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Everything posted by KJB416

  1. Have you emailed EJ guest services and asked for a PDF of the excursions? My cruise is in October and I just got one a few weeks ago per my email request. They are listed as well under my booking, but initially not all ports had something listed. If they do not have them secured yet for your cruise, perhaps they have a list from previous cruises in those ports and can provide that as an idea of what could be expected?
  2. The benefit to buying on board is the inventory they carry. Rolex are only available in store and there are massive wait times (years) for most of the models and EJ I has a lot of inventory otherwise not available. Although you never know what will be available onboard as it’s always changing. The pictures are from mid April 2024. In a previous post someone has pictures from posted from a cruise a few week later for comparison.
  3. I agree with Dr. C on this and Explora would rather have the higher end suites empty than offer any “upgrade” at a discount. In regard to who to talk to once on the ship, good luck with that. Whomever it is, they will have to run it by corporate to get it approved. Nothing happens on that ship when it comes to money that is not decided by Geneva or where ever their headquarters are located. On my disembarkation, I found they double charged my spa treatment. It was a gift from my FIL and the spa made a big deal about how sweet it was bc it was my birthday. Well, he got charged and I got charged for it and it took over 30 minutes with the Explora guest services person on the phone, having to repeat several times what happened as though it was really complicated to get my charge refunded. They charged both of us and one of us needed to be refunded. Simple. But it took over 30 minutes. It was just embarrassing for the ambassador and I felt so bad for him. He never lost his cool though and just kept reiterating what had happened and I needed to be refunded. This is the stuff I really don’t like about Explora. They control the ship from afar way too much.
  4. I’ve asked twice just before my cruises about an upgrade and a fully paid upgrade is all that’s been offered. It never hurts to ask though, you never know when things might change.
  5. I use Square Mouth to shop for the best plan and then book direct with that company.
  6. Make a dummy booking, putting your name, email dob, phone and then add the 2nd passenger’s info and you can then click on the cabin category you want and it will show what’s available in that category. You can go back to change the category and then see the availability in that category and so on…..It’s a very time consuming way to see cabin availability. You can also call Explora tomorrow and they will tell you what cabins are available and perhaps give more insight into the best deck option.
  7. I think Explora is a great fit for all the same reasons as Private Idaho states. I am on Explora II in October and we just hope there are no more delays, but I think November should be okay. I was on one of the first sailings on Explora I and we loved it, kinks and all. We are not allowed to give travel agent referrals on this site, so I’d google luxury cruise travel agents and see what kind of OBC and incentives you can get. Mine is offering a $500 OBC signature credit right now and added it to my fare even though it wasn’t available at the time I booked it. I also do all of the leg work, book the cruise myself and then email Explora to transfer the booking my agent after the fact. In the Caribbean, I think TB pants and a collared shirt in the island vibe would be fine. It’s definitely a more upscale casual vibe for the dress and I tend to dress up and my husband wears long sleeves and slacks, but no jackets necessary. Just look sharp and not sloppy. I wouldn’t wear thongs with slacks outside of the emporium buffet though.
  8. They’ve had shuttles available into town on my last two cruises. I remember seeing it stating “where available” somewhere on the website, but I don’t remember where. We took shuttles into town in Astoria, OR (trying to get one back to the ship was impossible and we just walked back as there were no taxis or Uber) and in Skagen, Denmark. I think it depends on the port.
  9. I get cold easily too and I didn’t find it cold and I wore sleeveless tops and dresses with a pashmina, but don’t remember needing it. The temperature seemed perfect to me, maybe a little warm even in Emporium.
  10. I had an initial problem with accessing my account back in mid 2023 and it was fixed with an email exchange, but I agree their website is terrible. One thing that still nags at me a little is the area that asks if you have any special occasions and on our first cruise I listed it was our anniversary, as it was, and our second listed it was my birthday, which they can easily see from my passport and info in the system, that I was celebrating a birthday while on board. No one said a word, nothing was made special, except by one of the managers because we told her early on that that is why we took the cruise, as we were celebrating my birthday, and she made sure I was celebrated. What bothers me about it is that nothing was done in connection with the “special occasion” note they asked me about on their website, so why ask about it if you don’t care? This is not that big of a deal, but I do wonder why it’s even listed on there if they don’t bother reading the personal information. So, I’d make sure with a live EJ rep that your suite number indicates twin bed, but not worry too much if it’s not listed as such on the website as I don’t think they look at this or it doesn’t connect in any way to the back office.
  11. My Cruise is this October and I started seeing excursions about a month ago. You have to click on more details or whatever takes you to another site (their old interface I guess) and click on edit under shore excursions. I’ve seen new ports added recently, but only 4 ports out of the 6 are listed with any excursions. You can also call or email EJ guest services and request a pdf version of the excursions and they will send them to you if they’re available, but I’d say you’re too far out for them to have anything posted yet. Prepare to pay double or even triple compared to doing it on your own, but in some ports it’s safer/smarter to pay the cruises increased costs to not have to worry about anything. I did this in Iceland just because there were not a lot of other options available, but the prices are ridiculous.
  12. There is a way to transfer a booking without the $200 penalty but I can’t remember the fine print. I’ve done it before and it’s in the terms and conditions.
  13. You’re welcome! I was also thinking that the OT1 and mid ship are going to sell out first, so the likelihood of you getting mid ship OT1 over crema is low, hopefully. But, yes, if bad complain. I wish I done so or at least said something about it. The music bothered me the most. I’m not sure if it’s still played.
  14. First cruise with heavy amount of Europeans we were in 6032 and I smelled the smoke and heard the music from the speakers and I will never book starboard side above crema again for that reason. Next we booked 7104 and no issues with noise (although it was a creaky cabin, but I didn’t think to complain just thought it was due to the high seas in the pacific in April) or vibration but we did not have any tender ports on the sailing. Next cruise we are in 7101 since we take the stairs it’s a perfect location for us still booking the OT1. With that being said, I’d roll the dice with gty as I don’t think it’s worth $800 more just to know where you are when the cabins are exactly the same.
  15. I do all my own legwork and research but I do use a cruise travel agent to book the cruise as my agent provides 5% cash back. Many will provide it the form of a OBC. I only use the TA for the cruise portion and do all of my other travel arrangements on my own. I think the important part is finding an agent that is experienced with luxury cruises and land trips. As a side note, I live in Irvine and have been on two Explora cruises and have another booked in October and I’d equate the ship to having a similar atmosphere as The Montage Hotel or Waldorf Astoria but without any of the pretentiousness. It does depend on how full the ship is and if there are a lot of travel agents on board, but the service is impeccable and the food outstanding. We’ve booked an OT1 every time and have no complaints with the location. I don’t think you’ll find a ton of entertainment other than the nightly shows (think Hollywood Movie tribute, Billy Joel Tribute, West End/ Broadway tribute) and after that they do have a “nightclub” With DJ and they do late night dancing and entertainment and it really depends on the demographic of the ship if this is busy with people. I don’t think you can go wrong with trying it out for a new experience and to see if you like it, but go in knowing the entertainment is not why I keep going back, but it’s enough for us to enjoy ourselves with what they offer.
  16. Uktog, it makes sense these shades would not be used while in route or high winds, but while in port could offer some protection possibly, but they must have found they are not functional? Regardless, I appreciate you asking about them Sidney68 since I am curious. My favorite place at that pool is the large round wicker chair on the port side where we’ve laid in the bright sun in 55F degree weather, enjoying no one else around and watching the ocean move. agree the conservatory gets too humid in warmer weather. But, if Stephen, from South Africa is still there bartending, tell him I miss his French 75 and I appreciate him giving me a lesson on how to make it at home. 😉
  17. I’m so glad to hear it’s improving. Please continue to keep us updated. On another note, I also can’t be in the sun for long periods of time, but husband loves it. In their marketing brochures they have covers on the beds on deck 5 around the pool like picture below. I’ve never asked about it bc both of my trips have been in cold weather and sun has not been too much of an issue. Do you know if the shades in the picture below are available? I’ve never seen them up while onboard and like I said never needed them to ask after them .
  18. The jacuzzis on my recent trip up the West coast were mid temp as well. It was absurd. The only one that was somewhat comfortable, but not for long as it was just too cool, was the jacuzzi outside the sky bar. They were never hot on my trip even when we told a crew maintenance worker they were too cold. So weird. When I was in Iceland they were hot.
  19. It’s unfortunate they are filling their Ships with these TA’s and influencers that take away from the luxury experience you’ve been fortunate to experience this past week. Both of my previous cruises on Explora with over 500 passengers had a lot of travel agents on them and my first was filled with crew members family too, which does not bother me as much as the TAs . My most recent had extremely large groups of TA’s, 20 to 30+, all gathering in large groups and others walking aground the ship with their company lanyards around their necks, dining in large groups with officers in the restaurants. With 550ish passengers it didn’t terribly impact the experience, but I hate these large groups that take over an area that ultimately takes a way from us paying passengers experience. I love the ship, the food and staff but I don’t love the itineraries with the same Med and Caribbean cruises being offered and I really do not want to cruise with travel agents that get perks for bringing all their friends/family when I’m paying full fare. I’ve got one more in October on II and I try to choose off peak times hoping they won’t be full, but it seems EJ just fills the ship with TA if the cabins are not selling. I hope it gets better for you and you continue to find joy in the ship and crew even with the new addition of these new passengers.
  20. I’m really looking forward to your thoughts while you’re on board. I’m similar in your age and travel experiences, and 100% agree that experiences are what you make of them. We are big fans of the ship, food and the staff; the spa and the back office control over everything needs work. I truly hope you have a wonderful time. I think there is a speaker in the tv and it does have ports to plug into. I didn’t bring anything with me to try it out, as they say you can’t do this, but I think I remember seeing something on the tv about speakers or ability to listen to music through the tv. I didn’t try it, so I could be wrong, but check the tv out for a way to connect your phone possibly.
  21. When we were on the April 12th sailing, Abigail was the manager of Sakura. She has been on both of our cruises and is one of our absolute favorites! She goes above and beyond and made sure several of the staff gathered around and sang me happy birthday during breakfast on my birthday.
  22. I’m looking forward to your trip and following along with you. I am using the BA Visa companion 2-4-1 business class fare in October for an Explora II cruise and I’ll look into Seat Spy and cross my fingers for the upgrade! Thank you so much for posting about it as I’ve not heard of it and I hope it’s compatible with the BA Visa companion ticket. Safe travels and we’ve used Modern Elite Wordwide as a car service 2 times recently and they are very professional and reliable. It may be more expensive than an Uber (I prefer Lyft), but I’m sure more comfortable. https://www.moderneliteworldwide.net. You could also check out the Belmont Shore (2nd street) area if taking a ride share is something you’re open to you once you land at your hotel. Nicks Restaurant is a favorite in that area.
  23. I agree with Dr. Cocktail just ask for what you want when you get on board. They offer one bottle of alcohol from a list and one bottle of wine replenished as needed. We didn’t even open our bottle of gin. By the second evening, the bar waiters in different venues knew our drink orders and we had them fighting over us (in the best way possible) to get us our drinks as often as we liked. My very old school in-laws that travelled with us were so impressed with the service and we especially appreciated the restaurant waitstaff not removing anyone’s dinner plate until everyone was finished eating. You don’t find that in most restaurants anymore and that is a sign of excellent training and we most definitely appreciated it.
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