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Everything posted by Blackduck59

  1. @cartervan I'm happy to hear your perserverance has paid off. It is too bad that you had to jump through the hoops. I think they set it up like that so most people will give up before they have to pay up.
  2. Apparently the casino is an outside contractor. So while it may have space on board, when you spend money at the casino, it's not on board spending.
  3. I take it meringue isn't you thing. That's okay too. I will try them down under, I hope they are as described by my friends down there. Every time I try them around here they are hard and crunchy; and they explode when you try to bite them.
  4. It is exactly that, I'm told by those down under that if properly prepared it will be crisp but not hard on the outside and it will be soft inside but not runny. It will be white outside not browned like a lemon meringue pie. And just like many different special dishes whatever they serve won't be as good as mom used to make.
  5. Well I have to say Mic has a great clue and the angle supports his thought. I'm not sure how obvious Lyndon is being. Clearly that is the houses of Parliament in London. From the angle and elevation it would suggest it was taken from The London Eye Ferris wheel.
  6. You will definitely get different descriptions and expectations for Pavlova. I'm not sure many Aussies or Kiwis will comment favourably on a cruise ship version. I'm certainly no aficionado, I will try the cruise version but suspect it will differ greatly from what we get in Australia and New Zealand when we visit there.
  7. I like these "Classic" offerings. Hopefully the program gains traction and we will see these options on our next cruise in 2025. It gives everyone an opportunity of an extra choice and by coincidence Club Orange has 2 extra choices. This feels like a small step in a good direction.
  8. I don't think this is really helpful, all I know is we ended up with way more spend points than we expected and we'll take them thanks very much. There was a thread a while back that had some good explanations about how spend points are calculated. They were most helpful but I'm still confused. I have said many times I don't get the status thing. I am happy to have the perks if they come, how they came I don't know or care. We book the cruise that we hope to enjoy, we spend money on things we want aboard (even better if it's onboard credit) if we get points for spending someone else's money, cool. We'll take those too. Any chance of there being non refundable OBC left at the end of the cruise? Absolutely none.
  9. While I did put a chuckle on this post. It is a valid point. It seems that some people everywhere have a need to be "special". That's okay everyone to there own, I just think that the most helpful suggestions often come from those who choose not to mention their "status".
  10. Keep a tally on your daily consumption. If you have a couple drinks available at the end of your day, grab a few pops or cans of beer or anything you like within your daily limit. Put them in your cabin fridge (which you have asked the steward to empty for you, when the voyages began), this will save room for more expensive choices on another day and you have a mini bar in your cabin stocked through your beverage package. For us we never came close to reaching our "limit" but it was nice to have cold drinks in our cabin fridge without paying the "minibar" charges.
  11. You are correct sir. But it is named for RCSCC Rainbow one of Canada's first Sea Cadet corps founded in 1918. Which was named for HMCS Rainbow. I spent a lot of time in my early teens at that place, the buildings are long gone, The memories for me and many others will never fade. Now I need to stand you a pint and dinner next time we see you. Cheers, your turn.
  12. Not really, on the other side of our moat.
  13. For bonus points name the park. super extra bonus points if you can say why it is named that.
  14. So the sign says Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame. I thought Texas or Alberta until I saw the saddle, and zoomed in on the sign.
  15. It's a line from "American Pie" a song by Don McLean, referring to the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly as "the day the music died" I think in many ways it was.
  16. I just went on to you tube for Jonny. I don't think I would have been a big fan, he reminds me of Bobby Darin. I was born after Buddy Holly died and only discovered his music from the Buddy Holly story movie. I definitely would have been a Buddy Holly fan.
  17. The "Hip" are the Tragically Hip who were a very popular Canadian Band. When their lead singer was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer a few years ago they went on one final Canadian tour with all shows sold out and the final one was presented on National TV. April Wine is a band out of Montreal that had quite a lot of success, they still tour but the lead singer has retired in the last year. Trooper is a band out of Vancouver, they have been around since the 70s. They were a big venue band for a few years then spent the last 30 years or so as a club band. Either way they were a fun band and did a great show. The lead singer and lead guitar player came to enjoy the forced time off from Covid and retired from the band. The band continues to perform with new members (with the blessing of the now retired founding members) Check any of them out you may like their music.
  18. Thank you Linda and Mic, very helpful. Probably like me mentioning April Wine, Trooper or The Hip.
  19. I have read a few more posts and still don't get the "Status" thing. Clearly it matters to some. I wonder if the "4 stars" being excluded from some events perhaps comes from "5 stars" complaining that the lowly 4 stars are getting the same perk as they are. If the status, or medallion or pin are important to you then know the rules and do whatever voodoo you need to do to get them. For me if I should ever reach those dizzy heights all I want is the free laundry and whatever discounts I am then entitled to.
  20. I was even familiar with the term because some kind folks took a poor uneducated Canadian and helped him to more properly understand the language that you folks claim is English 😁. Hopefully by the time we actually arrive in Oz, we won't need an interpreter.
  21. Well it is Remembrance Day here. We went to visit Lynn's mom and watch the ceremony on TV with her, It was truly the worst weather for remembrance day in many years yet the turn out at the Cenotaph was quite impressive. Lynn's mom served briefly in the RCAF in the 50s. Lynn's Grandfather saw action in France during the great war and came out of that with lung damage that would eventually take his life at age 61. We raised a glass to the fallen and Pte. Byron Peters, Canadian Army. It was sherry today I didn't think Margaret could handle the Ron Zacapa rum I used yesterday.
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