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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. The extra 2 days does help the ship reach more destinations. I've done it several times and checking back thru my old cruise itineraries, the only significant difference I see in port times is the OP had 1.5 hours less in Labadee (we had a 8:00 am arrival vs OP's 9:30 am) but the OP had 1.5 hours more in San Juan ( we departed at 1:00 pm vs OP's 2:30 pm). Personally, I'd rather have the extra time in Labadee but that's a personal preference type of thing. None of this is a deal breaker for me and I'd absolutely would do this itinerary again no matter what the port times are. I cruise for the ship.
  2. My take is that it wasn't the selection of islands but "shorten" port times. Perhaps the OP can elobarate if the port time was cut short due to late arrival, clearance issues or perhaps that was the original itinerary. Often times, San Juan is just a half-day visit.
  3. Not 🍿worthy, imho. Given the title, there was a surprising number of positives given out by the OP. Fairly balanced review, I think. Those with Royal-colored glasses may disagree.
  4. Thanks. I'll check it out eventually but first need to clear some DVR space & watch a few other shows that have been on my NetFlix / Prime / HBO MAX watch list for the better part of the year. And good luck in deciding if you want to return to the office. Sounds like an excellent opportunity that does not come around very often, in a comfortable & familiar work enviroment. Not that you asked for my advice but I say go for it, as long as you can return to what you are doing now with no hard feelings if things don't work out or you change your mind later.
  5. https://www.amazon.com/Day-World-Came-Town-Newfoundland/dp/0060559713/ref=asc_df_0060559713/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312674999652&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7712178669493028294&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004212&hvtargid=pla-435021909520&psc=1 Also, there is a book called "Channel of Peace", a first hand account from one of the people stranded.
  6. I do have something in common with a drug dealer. I smuggle my candy in. 😇 A box of M&M cost more than the movie ticket. I am a sucker for the 55 gallon bucket of popcorn though. Always fresh and buttery.
  7. Not my grass. I went from mowing the law every 4 days to once every 2 weeks. Last time, it was like I was mowing dry, dusty straw. 😀
  8. "Come From Away" is a great play. Quite possibly one of the last Broadway plays I went to before the pandemic. Typically, my wife & I would go 2-3 times a years to the TKTS discount ticket booth in Times Square. They would sell same-day tickets to shows that were not yet sold out so you have to go with an open mind as you won't know which shows are available that day. While waiting in line, a few people were talking about how great the show is so we bought the tickets, not really knowing what to expect. Great story, great music & acting. Some heavy moments but also a few hopefully and inspirational moments as well. The Broadway show is scheduled to end this October and now that Broadway has finally lifted the mask mandate, I'm going to try to catch it one more time. Might have to pay full price this time. Dozen of YouTube videos that recount the true story as well as clips from the play. Just type in 'Gander 9/11' into the search bar. Not sure why it hasn't been turned into a movie yet.
  9. So far, so good. Watched the first two. Cute & enjoyable. I may watch next 2 before Tuesday as that is $5 movie night at the local movie theater, typically price is $11. A pleasant diversion from some of the more heavy & dark shows I've been watching, The Walking Dead & Better Call Saul. Speaking of which, I keep seeing commercials for another AMC show call Dark Winds. A murder mystery thriller set on Native American reservation. Has anyone watched it? It looks pretty good. I never would have guessed that AMC - once known as the Ancient Movie Channel - would be putting out quality TV shows on par with HBO and NetFlix. I've watched
  10. I think it might take more than 1 week of drinking for all those symptoms to kick in. With the exception of the swelling of the tummy.😉 Breaking it down by per person, they average 5-8 drinks per day with Cococay being a bit higher. Spread that out for an entire day - 2 drinks at lunch, 2 more in the afternoon, 2 at dinner and 2 at whatever nighttime activity - and you've had 8 drinks and nary a buzz. If anything, sleepiness might kick in. So I guess that's 2 symptoms That's pretty much how the minimum for my vacations & when I go home, I have no problems not touching alcohol for 2 or 3 weeks. That evens things out, right?
  11. All true. But then again, the plan seems to be changing each week so we shall see. I'm certainly not rushing her out of the nest.
  12. My step-daughter, who lived in Texas for the past 5 years and moved back to NY to stay with me "for a bit" last December would like to move to the east coast of Florida by winter. Sure, the warm temps and much lower cost of living are all well and good but I think it's the fact several of her single gal pals are living it up on the beaches of Ft. Lauderdale that's the draw. My take? It'll be nice to have some place to stay for free pre- and post- cruise. 😁 Thank you. I wasn't the one that asked but same step-daughter actually asked me today if I'd go see that movie with her. Which means, none of her friends wanted to go or have already seen it. 😆 But I'm told I should see the Despicable Me movies first. All 3 + Minions. I guess I know what I'm doing with my Saturday night! LOL
  13. How do you even begin to eat/drink that? I'd need a lobster bib, otherwise I would be wearing half of it.
  14. That remind me, my TSOD has the simple caption: "I'm just going to nod and pretend I'm listening". Same thought as your twitter post. 😄
  15. Not sure if it's the original but I've had them in Geneva & Watkins Glen NY so you don't even have to drive all the way to Buffalo. They were really tasty, better than RCL's Kummelweck
  16. The only difference is honey stung chicken was only served the 1st day. Never understood why. I guess they wanted to make the WJ even more crowded on embarkation day? 😒
  17. No worries, I've done it plenty of times.
  18. Just slip the concierge a $10 or $20 "entry fee". 😁 If successful, make sure to brag, um, I mean encourage, uh, share your success story here on CC. It'll bring joy to so many people here. People love to learn undiscovered tips and tricks. 🤣
  19. I believe the OP was looking for an inexpensive way😉. Even if the D / D+ / P pay for the wedding, there are other indirect costs. 😄
  20. Rule #1 of @Biker19: "Any Thread Will Eventually Become A Tipping Thread".
  21. I think @Jerseygirl1416 & @reallyitsmema gave perfect answers. The quality can be inconsistent but when it's good, it's really good. I've ruin my dinner appetite by having 2 or 3 as a late afternoon "snack". LOL. And when it's not good, well, as you can see from some some of the more passionate responses, it's really not good. Perhaps I am remembering things differently but when Park Cafe was first introduced on Oasis, they were more quality conscience - slicing the meet thinly and discarding the beef when they reached the fatty, grisly part. Now it seems like they try to "stretch" the beef and use every last slice. When I see they are at the end of the beef, I'll wait until a fresh one comes out before ordering. Best thing is, it's free so if you don't like it, discard & go back for another. Or try later in the day or different day. Come back and let us know what you think after your cruise.
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