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Everything posted by MoCruiseFan

  1. We didn't p[repay gratuities as we had none to pre-pay. We did however pre=pay the DSC and there was no adjustment made at any point.
  2. To the OP, send email to socialmedia ncl.com and give them the facts of the situation such as when you sail, the amount in question, and briefly which NCL contacts you have dealt with so far. Include any case numbers, etc that you have. Ask them to please look into the situation and proved you with an update. Don't make 'demands', 'threats', or 'I'll never sail with NCL again' comments. The socialmedia team is a great and can often get things resolved. Good luck!
  3. There is absolutely no need to upgrade. The free minuets that NCL gives are way more than enough to do things like check your email, etc. Other than that stay unplugged and enjoy your cruise. We have never come close to using all of our minutes (usually we get 300 for a 7-day cruise that's FIVE HOURS). I am a small business owner and till do not use all my minutes. No one should be online wasting their cruise time. Simply remember to log out each time you are done. Save your money and unplug, enjoy your cruise.
  4. Any number of reasons. People not turning them back in, people taking them back to their cabin, people using them to dry off one time and turning them in for a new towel with them for example. Besides, there are towel in the cabins sufficient for each passenger.
  5. You really think out of the massive numbers of bills in circulation that anyone is going to pay attention to the serial number on a two?
  6. We kept larger bills under the tray.
  7. Like all other US bills they clearly state on them "this note is legal tender for all debts public and private". Anyoen who tings a $2 is fake is highly ignorant of the US monetary system.
  8. Cash registers (the ones I be worked with anyway) have five slots for bills and five slots for coins. None of them designate which bills or coins I need to put in each. IN our use, we used the bill slots for $1, $5, $10, $10, Large Bills, but again ther were no slots particularly designated for anything.
  9. Why? They are rare. special, or worth even 1¢ over face value. Even the very old twos are not worth a thing unless professionally graded at an extremely high grade.
  10. Our bid was accepted as well and we had the same issue. Luckily I got the email the same day and followed the instructions contained therein to click the link to enter new CC info. Within an our or so we were upgraded.
  11. Codes are listed in the upper right hand corner of your cruise cofirmation
  12. Patience is the key. The quoted 30-day period is more than enough to get the points posted in time for a February cruise, there is noting 'not ideal' about it at all. . Try the patience prayer... "God grant me patience right freaking now!"
  13. Why would you not HAVE picked deck 14? I like that deck actually.
  14. What make you think that it must HAVE been a maintenance issue?
  15. Tipping on NCL is 100% optional except of dining and drink packages. You are welcome in arrears.
  16. And you will never see or read that as the statement would IMPLY things, the reader would INFER.
  17. The casino is open when the ship is in international waters. On overnight ports it is open in the evening only, usually about 4:00 or later is the opening time those days..
  18. The prepaid DSC will show up on the cruise confirmation. That is not an amenity (nor is it a gratuity but that is a different discussion).
  19. The facts is that no one here knows for sure how tips are handled. Further it is really none of our business. It is an issues that is between NCL and their employees.
  20. I don't think a cash tip is "extra". It is just a tip, nothing 'extra' about it. The DSC is not relevant to tipping.
  21. There are not any excess cabins on most crusies.
  22. Biggest sucker bet in the casino. With the exception of a very few (small) clips of cash, all it gives out is additinl tokens to keep trying and an occasional chachi gift.
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