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Everything posted by NSWP

  1. Reduces the impact of waves, swells into a port/harbour. Eden wants a big marina in there. Some rough weather down there.
  2. Many of the cruiselines now require precruise payment of shorex.
  3. A lot of work happening in Eden harbour, the wave Accenuator, etc. Probably why cruise ship berthing restrictions.
  4. Great work Lyle, the police museum in Gastown is worth a visit, I enjoyed it. Granville Island perhaps? That is good too. Have a great day.
  5. Pie Day Friday at Ampol, Batemans Bay, $2 for the Traveller Pies. Nice display eh?
  6. Like a Gladstone bag, blokes used to take to work? I remember those from the 60's and 70's.
  7. Yep, takes me back to ye olde days. Chasing the rogues around the Rocks and up and down ye olde Argyle Cut. No City Extra around back then for a feed and drink.
  8. Crikey you Canucks live well, no Vegemite Sangas in the work lunchroom over there. Good stuff Lyle.
  9. The word Port for Portmanteau..suitcase is in the Australian/Queensland dictionary but not in the Oxford Concise Dictionary which is the proper King’s English. God Save The King.! 🤴🏻 ,
  10. I think the residents of Wollongong and Port Kembla would prefer a cruise ship terminal rather than a nuclear powered submarine base. Big dramas down there if Federal Govt pursues the sub base at Port Kembla. Having worked down there I can tell you the Illawarra is controlled by the trade unions. They will fight the Govt re the Subs.
  11. And in NSW your port is your suitcase. Your sky rocket is your pocket. Your Julius Marlowes are your shoes. And so it goes on in the Strayan Vernicular.😀
  12. When I was there last September on Coral Princess, the Myki counter was right inside the cruise terminal hall..
  13. We await the VLOGER’s rolling out their stuff. Most still unpacking I suppose. 🧳
  14. it appears that spider arrived in Railway Sleepers from Sydney in 1924. Descendant of the Huntsman. I get one or two down here, out with ye old can of kreepy krawler killer, get them spiders. 🕷️
  15. Officially started in Brisvegas today? I thought it started in Auckland last week or Sydney on Sunday. Stu do not believe anything those Queenslanders tell you, they win a State of Origin Rugby League game and claim the world cruise as well 👹
  16. Thanks Linda, but I am struggling, most days I am a shot duck, side effects of the cancer meds according to Oncologist. This site cheers me up no end.
  17. Cool here today, 12C, gf sausage roll and sauce is the order for today.
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