post. 😃
  20. Gotcha, thanks! On a related note, how many times can the $20,000 suite thread be locked and unlocked? I counted at least 3 times. It's rare to see a thread be unlocked once, never mind 3 times. There is some good monopoly material there for sure.
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