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Everything posted by Smitheroo

  1. I really wish we could answer questions without the added sarcasm. as in "we needed that amount of luggage because we were on a TA with a few days before an after"
  2. I think I misunderstood that you took 2 large suitcases EACH. I agree, one a piece was to be expected, we did the same. We didnt have any problems putting ours out in the hall though. Maybe it was the door I wish we could answer questions on this forum without the added sarcasm. Is it really necesary? How about "we were on a TA with a few days before and after so needed that amount of luggage"
  3. I have never had to make this decision, it was someone else I was commenting on. But to answer your question, it would be ackward if the rest of your group is being escorted ahead and you remain behind, you may never see that group again lol. I guess I kind of implied a person wouldnt be *allowed* to join the end of the line. I realize that's not true, no one is stopping you although, like I said, it would feel very ackward and you would need to explain why because you would certainly be questioned by the leader of the escorted group.
  4. Getting to pass everyone in line is a perk they paid for. Would you never fly first class because the economy people have to pass you already in your seat drinking your first cocktail? Last time I flew on a plane that had a first class section with flat seats there was a man already sleeping in his. However, one time I flew first class I was embarassed by the smell of freshly baked cookies wondering if it wafted down into the economy section. On the other hand- I agree with you. We are allowed to remove perks i.e. the alcohol package and not pay service gratuities. So if we object to passing everyone in line we should have the option to omit that perk as well.
  5. It definitely is robust! Like I said, have no idea about the lattes etc
  6. I dont know about the specialty drinks at Starbucks but you either hate or you love the coffee at Starbucks! There are the starbuck people and the dunkin donuts people. I think Starbuck's coffee tastes like real coffee. Critics say it will grow hair on your chest
  7. Looks very nice. Why would someone want to keep their curtain open at night? If I wanted to see the stars I would bundle up and go out on deck. I cant think of any other reason to keep it open. I like the sound of the family oceanview. My travel partner is my son and law and it would have felt less ackward (for me, he didnt care) with a separate sleeping area but I got used to it. Plus if one likes to stay up later than the other it is handy
  8. I didnt read all the comments nor did I quote your entire post but I read it all and much of what you reported are the reasons I would not be interested in the Haven. First off, I could never afford it and I dont know enough about bidding yet. I dont go to sea to stay in accommodations that make me feel like I am in a condo. I like inside cabins, I feel like a sailor but I agree that a balcony cabin at the right time of year would be a very nice splurge. I started out on ships in the 60's where the masses were in cabins with bunk beds and the bathroom was down the hall. And everyone was assigned to a dining room with a set table and sitting. Corridors like on the Titanic. Then I experienced the QM2 about 10 years ago and really appreciated a private bathroom. I would dismiss the butler as soon as I got to my cabin. I think it was on a QM2 forum where someone said a butler will "draw your bath". Ugh. It doesnt bother me that my inside cabin is not made up twice a day and there are no towel animals. I agree that if you are in a cabin where beds need to be pulled down, that does require assistance by bedtime. On my last two cruises I told the room stewards to just make sure there are towels and empty the trash. I can take care of my bed. (and I tipped xtra at the end) If you are in a group and like to have small parties or Happy Hours in your cabin I can see the advantage of a larger cabin. But a solo traveler or a couple- nah. I laughed when you said you felt embarassed when you, as a Haven guest, were escorted past the ordinary folk. Same here. I dont need to be able to ask for endless substitutions at my meals and I found the servers in the Main Dining Rooms to be extremely pleasant and efficient, as was the crew everywhere we went. While I couldn't stand an entitled attitude, I dont fault anyone who prefers the Haven. To each his own as the expression goes.
  9. Its fun looking at deck plans! This screenshot is from the Joy, deck 10 forward. The mustard cabins up front are oceanview. I checked deck 9 and deck 11 and they are all cabins. The Olive boxes next to the mustard ones are forward facing Haven Penthouses. To me, this looks like a decent cabin but I'm curious what Deck 10 forward looks out on. What do you think?
  10. and here are some screenshots of Domestic flights. One Bos to Los Angeles and one is Bos to Seattle.
  11. Ok here we go. These attachments are from London to Boston in January. Even at the higher fares by major airlines its carry on bag only. People who are getting checked bags without paying must have status with the airlines or some other perks. And I checked the baggage fee for one checked bag- $78 The last one is London to Newark
  12. It probably has a lot to do with where you are flying from and if connecting flights are involved. In my case, Boston is a major hub.
  13. I agree that does sound like a problem. I would leave it where I could and let someone else push it into the nook
  14. First, you're asking for trouble bring two large suitcases. Maybe it all depends on which way the door opens and I cant remember with our cabin but we did have 2 large suircases and I dont recall a problem. I am 72 years old so no advantage there.
  15. that's a good point. I looked only at Boston-London
  16. I always put anything of importance or value in my hand carried luggage. Good luck to anyone who thinks they are going to have any use for anything in my checked bag. The suitcase is probably more valuable, so that would be a loss.
  17. Do you have to put your bags out that early that it would impact you leaving the cabin? I dont remember enountering luggage. Also couldnt you just push against the luggage with the door you are trying to open out and ,assuming your luggage is on wheels as most are these days, it would move out into the aisle. Then you close door behind you and push the luggage back into the nook.
  18. This is good to know. I can handle those times lol.
  19. "Cheap" is also subjective. What someone considers cheap might not be cheap to someone else.
  20. I'll get back ot you later with that
  21. What I meant by saying I dont take the basic option was that checked bags are often included in the next category of ticket and that category is still within what I am willing to pay. (I apologize to anyone who is riled up by that term) This is domestic though and I admit I have little experience with International which was the point of starting the thread. I dont understand why you dont pay baggage fees when everything I have looked at (in my limited time frame) does not include checked luggage. The higher fares might but did not look at them. I checked BA yesterday and the flights I saw where over 1,000 pounds (for some reason I couldnt get USD but the conversion is close) Even if I could afford that I wouldnt be willing to pay it which I think you would agree is my choice. Just like even if I could afford Haven I wouldnt pay it, not criticizing anyone who could and would. Thanks for your input and I'll keep researching
  22. Thank you. I decided to see what people continue to add. I'm going to ignore those I feel are not trying to help. When I get time later I will do a search and post a screen shot at what I am looking at, price of baggage fee etc. I cant comment on what you wrote because I realize now it all depends on the individual circumstances but it sounds like you've been pleased. Maybe its more common to have an international flight cancelled but I've never had a domestic flight cancelled (unless due to weather which I expected) I was on the QM2 in January 2013 and like you, enjoyed it. I just returned to ship travel this past February, my first real "cruise" on the Joy, and enjoyed that also. The QM2 has had a refurbish since 2013 so it must be really nice.
  23. I dont think it would be worthwhile to get into a locked bag, better just to grab the suitcase and keep walking I wonder how/if this has happened
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