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Everything posted by Blackduck59

  1. While everyone is adding their thoughts on walktail, I'm pretty sure @CruiserBruce first saw that the same time I did on another thread when @POA1 used it in one of his always witty posts. It was to describe the cocktail you got at the bar and carried with you to the dining room. This was to insure you got that pre-dinner cocktail before the appy is served. Nowhere was it suggested it had to be "free".
  2. Cheers, I like your attitude, hopefully the package you have represents good value for you, and your final bill isn't too surprising. We look at an itinerary and check out "the deal" if it looks good we pay the tariff. We are fairly aware of what's "included in the fare" we paid. We are also careful of what we buy on board. I think even the classic drink package should work okay for you, unless you insist on top shelf liquors and premium wines. Many cocktails are under the price cap for classic, I can highly recommend the "Pusser's Painkiller" rum punch (hold the nutmeg for me)
  3. @Judy795 I'm not sure "high expectations" is a good mindset when preparing for a cruise. Set a reasonable group of things the cruise should accomplish for you, hopefully those boxes get checked. Food is so subjective, what I may think was a poor choice may be a wonderful meal for someone else. Good luck for a fantastic voyage, don't set the bar so high that it can't be reached.
  4. @Hobar, I think part of the confusion is that "Have it All" is a specific list of goods and services at a bundled price; for some it is good value for others maybe not. There is an enhanced group of goods and services if you book your cruise early, this list includes the premium beverage package, the better wi-fi and "crew appreciation". There are also certain perks for booking a "future cruise" while you are on a cruise. This is usually reduced deposits and extra on board credit. We pre-paid gratuities on our last cruise, this will show up as a "credit" on your on board account. Each day "crew appreciation" will be charged to your on board account and the "credit will be reduced by that amount. If you buy anything onboard it will also use that credit until it is depleted. So they charge "crew appreciation" daily, any extra charges will be on your final bill after any credit you had is depleted.
  5. I ran a whole thread of Observations on Zaandam, it shouldn't be too far back on the HAL board. Feel free to have a look. We booked a 14 day New Zealand to Australia in March of 2025.
  6. Yes, I'm not sure what is up with tendering in Cornerbrook. Zaandam had been there once before we were there and she tendered that time. Perhaps we were just lucky to be alongside.
  7. It's interesting that you are tendering in Cornerbrook, we were alongside there. If you do make it ashore there I highly recommend seeing if you can get a cab to drive you around. We had one who gave us an hour for $90.00 CDN we saw and passed many of the school busses that were doing the ship's tour. Also check and see if they are doing a "Screech In" at the Legion, it's a great time. Bring cash, if they are. Fair winds and a trailing sea.
  8. It's too bad you have already been affected by the storm. I hope you have a safe journey and enjoy the ship as much as we did.
  9. I applaud your dedication for researching bartending technique, it is a vital service wherever bars are found.😁
  10. Have you watched the bar tender at your favourite bar? Do they ever touch the glass, or shaker with their bare hands? How do they put ice in the glass or shaker? Do they use a shot glass or dispenser? I wonder how much you would complain about the wait for a drink if the bartender sanitized their hands after every drink or perhaps changed gloves after every drink. You seem offended by the bartender's technique but did nothing to correct it, just posted on here "so others would be aware"
  11. We didn't get in on the $1.00 deposit sale, we just booked our "future cruise" while we were on Zaandam last week. We booked on board to get the $100.00 deposit and the extra OBC, it was also an "Early Booking" so the Have it All included the premium beverages, the upgraded internet and "crew appreciation". We felt it was a fair deal and it only ties up $200.00 which is refundable. I say if you got the cruise you wanted booked, with the cabin you want, and you only had to cough up $1.00 per person then good on you. I dare say those who whine about these promotions, are those who didn't get what they wanted. I also wonder if those who question the motives of the multi bookers are simply angry they weren't able to get the multiple cabins they wanted to hold and choose later. So if it works out good for you and you got your low deposit booking and intend to actually cruise, good on ya. And if your multiple bookings that you made and don't intend to use, don't work out for you...Oh well.
  12. It was probably both, congratulations on your decision to get your passport, it will open the world to you. Also remember that once you have it, it is the most important piece of identification you possess.
  13. Unfortunately his "addiction" endangered the ship and he should have been removed from the ship at the next port. Just punted without compensation, screw him.
  14. My only experience is on HAL is Zaandam, there are several options for pre-dinner drinks. We liked Ocean Bar, there was usually a piano player doing pre dinner music. Mix bar is open pre dinner but I don't recall music there pre-dinner. There was classical music pre-dinner in Explorers Lounge but no bar there so you would have to bring a drink and you will get "the look" if you leave during the performance to recharge your glass and don't be talking during the performance either.
  15. I'm starting to think that a hot buttered rum is in my near future because tea with honey isn't cutting it. I think I have some Appleton's I don't mind mixing, I never did acquire a taste for Scotch.
  16. Like I said a Neptune suite doesn't represent the majority of cabins on that ship. If the OP is in a Neptune suite then the picture answers their question.
  17. I'm not sure a picture of what is in a premium suite is a fair representation of what other accommodation on that ship or any other ship may offer. I know there were 2 North American style plugs on Zaandam that I wasn't expecting to have, then I realized that they were for the old TV and DVD player that are gone and replaced by a large flat screen on the wall, unfortunately they were all on the wall opposite the bed.
  18. We are home safe and sound but both have a nasty cold. I think Lynn is about over it but I'm still suffering. Hopefully I will be over it by Monday, I'm supposed to be back at work then. It was a nice cruise, we look forward our next one but it is so far away. I have discovered one thing, we will not be able to do is an extremely long haul flight so it will be broken into stages. We will probably stop in Hawaii both directions. I'm also not sure I can handle the small commuter planes to get off the island, I had a very bad claustrophobic moment waiting for the rest of the passengers to board in Vancouver. The flight details are going to be critical for the down under trip.
  19. HAL will supply an extension cord if required, I'm not sure which ships have outlets by the bed. Zaandam didn't, and we asked for a cord and it was in the cabin when we boarded. You can also order a gallon of distilled water and it will be in your cabin when you arrive. We asked our TA to request the cord and the water is available to pre-purchase through the web site.
  20. Actually twice on that same thread (he was ruthless 😉)
  21. I have a friend on Zaandam right now, she is not aware of any menu changes for specialty dining just yet. I think sometimes it's just better to take the menu that's handed to you and hope something appeals to you. Speculating far in advance about what day you should book is too much work for vacation. Lamenting about what used to be is wasted energy. Look at what is and hope it's good.
  22. Oops you still didn't comment about the topic at hand and you are still commenting on another topic. I will continue to respond when quoted so probably best to not quote me again. I know all about thread drift, I have started and maintained many that do just that. Most times while drifting the topic at hand is in the conversation.
  23. This goes back to the whole meaning "tips" (to insure proper service) these were offered before service to get special treatment. A gratuity on the other hand is given after service because you are "grateful" for exemplary service. My thought is that service should have a minimum standard and bribing a server up front implies the server will not meet that standard without the bribe, it also implies that now that you have paid for extra service you expect to go to the front of the line because you bought special treatment. Because there is a generous gratuity added on top of your fare by the cruise line that should cover the good service. We do however give a little extra in cash to our room stewards at the end of the cruise because they always go above and beyond for us.
  24. I think the new specialty restaurant menus came into effect on the current cruise for Zaandam, we had the old ones but the change was scheduled at the conclusion of our cruise.
  25. HAL will supply an extension cord for you. As others have said you can buy a gallon of distilled water from HAL, it's not expensive and it saves you lugging a big jug of water with you. I was able to run the extension in such a way that it was out of the way for the most part. we unplugged it during the day and plugged it in at bed time.
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