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Everything posted by duquephart

  1. "Free" is one of the most powerful (and misused) words in the English language.
  2. "Free" for only an additional several thousand dollars.
  3. Selection same for everybody. Package is just one way of paying.
  4. You can go to the Blue Lagoon which is really runoff from a power plant and rub yourself with mud which is really, well, mud.
  5. If I had to choose one or the other it would be Manfredi's. But even their highly regarded (by many) rib eye is riddled with marinade and tenderizer. There is lots of very good food aboard a Viking ship but a great steakhouse they are not.
  6. "It represented to us something in which the rich and famous might indulge occasionally" Not sure what it is but you clearly have a bad case of it.
  7. "Free" air. Does anyone actually fall for that?
  8. My wife can't handle lamb and opted for a NY steak. It was tough and badly overcooked. Chef's table is way overrated.
  9. Skagway is basically owned by the megas.
  10. Another great piece: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/diamond-de-beers-marketing-campaign Basically, De Beers and their marketing turned an intrinsically almost valueless commodity into an item necessary for a successful marriage and fulfilling life.
  11. Diamonds may well be the planet's biggest (and most successful) scam. Read up on DeBeers.
  12. Relatively small space on Viking and not necessarily "very expensive." Only open while at sea so don't have to deal with local taxes.
  13. It would be Delta for us if that factors in. Thanks!
  14. Forgive me if this has been worked over elsewhere but ----- what is the procedure for using points to upgrade flight arrangements on Viking? My guess is that we would purchase air+ in order to get our preferred carrier and then upgrade with that carrier once Viking chooses flights. Am I on the right track here?
  15. I wonder about price of comparable elsewhere. Cruise ship jewelry stores are not your best bet.
  16. We requested business class with the cruise booking and wound up with Saga something. Basically what equates to domestic first class. Were supposed to go Bergen - Copenhagen (SAS) - KEF (Iceland Air) following cruise and then KEF - MSP following extension but got stranded due to SAS strike. Wound up Oslo to AMS on SAS codeshare and then AMS - ORD - MSP on United Polaris.
  17. Yes ----- on our Homelands cruise. Iceland Air MSP to KEF to ARN.
  18. Do they all lie or just Viking & HAL? Someone else doing it makes it OK?
  19. And we aren't talking UK bookings here.
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