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Everything posted by Smitheroo

  1. I think the OP is being honest about admitting his desire to see recent natural disasters and admits he doesnt know why. I'm not sure it helps to call this sick, creepy, or macabre. If he expressed this thought to me personally I'm not sure I would know how to answer but I know I wouldnt be using these words. He may be experiencing an intense desire to commiserate with people involved in the disaster. I really doubt he is looking for tourist entertainment. I know several people who admitted they wanted to go to NYC immediately following 9/11. They didnt know why. I think they most likely wanted to help in some way, not knowing how, reacting to the shock felt by everyone. I doubt they wanted to go on a guided tour of Ground Zero. Advising why its not a good idea to go to the scene right now can be helpful, calling it sick isnt.
  2. More interesting facts to add lol! I dont recall reading anything about paying taxes although I *have * read in some of the explanations of why dual citizenship is not always great, because you can be taxed by 2 countries. However... the word *can* is important. What if income is low as in the case of retired US citizens with dual citizenship. My mother was a US citizen (naturalized) and a UK citizen (by birth) She lived in England for several years, with my US born father, and no longer working. I dont believe she paid taxes to either country. I could be wrong but if she did, the taxes were minimal, as retired people.
  3. That is interesting information to add. I think he was in a car with a driver, perhaps hired, I'm not sure but I dont think another vehicle was involved. The vehicle he was in hit a boar in the middle of the road. Sounds like health care is *just* as complicated in Europe as it is here. Hmmmmm
  4. OK, interesting, thank you. Why do you have private insurance, if you dont mind me asking. Do you feel you have better coverage?
  5. Yes, it does help. Not that Intend to rely on this- I only obtained EU citizenship because I thought it was a cool thing to do. At my age I'm not going planning a move to Europe, work, or go to school there. I do like to be accurate though and not spread misinformation so I am going to research this. The senator was emphatic he was not billed. He said nothing about them billing his U.S. health insurance. He is a proponent of Universal Healthcare coverage but I am hoping he was not misleading intentionally. They (in Spain) did a CT Scan because of the accident (which he said he almost refused) and that's when the other health issue became apparent. He was clear that they didnt treat the new issue. He came home for that treatment. I'm wondering if your Uncle's U.S. health insurance was billed because it could be. Many US health insurancees will cover foreign travel. Mine used to, when I was employed. (not all do) Medicare (most people who are over 65 yrs old in the US have this type of coverage- not all i.e.past federal employment, military etc.) does not cover medical treatment outside of the US and even Medicare supplemental insurance only covers a small amount (my supplemental policy coverage has a $50,000 lifetime limit which is not really adequate)
  6. Ok, sometimes info on websites isnt completely accurate. Out of curiosity I will look into this.Isnt everyone covered for health care in their own EU Country? Why wouldnt that be the case. The senator I referred to was treated for an accident. I read (in more than one place) that anyone can be treated for an accident free of charge. If this is wrong then information in many places is misleading. He said that he never received any bill or asked to pay at the time. Its possible he gave his own health insurance information from the US and * that * was billed, I dont know, good question. He insisted there was no charge and that this is what we need in the U.S. He then went on to say that the accident revealed a health problem that he has started treatment for in the U.S. and that has cost him significant money (even with health insurance) Sources point out that EU Citizenship can allow unrestricted residence in an EU country rather than the 3 month limit in the normal tourist situation. Maybe *that's* how you can access the health care system. Get a residence first through your EU Citzenship. This is why I like to ask questions and not assume
  7. What I hate about the NCL Website is that if you do too many mock bookings in a row it freezes. The only way to get it going is to log out and log back in again.
  8. I always see taxes and port fees in the final total. The only "personal" info I have to add is the 2nd person's name, age, etc. Sometimes I make it up if I'm looking for a price for a shared cabin. There is no need to add credit card info. until you actually want to purchase it. I definitely do see taxes and port fees.
  9. I really dont like when there isnt a sink in with the toilet. This is the arrangement with many hotels also.
  10. I am looking at that same TA in April next year.
  11. Another old timer! I probably wouldnt have noticed the shootings or horse racing but I dont recall a children's dining room in the 2 ships I was on in 1966. Interesting. The small ship I was on did have a kennel (and I'm assuming the QM must have) Me and some of the other teens I met went up to the deck to see the dogs being walked by their owners. On the QM2 in 2013 there was a kennel but only owners were allowed access.
  12. You're right, I think I would feel kind of weird alone but its different with a group with many requests etc.
  13. I have to admit that I did end up dating a crew member, but not on board ship. He was a chef on the SS Rotterdam and he and a friend from the same ship "picked up" my girl friend and I in Greenwich Village, had a few drinks, walked down to the docks at which point they took us on board and showed us around the ship, mostly the crew quarters. It was completely innocent, as we intended it to be and apparently they did also. The stupid things kids do!!! I continued my relationship with him for the rest of the summer until he had to return to his native country. Different times for sure.
  14. I remember the midnight buffets but and "tea time" on the Cunard shiips but we now have food just about 24 hrs per day. I guess back then it wasnt the norm to eat around the clock lol! Some features of current day cruising are an improvement. I remember there wasnt a "menu" for meals like there is now. I dont even think there was a menu on the QM2 in 2013 (athough there might have been a choice between one or two entrees) I also remember that every meal (well maybe not breakfast, at least I would hope not) had a FISH course. After awhile we joked about how they came up with so many different types of fish (well the adults did, a teen usually didnt participate in group talk with adults) I feel sorry for anyone at the table who didnt care for fish as they were forced to look at it and smell it. Current privacy laws would probably not allow passenger lists to be published. And increased security vigilance means no more visitors on board before sailing. I was told this stopped somewhere in the 1980's long before 9/11. I think I visited the SS France although I dont remember much about it. After my trips in 1966 I became a ship "groupie" traveling up to NYC to visit the ships docked at the bottom of the 52nd street area, and later lower Manhattan. I wonder if this lower Manhattan area is the current "Manhattan Cruise Terminal". Some of the other ships I visited were the SS United States, Rotterdam, Hamburg, QE, QE2. I'm not sure any of these are in operation now. The SS United States was different, all chrome and linoleum which we now call vintage, seemed so stark compared to the new ships with their brass and carpeting. I attended a lecture on the QM2 given by Bill Miller, who made a career out of his experience of following the ships as he grew up in Hoboken, NJ. Very interesting and I could identify. He has also written books on the subject.
  15. That is good to know! You dont think the process could be done quickly in the case of emergency health care? I know that care for an *accident* is provided for all. One of our senators who was recently injured in an automobile accident in Spain was treated free of cost (so he said, that's all I can go by) I have also read that about accident care. As you age, regular health care becomes as important, or even more important, than accident care. I am NOT intending to rely on this feature, I know purchasing travel insurance would be a lot easier. However, in all the policies I looked at the coverage only applies for trips of a certain length (ie. 45 days) Maybe in cases where your trip will be longer you should look at an annual plan? Not sure if that limits the length or trips or not.
  16. Anyone on here who began traveling by ship post WWII (other than military) ? My first TA was in 1966 when my mother realized that the option for this type of travel would soon be gone. My next one was in 2013 when I was transporting my mother's ashes back to England for burial. Large and small Cunarders (including the original QM) . Big differences! I always avoided cruises later due to the threat of norovirus which was unheard of in 1966 (and learned that TAs are not exempt when the QM2 had an outbreak the cruise before mine in 2013) One difference that stands out in my mind, at least with the Cunard line, is the make up of the crew. For a 16 year old teen, at the peak of the Beatles craze, a crew made up of mostly young British males was like a dream come true. And that is when I learned that you dont fraternize with the crew. There were also the differences in cabins/classes (first, cabin, tourist or 3rd). I remember there were cords across the hallways that lead to "first class passengers only". Now we have keycards to a few select areas. We used to scoot under the barriers and explore the ship. Assigned meal sittings 3 times a day, passenger lists published listing everyone on board ship, visitors allowed on board before sailing. What was NCL like in its early days? Was it always "freestyle?" Early cruise experiences?
  17. I have dual citizenhip (EU and my native US). I am aware of the benefits of having EU Citizenship that are on the various websites but I am wondering if any one has had other experiences, good or bad. Do to my age and circumstances, I think the only benefit I would ever be able to use is health care access if I should become sick in an EU country. And I dont know much about that so not relying on that benefit. I forgot to add that I also have an EU Passport.
  18. Yeah, the one that is on now is on its 3rd cycle. As the 3rd day comes and adfvances the warnings appear "xx hours left" and then the next morning it is back on the website. Yet that is not what happened with the last promo. I guess they like to keep us checking their website lol
  19. Definitely is a stress reducer! Yet some people still want to remove them . Not so much on this forum, or they dont talk about it, but on another forum I was once on.
  20. Did they advertise these extras online? Otherwise the 6 cruises might have been an incentive lol
  21. Interesting. The next time I travel solo I will think about that. What do you think would be a decent tip in the MDR for 1 person without any major requests?
  22. Its the texture of it that gets me, not so much the taste, although that is bad too. To me, eating feels like how I imagine eating shoe leather would feel like
  23. They do advertise other bargains not offered by the cruise lines- the OBC credit they give you and paid gratuities. You have to go to the fine print to read what the details are but they are visibly showing offers not offered by the cruise line - to certain level of passenger. I agree with you on who gets the xtra offers. Not much to be made from 1 person in an inside cabin.
  24. I have searched a couple more of the online travel agents and none of them pay gratuities unless you book a balcony or suite. If there is one I havent checked yet that does, it may depend on your total bill. Tell me your agent paid gratuities for you, a solo traveler, in an inside cabin and I will keep looking. Probably very little profit in this situation.
  25. I wasnt clear when I wrote my response. I meant that the websites I checked didnt include gratuities for less expensive cabins. I will keep looking
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