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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Same with me. Plus, better view of the oceans. I can stare at a pool anytime, anywhere. Bonus: Sky bar tends to be less crowded. 👍
  2. I appreciate the explanation. I don't mean this in a sparky way but I never know what someone's status is or type of cabin they stay in, etc. It just doesn't stick with me. Having said all that, kudos to you! I'm no doubter, I admire how you were able to piece it together. Good job.👍
  3. I'm confused. Do you have the drink package or not? And by FREE drinks, are you referring to C&A vouchers? If so how many vouchers do you have? Full disclosure: I'm still recovering from yesterdays St. Patrick's celebration so my mind is still fuzzy and the brain is not fully functional yet.
  4. What is happening there? Is that Owen? I hope his new friends are not leading him astray. 😉😇
  5. True. I don't really have a list myself, I just sample whatever is on the menu at whatever bar i happen to be at. However, I have never not finished a drink.
  6. Not a bad thing at all, other than I'll be hurting and sluggish the next day. Which will cut into valuable drinking time. Just need a little time to recharge. This! ^. My "recovery" period is typically longer than my "recharge" period.
  7. Being that this is a cruise enthusiast forum, you will likely not get many sympathetic ears. But there is some good advice given. The only thing I can add is that if you had 8 good cruises and 1 bad, spur of the moment cruise, odds are the next cruise will be good if you put in the same effort in planning & timing as you did with the first 8. If that one is just as bad, then yes, you might be over cruising. And there is nothing wrong with that as peoples needs and expectations change. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  8. I'd probably be mad at myself if I see a sunrise while on a cruise. Because that'll mean I'm still up from the night before.
  9. She is a sleek and sexy ship tho, if I don't mind saying so myself. Am I allowed to say that? 😉
  10. I guess if I do pull the trigger and join the Bella 2.0 cruise, I'll need to start drinking heavily about a month before the cruise in order to increase my alcohol tolerance. 🤪
  11. If you had quoted the original "offending" post, when that post gets deleted, all quoted replies to that post will automatically be deleted as well. At least that's my understanding. And if the "offending" (using the term loosely) post is that one that I'm thinking of, someone probably didn't like the search results that came up and reported it to the admins. You'll need to contact the admins and they will change it for you. From the Help forum:
  12. I had no issues with getting bombarded with CC emails. The only e-mails I get from CC is when someone replies to one of my posts or mentions me in a post. I've unsubscribed from getting their news articles, sales events, etc. being emailed to me.
  13. In an effort to shed my holiday//winter weight & get rid of the beer belly before spring, I gave up drinking on weekdays. Strictly a weekend drinker now. Until I started reading this thread. Now I want a drink every day with breakfast. 😀
  14. Just tell him that Disney World trip can be done any time but Bella 2.0 is once in a lifetime. Easy decision, just sayin.....
  15. Me too! I'm sure I'd have no problem keeping up with the amount of drinks but I need to stick with 2, possibly 3 different drinks max. Unless I really space them out throughout the day, my stomach will send an eviction notice! 😀 TMI?😉
  16. Enjoy the cruise. Sounds like a very fun and unique cruise. Something I might want to look into down the road. Ahhh, the Days of Futures Passed. 🙂
  17. @Lionesss Regarding your experience with the MDR sever the other night when he referred to the bottle of water as "salt-free water", do you think he might have been trying to be funny? Obviously, the joke landed flat - or didn't land at all - since it made you and the other couple feel uncomfortable. I know you said you don't like confrontation but if you are half as diplomatic in real life as you are here on CC, then perhaps have a cordial conversation with him to explain how you felt. It'll give him a chance to apologize and perhaps he had misunderstood your initial request & explanation. Just a thought. Honestly, I'm not sure what I'd do. Probably I'd put it behind me and enjoy the rest of the trip unless it was really bothering me the next day
  18. I'm pretty sure that a multi-national crew dealing with multi-national passengers receiving tips in many different currencies can figure out how to "handle" a $2 bill. And if they don't, I'm sure they know someone who does. Sure, there are plenty of establishments that refuse to take a $2 bill. But there are plenty of those that still do. Back when I used to work in a store, we'd occasionally get a $2 bill. Most of the time couldn't give it back as change to the next customer and with no slot in the register to put, it had to go to the bottom of the drawer, under the cash tray. Right next to the random $100 bill. But we still took it & it was sent along with the rest of the bank deposits. No biggie. No need to overthink it and no need to shame people on how they tip.
  19. No shame in taking a break from the heavy and/or sweet drinks. Whenever I have the drink package - which is almost always - I usually go crazy the first couple of days, slow down mid-cruise before ramping up again towards the end of the week. Great attitude and I have faith in you! Plenty of time left!👍
  20. The list seems to be getting longer each day. 😁 What are the odds of completing the list before the cruise is over?
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