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Everything posted by NSWP

  1. This guy is all dressed up for formal night at Dragon Lady, lol.
  2. ANZ use Allianz, before that QBE. Allianz I found rather tough, knocked me back several times. Last cruise, I used NRMA they use Covermore.
  3. Thanks mate, Hopefully working on the diesel generator.
  4. Do I get half a packet of fantails for saying Alaska? Lol.
  5. Have to agree with you Barry, tried about 5 insurance companies, but have terminal cancer within, too expensive, if you can get it. Oncologist gives me about 2 years. Happy I did about 30 cruises all over the world with my late wife. Just the odd road trip these days. Stay safe mate, it is a jungle out there. Again thanks to all on here for their support. X😷
  6. Some big pythons in NQ and NT, they can strangle you. People keep them as pets my Vet Grandaughter had a job on a big sick pet python 🐍 on a property in Townsville. Whacked antibiotics into it. All good, lol.
  7. Indeed and tomato juice, all at no additional charge.
  8. Plenty of smoked salmon on Prrincess, love it. Tomato juice for brekkie too. Addicted to that. I suppose tom jooce is extra on P and O Australia and Carnival Straya.
  9. Good idea. FYI, old Donegans, Zero Bar and Grill, closed up yesterday. Went bust, too much debt I am told.
  10. Good work Neil, the western suburbs have always been pie eaters. I remember back in the seventies, calling into Mckay and Boys @Parramattafor a dogs eye.
  11. Shock, horror, media is reporting. 40% drop in sale of meat pies, get to it guys, get stuck into to ye olde dogs eyes, 🥧 food of the nation. Cruise ships should have them available every day. Perhaps we need a few Greggs shops here?
  12. Nice and thick, plenty of chunky meat filling, Leigh?
  13. Come on Lyle give us a pic, no matter how ugly, lol.
  14. Left overs? My wife and I years ago ate one of those Woolies family pies for dinner, no lefties, lol.
  15. Bad news re late into Colombo, such is life at sea. Enjoy your time there anyway guys. Gaz and Jo and others, am enjoying your reports, stuck in Batemans Bay, 0 degrees last night. Onwards my friends.!
  16. Exactly fishtaco, you pay a lot of monry for a cruise so a few dollars for a visa is a non event, in my opinion anyway. Above all enjoy.
  17. Brewpub sounds good Lyle. Stanley Park is great, totem poles and all. Really good of you to host our Aussies. Perhaps one day it will be reciprocal. Cheers.
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