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Everything posted by Smitheroo

  1. that's a good point. I looked only at Boston-London
  2. I always put anything of importance or value in my hand carried luggage. Good luck to anyone who thinks they are going to have any use for anything in my checked bag. The suitcase is probably more valuable, so that would be a loss.
  3. Do you have to put your bags out that early that it would impact you leaving the cabin? I dont remember enountering luggage. Also couldnt you just push against the luggage with the door you are trying to open out and ,assuming your luggage is on wheels as most are these days, it would move out into the aisle. Then you close door behind you and push the luggage back into the nook.
  4. This is good to know. I can handle those times lol.
  5. "Cheap" is also subjective. What someone considers cheap might not be cheap to someone else.
  6. I'll get back ot you later with that
  7. What I meant by saying I dont take the basic option was that checked bags are often included in the next category of ticket and that category is still within what I am willing to pay. (I apologize to anyone who is riled up by that term) This is domestic though and I admit I have little experience with International which was the point of starting the thread. I dont understand why you dont pay baggage fees when everything I have looked at (in my limited time frame) does not include checked luggage. The higher fares might but did not look at them. I checked BA yesterday and the flights I saw where over 1,000 pounds (for some reason I couldnt get USD but the conversion is close) Even if I could afford that I wouldnt be willing to pay it which I think you would agree is my choice. Just like even if I could afford Haven I wouldnt pay it, not criticizing anyone who could and would. Thanks for your input and I'll keep researching
  8. Thank you. I decided to see what people continue to add. I'm going to ignore those I feel are not trying to help. When I get time later I will do a search and post a screen shot at what I am looking at, price of baggage fee etc. I cant comment on what you wrote because I realize now it all depends on the individual circumstances but it sounds like you've been pleased. Maybe its more common to have an international flight cancelled but I've never had a domestic flight cancelled (unless due to weather which I expected) I was on the QM2 in January 2013 and like you, enjoyed it. I just returned to ship travel this past February, my first real "cruise" on the Joy, and enjoyed that also. The QM2 has had a refurbish since 2013 so it must be really nice.
  9. I dont think it would be worthwhile to get into a locked bag, better just to grab the suitcase and keep walking I wonder how/if this has happened
  10. and I think airlines only care when you are headed onto the plane. After you get off not so much lol
  11. Yes, I agree, that would be awful. Something to keep in mind. If I try to get off early it will be with my luggage. I'd like to try to get by with a carry on. I know it can be done as long as you dont have to pack dressy clothes but it takes effort.
  12. Thanks to everyone for contributing. I've got plenty of answers so am not going to comment in this thread anymore as I feel I am having to defend my choices when that wasnt the intent of my original post. I now know that some people pay baggage fees, some never do and it depends the individual circumstance.
  13. Most of the international airlines do not include free checked bags at prices I am willing to pay. At least not the searches I have done recently. No, many domestic airlines offer fares that I consider reasonable that include a checked bag. I have plenty of experience flying domestic and I rarely choose the "basic" option unless I dont need to take a lot of clothes. And although I like to choose my seat not being able to is not a deal breaker. I was surprised when I saw the the reasonable fee that NCL Air charges in their promo
  14. I , a woman by the way,not a "he", feel like this thread is heading towards a personal attack on my choices. Never once did I criticize anyone willing to pay, or even suggest the airlines are robbing us. We all have budgets to keep to. btw, I havent flown to Florida in decades. I got the feeling that was a put down. I have already decided to stick to US Ports until I run out of choices. Actually I'm reconsidering NCL Air.
  15. May not have been $100 but close at $75. I can only go by what I see when I do a search at the present time because I have been told my previous experience is history. I agree it is. Some people say they dont pay baggage fees, some do, some dont with NCL air.....
  16. I dont have a problem with paying baggage fees. What I have is a problem paying them on top of a $500 one way fare. I never pay anything near that domestically so I willingly pay for a checked bag if I need that much clothes
  17. I no other cruise line the same? I know some have sort of freestyling. And when I was on Cunard in 2013 they did dress for dinner and have formal nights but you didnt have to take part. You were free to eat in the buffet and head to your room. I really like the freestyle dining in the dining rooms, not just the buffet.
  18. I have no personal experience with NCL Air but from what I've read, no
  19. I dont know how anyone with physical limitations can deal with this mess
  20. How early is early when doing self assist? Do you get time to eat a quick breakfast?
  21. Funny! I wouldnt have minded sitting during embarkation. We were standing but nothing like coming off the ship
  22. yeah, I wont bother with old reviews. Anything could change
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