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Everything posted by Smitheroo

  1. I was not aware of anyone cutting the line and shoving. You can join the line early by getting on the end of it. No shoving and like I said, I dont recall seeing any luggage. Now I know the reason why. It was as far as I could see an orderly very very long line that stood in place at several points for a long time.
  2. My experience was that the line did not move quickly at all. It was unbearable. We stood in place several times for at least 15-20 minutes (It felt a lot longer) like in the arcade with the music.
  3. I'm wondering how many people here have disembarked at San Piedro, California. That's the only disembarkation experience I have with NCL. A lot of room for improvement
  4. So some people have not had to pay baggage fees and some have. Hmmmmmm confusing
  5. That doesnt look at all familiar to me but I admit I may have forgotten. I do remember us getting something put into our cabin in the evening. Even if you choose a time/color for your luggage there is nothing preventing you from joining the line at another time, either earlier or later. There was no, or very few, crew present. And if you chose to join the line later the crew if present isnt going to argue with you. If you are saying that the times and colors are JUST for the luggage then there is no hope of managing the crowd. I agree, if you go too early your luggage might not be waiting for you at the other end. I dont know what caused the chaos or if it can be prevented by better crowd management. I plan to do the self assist next time and if that doesnt work for me, the time after I will pick a time/color for my luggage and then sit down somewhere and wait with a book. I personally have experienced a much more controlled disembarkation on another line but 1,000 less passengers might have had something to do with it.
  6. You cant deduct the certificates or the extra 15% offered now. You could do them mentally I suppose. I just delete the emails so its not a big problem getting them but that one caught my eye
  7. All I know is that 1) I will try self assist. If it doesnt work for me the next time I will 2) wait untiil most of the line is off the ship. I am not going to stand in that line again while the priority passengers are escorted ahead. I dont mind waiting but not standing while I wait. Of course its a different story if someone has a time schedule to keep. In February I did not It was a local port for me.
  8. True, but other people are saying that people with luggage get in line and cause problems, bumping into people etc. Unlesss a self assist passenger gets up early and makes an attempt to get off early that passenger will get caught up in the masses
  9. .;Is this new? (since February?) Because I dont recall seeing anything like that. I thought information was given to us through our door (no verbal communication that I remember) which told us when to leave. But I could be wrong about that. I had no idea what the line would be like and now I know that I can choose the latest time and then sit in the Atrium until I see the line is progressing. I dont recall any crew checking to see that you were getting on the line at the right time. Anyway, how does choosing the time yourself help with jammed up lines" What if a huge number chose 10 am.? That would be a real mess. That's why I thought they assigned times but didnt enforce them. But my memory might be fading on those details but it is not fading concerning the line which I will try to avoid next time. There has to be a way to better regulate that mess. The above , while it looks good, didnt do that.
  10. I understand now. But with self assist you have the option of trying to get to the head of the line. You may not succeed but you can try. I guess the people I saw sitting in the Atrium were like the people in an airplane who remain in their seats while the others jump up immediately just to stand in line.
  11. Fair enough. the people I saw sitting in the Atrium while our line snaked through were probably not self assist as I saw no luggage. They were passengers who disregarded their notice about when they should leave. I can't remember if there were crew not allowing people to join the line early but I know no one seemed to bother with the ones sitting in the Atrium. People joining the line when they want to can lead to chaos.
  12. Well, it doesnt actually say you can use it sooner than 120 days. It doesnt say anything about "120 days" so its sneaky.
  13. NCL doesnt explain this process very well. We did get the part about putting our luggage out the night before and I also knew that from previous ships I've been on. But we were clueless about having a time to get on line and puzzled when we saw people siitting relaxed in chairs in the Atrium. Got it now. I laughed when I saw that I had posted a HOT Topic!
  14. But from what I'm reading in the comments, even if you dont choose self assist you can join the line anytime. You may have to wait at the end for your luggage though.
  15. so I guess you either have to be up and out very early or wait until the end if you want to avoid lines, or at least never ending lines.
  16. That's why I saw people sitting in chairs in the Atrium reading as our line snaked past. Just sit there until the end of the line, if you are in no rush
  17. Ah, my experience was at San Piedro.......
  18. I commented on a post on this topic but it wasnt mine. I dont know whose it was (or where it was lol) but the person said that the way NCL disembarks is the "freestyle" way. You may have a time but you dont have to obey it because on NCL no one tells you what to do. When I disembarked from the Cunarder QM2 they took our luggage the night before, the same as NCL. We were given either colors or numbers according to group. I cant remember which. Then the group is assigned to some area of the ship to wait to be called. I was assigned to the theater and there were seats. When the group's number is called you get up and walk out and to where your luggage is waiting for you. Passports were checked on board towards the end of the voyage. The QM2 has about 1,000 less passengers than the Joy which might have something to do with the order or lack of it.
  19. oh, I get it now. So you have to up and out early, before the line forms.
  20. I've been reading a lot of different posts and comments and it sure sounds like if you self assist you get off first but then others say on this thread no, you still get on line. Because I travel solo often I try to have only one suitcase which I am physically able to pull. I find it hard to believe that waiting on a line like I was on last February leaving the Joy doesnt bother you. It was horrible, up stairs, down stairs, across lobbys, through the atrium , standing in the arcade forever and forced to listen to the horrible loud music.
  21. I dont get it. We spent so much time on the line there was little chance our luggage wasnt waiting for us (it was) I dont recall seeing people in line with their luggage. So, if you cant "walk off with your luggage" what do the other posters mean?
  22. So what is the advantage then? of being "self-assisted"
  23. I have seen references to "walking off the ship with our luggage" Does this mean you can skip the long snake through the entire ship to get off? Why would anyone not choose to walk off with their own luggage? Because they have too much? If manageable this seems like the way to get off the ship. If you do it this way you probably have to go through customs? If so, why is that worse than standing in that line inching your way around and up and down the ship?
  24. and dont try to snare them with a poorly worded promo
  25. I see where the confusion is. I dont think you saw my original post. This was in an email I received. I receive one everytime when I make mock bookings on the website. The cruise consultant emails me (with a standard email, not personal) and it has the information in it that I posted. I know the website says 120 days or more before the sailing.
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