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Everything posted by duquephart

  1. Great example would be what Viking calls bisteca. Someone should be thrown in jail for that one.
  2. Calling something something does not make that something what they call it.
  3. Enough of local currency to offer suggested tips to local guides and drivers and maybe small incidentals. We're calling it equivalent of $10 per day.
  4. How does one keep injecter type medications cold enough on the way? From our door to the room refrigerator (assuming they have one) in the pre-extension hotel is going to be probably sixteen hours + or -.
  5. A better difficulty rating system would be welcome - "moderate" ranges from bus ride to forced march.
  6. The one on Jupiter was not being used when we were aboard.
  7. Starts in Barcelona - ends in Istanbul. Four segments.
  8. Late afternoon. Helpful if you can overlook the hustle/sales pitch.
  9. I'm with you. I buy t-shirts everywhere I go and have lots of what I consider to be nice ones. One of my favorites is a Minnesota Kicks (tried to get soccer going in the late 70's) which reads "It Takes Leather Balls to Play Soccer."
  10. Has anyone here had any luck getting the mini-bar included beer swapped out for something else on the list?
  11. At the Ratskeller in Regensburg I was drinking a dunkel that the monks at Kloster Weltenburg have been brewing for over a thousand years. That part of the world is heaven to a beer drinker.
  12. Note the "special instructions" area om yjr form.
  13. You'd think ship and shore times would coincide.
  14. I wear what amounts to cargo pants and a nice shirt to dinner. And I feel just fine.
  15. No such thing as "fresh squeezed made from concentrate" - think about it.
  16. I don't think powdered oj is juice either.
  17. You would think so - but Viking isn't very good at giving money back.
  18. Dress code is for dining venues. Explorers Lounge is not a dining venue.
  19. Have Oliver Zinapold in Triberg (https://www.olisschnitzstube.de/en/) make you a cuckoo clock. Then you will have an authentic/traditional/classic Black Forest cuckoo clock rather than some tourist tat.
  20. A cuckoo clock shop in Berlin? Better off missing it.
  21. " --- I know that Viking ships are all exactly the same." Broad. And untrue.
  22. Didn't Laurel & Hardy do a film: Slobs at Sea?
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