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Everything posted by julig22

  1. I agree. As far as I know, NCL agents do not work on commission, nor can they change prices or add promos that aren't currently in effect. So they have nothing to give away.
  2. Close but no cigar, not exactly how it works. They estimate costs years in advance and will hold to those prices if they can. And if they do have to increase prices, you are still grandfathered in, only new reservations pay an increase. As to highest current, well I just booked a cruise for June, the cheapest flights I can find that fit the NCL parameters total about $1,300 yet I'm paying NCL under $800. Current pricing for my next cruise in December (booked in September when pricing was known) is over $3K, $2K over what I paid to NCL. However, like Celebrity - and other cruiselines, you can contact the NCL premium air department and they will be more than happy to work with you and get you the flights you request - but without the BOGO discounted rate. Some will also offer options with respect to cancellations/changes - usually with an additional fee, no different than if you were booking directly with the airline. Or you can buy travel insurance that would provide assistance for missed cruises, etc. But I'm also quite flexible when it comes to flights and I've learned how to roll with the punches and navigate the system, so the savings are often worth it to me. Do I always use NCL flights - no. Booked my own on my last domestic trip, using the voucher I got from United when my NCL-booked flight home on another cruise was delayed. Note, I would have booked the same flight.
  3. I usually book the cheapest OV cabin because I'm not picky about my balcony location. So yes, I booked obstructed OV, booked before the new Solo categories came out, paying full double occupancy at the moment, about $300 more than the solo. But if I'm onboard, I will also take advantage of the in-category upgrade, just in case I decide not to upgrade (depends on the itinerary) or can't for some reason. AFAIK, they base the upgrade on what you paid, pretty sure I've never been upgraded to anything other than BF, even with the onboard upgrade to OA. Don't know what would have happened if they hadn't had any BF cabins available, I'm guessing no upgrade available. But I'm perfectly happy with the deck 8 enclosed balcony - they actually come in handy on cold/windy days. This cruise is to Norway and Iceland in June, so could be a little nippy.
  4. Got it worked out - was able to go back to my original cabin category, then upgrade. It wouldn't have been such an issue except that the only obstructed OV cabins available to book were handicapped. And from what I could see, only 2 BF cabins to choose from! Now there's only 1 LOL, cruise isn't until next June so who knows what's going on - the today price is $300 less than when I originally booked, wouldn't expect the price to drop if they are close to capacity.
  5. YIKES. IMPORTANT UPDATE I went the lazy route and tried to do the WP update online. And it got rejected today. Guess if I'd called I would have found out earlier, possibly in time to unwind the changes I'd made to my reservation. You CANNOT use points to upgrade the new solo categories. "your reservation is booked in a pseudo category and does not qualify for an upgrade"
  6. Yes, last year on Black Friday the sale was 50% off, However, it was already at 50% before BF, stayed there at least into January, had been 40% prior to that, and was 35% before that. What I am saying is that there usually isn't anything special for BF. But if you happen to check, thinking it's a great deal, you might see a price change and chalk it up to a BF sale. I had a cruise booked at 35%, way back in 2021. Price has changed several times, sometimes up. sometimes down. At one time, I did reprice during their 50% off promo, but it was in January. Now that pricing is back to 35% and a year later, my price has dropped by almost 50% from my original booking.
  7. As to charging a single-supplement, that's not how the single supplement works. A solo traveler is just paying for double occupancy at most, so the basic fare is covered, you already paid for the cabin. I would contact the insurance carrier and ask if they need to cancel or just be a no-show. In either case, they should get a refund for any pre-paid items, like excursions or taxes. Since I believe your gratuities are included in the UK, I'm not sure what happens with those.
  8. NCL hasn't had a "meaningful" black friday sale for many years IMHO, despite what some people seem to think - because they might change the % or the 2nd person is free. They are just rotating their marketing strategy at the same time they reconfigure base pricing. When they finally went back to 35% from 50% last year, some of my cruise prices actually went down. I do seem to recall a 10% BF special about 5 years ago. But I would watch for additional latitudes points and/or a "DoubleUp" promos.
  9. Yes, calling the main number is a good idea. However, it may not be quite that simple this close to sail date, possibly why it hasn't been done. Or they are getting ghosted...my PCC just left, only reason I know is because when I tried to call, I got routed to the main number. So I texted her, got the scoop.
  10. I have actually received direct email from Katy Byrd, with a copy and instructions to an assistant to call me to work out details. On another matter, I was also contacted directly by the same above-mentioned assistant with respect to resolution. But I also got the canned gatekeeper response recently, no further communication when trying to get beyond that point. So hard to say who reads the incoming mail - and how it is routed. I've also sent in complimentary emails at various times - got a thank you (and OBC) once, crickets the others.
  11. I think the answer to what you are asking is that you will always pay the difference between what you paid and the cost of what you want. So no value in using points to upgrade within the meta.
  12. That is correct. OV to balcony is the highest use of points.
  13. Absolutely. The Effy shop manager was hinting that cards could be used for the shop staff as well - and passed out blank cards - but also mentioned that staff wasn't allowed to ask...
  14. On a recent cruise, my steward would put her name card next to a hero card on my bed everyday towards the end of the cruise. I never even met the lady! Gave her a small tip but that's all.
  15. So, just passing on some information I got today from the WP rep, regarding the new solo categories. Uncharted territory at this point but here's what they told me is how it is supposed to work. If you book a solo OV for example, you can only upgrade to solo Balcony using points. No solo balconies left, no upgrade. She did verify however that if you upgrade early in the process, you are still eligible for price drop refund, at least until final payment due date. Gotta think about the strategy here. The solo staterooms seem to be selling out fairly quickly in some cases. If I book solo now and upgrade and they sell out all the solo OV's, then no price drop - although I suppose if the price drops enough, I could move to a regular OV and upgrade from there. This is getting complicated....
  16. I've actually gone the self-insured route in the past - if I lose my cruise fare it's not gonna break me. But because I've done quite a bit of travel in the past 2 years, I did get an annual plan. Not so much to cover lost cruise fare - but to cover unexpected expenses, such as airfare home in case of an emergency. The actual coverage for cruise fare is quite limited, it's the extras I'm concerned about. I've done quite a bit of international travel and the cost of last minute airfare home can be quite expensive. Your travel insurance may cover your cruise and airfare, depends on the terms. For me, the annual insurance plan is much more economical than paying annual fees on a travel card (I use the NCL card for NCL travel, use the points for upgrades). If you cancel, you are entitled to a refund of prepaid expenses, such as taxes and gratuities, pre-booked excursions.
  17. When you book onboard, they have to manually calculate the latitudes discount - and some staff are better at math than others. Online, the system recognizes your latitudes discount, onboard, you have to make sure they know to give it to you (which is stated in the T&Cs). So not surprising that in some cases they will just give you the discount, forgetting to factor in the $50 credit, since that doesn't apply to everyone.
  18. Optimistic to think NCL will cover you if the airline messes up. They won't. That's why they offer insurance. Just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's true - or that maybe they conveniently forgot to mention that they got refunds/credit because they had insurance. Note, I skimmed the the article you posted and it doesn't say anything about insurance - which, by NCL offering FCC, implies to me anyway, that they did have NCL insurance. Trip interruption tends to be for instances when you have to leave early, again for a covered reason. It might also pay to get you to the next port. Only CFAR insurance (cover for any reason) would cover you if you decide to cancel your trip for a non-covered reason. Which is why you have to purchase it when you book your cruise, not at a later date. NCL's BOGO program is in no way the same as Fly2Fun. Not even close. BOGO gets you discount rates, Fly2Fun gets you competitive rates, with insurance included.
  19. The insurance itself does not have CFAR, with respect to a cash refund. But if purchased through NCL, NCL will give you credits. Cancelling because you miss your flight is completely different than trip interruption.
  20. Just to throw in a tiny monkey wrench. If you have a 10-15% latitudes discount, that discount comes off after the $50 discount. So if you have a discount and are sailing with someone without a discount, you can save a little bit by putting the lower-latitudes level 1st on the reservation. It's only $5 or so but that almost pays for room service breakfast...
  21. Refunds if you miss your cruise would be from insurance, not NCL. Your cruise would be refunded as credit IF you bought the NCL insurance, probably cash if you have insurance from another source. No insurance, no refunds, cash or otherwise. Only refunds for prepaid expenses like taxes, excursions etc. And usually, if the airline is refunding airfare, it also goes back to NCL, depending on how they process the refund.
  22. On my way to a cruise, no. On the way home, yes. From the NCL Air Flight Confirmation: "If there are delays, cancellations, or any schedule changes within 72 hours of your departure time you will need to work directly with your airline for re-accommodations. These changes are beyond the control of NCL."
  23. If you are within 72 hours of your flight time, NCL is no longer involved with ticketing, it's between you and the airline. Basically, no different than if you'd booked your own flights.
  24. Uh, Ok. Yea, I hate long flights but I hate multiple shorter flights, if they are even available, even more. Less stressful for me, because of possible delays and cancellations, layovers, luggage transfers, etc. My point is that choosing NCL flights doesn't necessarily mean your flights are any worse than what you can choose from on your own.
  25. What on earth are you talking about??? NCL does not book charters (except Tahiti as far as I know). The flights NCL uses are the same commercial flights that I would be able to book myself. Often at a considerable savings.
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