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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. This one lives 3 doors down and across the road!!😏 Avril
  2. All well and good Phil, but it gets a tad annoying when dig up your flippin' plants to do it🤬 Avril
  3. You caused no upset at all kalos. Merely sharing your story with us, as we have shared ours with you☺️x Avril
  4. Oh kalos, I just don't know how tell you how your post has affected me. You have just proved what we already knew, you are a lovely, lovely man.x I'll read the rest of the posts later when I stop crying. Avril
  5. That's the compassionate animal lover in you bro. You either have it or you don't. Sis
  6. Gemma was cremated too. She was also in an oak box,with her name on a brass placque on the top. We kept her in a drawer for a whiile, and she now resides under her favourite apple tree where she used to rest after her long walks or have a sleep out of the sun. We never had another dog bro, Gemma was our first and last. Sis.
  7. Our beatiful border collie, Gemma, had a stroke at the age of 15. That was 23 years ago and reading Michelle's post and the replies has me in tears. It brings bring back our own loss. Gemma wormed her way into our hearts and and never left. She is unforgetable, and as you say Josy, irreplaceable. Avril
  8. We have also had to make that hard decision Michelle, as have others on here, so can understand how you're feeling. Take comfort in knowing that he was a happy, loyal, loving and much loved member of your family for many years. You know in your heart that you couldn't let him suffer, and that you have done the kindest thing you can to repay him for all the years of trust he had in you. You, and your family have my heartfelt condolences. x Avril
  9. You only need one day to celebrate perfection😇 Avril
  10. I hope winter will be better Pam. I'm looking forward to Christmas dinner on the patio for a change. Avril
  11. I used to enjoy watching football and F1, but lost interest years ago when good, healthy sporstmanship disappeared and the money loving, win at all costs divas arrived. Avril
  12. And avoid walking under ladders too. You don't know who could be up there with a pot of paint or a hammer👷‍♂️ Avril
  13. It would be nice if we could rewind and start Spring and Summer again. Avril
  14. And which month would that be then Graham?😁😄 It's dull, cold and overcast here, with worse to come over the rest of the week. So I'm thinking.......October? November maybe?🤔😉 From a cold and fed-up Avril
  15. I do that watching films on my laptop in the evening on Prime, and no, it's not because they're boring😁 It's not falling asleep that's the problem, it's staying that way for longer than a couple of hours🥴 Avril
  16. I've not found the nights humid Graham, in fact I've felt chilly in the evenings and overnight. Maybe I should take Frank's advice and 'change my butcher' 😉 Avril
  17. This age thing must only affect women. Frank is 2 years older and sleeps like a baby, which is really annoying when I'm wide awake😬 I'm usually in bed for about 11pm too. Then trot off to the toilet around 2 to 3 o'clock, toss and turn for another half and hour then finally get up. I think I might try to have another hour🤞 Avril
  18. Good morning. I've been up since since 2.45am, so managed to sleep a little longer. I only used to have these nights occasionally, but they're now becoming more frequent. Unfortunately😒 Avril
  19. Did you have a can of Cokey with your Hoki kalos?☺️ Avril
  20. Thanks for that interesting link Damian. As you know I am a small ship and cabin with balcony fan, but watching that video I could give Iona a try for a week. The cabin is more spacious than any balcony cabin on the smaller ships. Is the LB grade the same on Iona as Arvia? Avril
  21. I'm exhausted just watching. I find local celebrations anywhere in the world fascinating. We've seen many authentic festivals, not the kind put on for tourists, and have always been interested in the meaning behind them. Sis
  22. That's the best thing to do with tripe v. Throw it ..... as far as possible. Uck😬 Avril
  23. I'm sorry to hear your news Michelle. My friend had the same diagnosis and after treatment she is, 30 years later, still cancer free. I hope all goes well for you next Thursday and the outcome encouraging. It is so sad about your dog, and that nothing can be done. You can console yourself in knowing that he has had a long and happy, life full of love. Have a good day with your Mum and son and take care. x Avril
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