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Everything posted by Blackduck59

  1. I know I have posted this before on other threads, I'm not sure if it was on the down under board. Believe it or not there is a difference between "TIPS" and "Gratuities". "TIPS" are given before hand "to insure proper service" this is when the patron offers someone, usually the maitre d to get a better table, then the waiter or bartender or any other person so you are moved to the front of the line. It is a bribe for lack of a better word; unfortunately many times the tipper thinks they now actually own the person they bribed for the duration of the encounter. A "gratuity" is given after service to say thankyou for a job well done. Unfortunately in Canada and the US "gratuities" are expected no matter how ordinary or even bad the service is. We are happy to pay the "gratuities" as charged by the cruise line, for our down under cruise the "Gratuities" are included in the "have it all" package we chose. If we have exceptional service we will also give cash to the individuals that went above and beyond for us. It will be a welcome change for us when we are down there and the bill is the bill.
  2. You are mostly correct, it is not a pilot boat. It was the tug that was standing by. The photo was taken shortly after it was released by the ship. I think the pilot was on board for hours before that. We are actually alongside when the photo was taken. I had hoped it would take longer to get it. Oh well, your turn.
  3. While the concept of bar service would bring in money, I think it would be impractical. Could you imagine the "Look" you would get if you dared order a drink during a performance? Keep in mind they had "Quiet Please" signs in the open passage at the Explorer's lounge on Zaandam during performances. Even then you got the stink eye from some of the faithful if you dared walk through there.
  4. Here is the photo, sorry for the delay. This photo was taken by Lynn, I have a similar one but hers is way better.
  5. I won't be able to post a new photo until I get home from work.
  6. Or Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse, Western Australia.
  7. Is that Point Lowly, Whyalla South Australia
  8. I'm not sure we would ever be able to or want to take advantage of these offers. We are a little particular about our cabin type and location. Of course the biggest hurdle would be having to fly to almost any port to embark. We could only get to Vancouver and Seattle without flying so that limits the itineraries. I think our cruising days are numbered because flying is getting less and less enjoyable. As I said earlier for those who get these offers and can take advantage of them good on you.
  9. I'm not sure there is a need for a microwave available to guests anywhere on board. If your coffee got cold get them to pour you a fresh one. If you want your sandwich heated I bet they would do that for you.
  10. I think perhaps this is another case of hindsight being 20/20. I think it also doesn't address the situation created by officials in NSW after Ruby Princess docked in Sydney. I think that rather than speculate about this like a bunch of armchair quarterbacks we could maybe ask @BRANDEE her thoughts she was there and lived through it.
  11. The idea of microwaves in the cabins is a non starter. I suspect the one in the "Butler's Pantry" of the Pinnacle suite is there fore the use of the butler, not the guests. Imagine the destruction possible from some irresponsible passenger (and we all know there are some on every cruise) who leaves something in there for way too long, as others have mentioned in this thread. I think they should have popcorn available included in your fare, especially for movies. For those with reactions to the smell of popcorn that's unfortunate, I guess you don't go to the movies.
  12. Think along the lines of designing the space, fabricating the millwork and the waiting for a refit to install everything. Or they may just drop the "name brand" and leave it as a music venue.
  13. My wife and I recently went to a land based restaurant here in our home town, The bill was close to $300.00 (CDN) of which $60.00 was the bar tab. For us with a beverage package the bar bill would not apply. If the service and food are very good at Rudi's then it is not any more expensive than any high end restaurant on land. One must decide if they are willing to pay the tariff, or dine in another venue.
  14. I think we would find that all cruise lines make small window opportunities to some people on every cruise. It's nice for those who can take advantage of them, good on them. Am I going to cancel my long planned (third time lucky, twice cancelled) down under adventure because some random stranger got a guarantee cabin in steerage dirt cheap? Not so much. We chose the itinerary, were able to get an enhanced group of perks and picked our cabin. We felt the price was fair and booked it onboard our last cruise with a $100.00 (CDN) deposit each.
  15. I'm not sure it's the TA's job to "Negotiate" a price. It is their job to find the best deal available. If there is a price drop after the fact or a promotion running they may be able to help you change it. That being said if you had a group of perks included in the original booking that are not included in the new lower fare I guess you have to choose between perks and lower fare. Don't forget you may lose the cabin you chose with the original fare.
  16. We hope you enjoyed the show Lyndon. He has been close by here a couple of times but the tickets sold out in about 15 seconds and I don't have the budget for resellers.
  17. I think you may really want to sort the air portion of your trip. North America, especially the US is an absolute crap show during the holidays. Do not put your excellent vacation at risk by trusting you may get an easy last minute flight to your final destination. For us the flights are the worst part of travel and we sort that out as early in the game as we can.
  18. It is. I was in the Yukon for 8 weeks in 1977 and part of that was in a bush camp not far from Carcross.
  19. Of course the place I knew and have spent several days there in (1977) Carcross Yukon came when I was incommunicado from here. Oh well I may get lucky on another image.
  20. I have been incommunicado from here for a few days so am just now seeing this. We wish we were close enough to drop in and say hello. We are sad to hear you have had a set back and hope it is a short stay with plenty of pampering until you can get home to familiar things and comfortable surroundings. Cheers Mate, live life full. Lyle & Lynn
  21. Keep in mind you are crossing the largest ocean in the world in winter, dress accordingly. I suspect long pants will be the norm for the crossing. Also you can count on a certain sea state in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in winter, plan for that accordingly.
  22. I like the "Pusser's Painkiller" I like to hold the nutmeg. When we were on Zaandam I ordered it in other bars than just the "Crows Nest" I ordered it in the Ocean Bar and Mix. My wife likes the Bahama Mama.
  23. You really had no other choice than cancel these cruises because of an automated phone system? Perhaps you wanted to cancel anyway? No way an automated phone causes me to cancel a vacation I really wanted.
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