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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. While reading the newspaper Dad would often say 'With the state of things today, I'm glad I'm on my way out of this world and not into it', and that was more than 35 years ago. Will we ever learn? Probably not. Avril
  2. Have a good time wherever your adventure takes you. Avril
  3. No, you haven't lost your sense of humour. I saw him too, not funny at all unless you're under 10. I looked online to see the rest, and I was astounded by the quality of the other finalists. Utterly bemused. We've had plenty of rain in the past 2 days and more heavy rain forecast for tomorrow. I'll try and arrange a delivery⛈️ Avril
  4. Don't miss any ausfahrts bro. We wouldn't want you to get lost😇 Sis
  5. Less embarassing when a queue is waiting nearby perhaps?? Sis
  6. Nice punch line kalos. I hope your day is peaceful too☺️ Better avoid the beach though😁 Avril
  7. When on holiday with our son and DIL in Kuantan, we wre warned never to leave the verandah doors open when not in the room. Coming back from a morning out, our son found a monkey sat on the floor, unwrapping a bag of Werther's toffees and eating them. Should have listened to the warning. Avril
  8. Not a pleasent day for me today. Rose, our very close friend and neighbour of over 45 years is being laid to rest today. She was 93 and finally succumbed to cancer. It's been a very long 4 weeks and now we can say our final goodbyes. It's so sad not seeing her having a cuppa in the garden in the morning and having a chat. We were as close as family. I shall miss her so much. Avril
  9. That's an old trick zap. Like mixing whites a colours in a hot wash and hoping we never ask you to do it again😉 Avril
  10. I have the same dishwasher brand. Very good and energy efficient. Avril
  11. No new trainers for you bro. You know what happened last time🤨 Sis
  12. There are things I buy on line that I can't get locally. Barnsley is not the thriving metropolis it likes to think it is. Avril
  13. @Purdey16 Happy anniversay🥂. Have a lovely cruise and I'm looking forward to hearing about it and seeing some photos. Avril
  14. I love books, and to many people to feel the texture of the pages and the sound of turning them is part of enjoying a good read. I know many may now be thinking 'What on earth is that woman prattling on about'?, but I'm sure there are others that understand what I mean. I have to use a Kindle now as I can't hold a book for long, and it really is not the same. Avril
  15. From what I've gleaned from these posts, I don't think it's the using of Apps that's the issue Dai. Most of the complaints are that they aren't working properly or keep crashing. That would bug me hell out of me too🤬 Avril
  16. Be fair bro, they got the open views and air con they wanted. Sis
  17. I've had a scour through Google Damian, and according to what I found you're half right. Quote - 'Meaning chosen one, prophetess, seeress. Vala is a feminine name of primarily German origin infused with mystical energy.' A lovely name with an interesting meaning. Avril
  18. We've had the heating on since this morning. Forecast on the radio for South Yorkshire was occasional cloud with temps of 18c. Barnsley - cloudy all day and temps of 13c with a cold wind so feels more like 9c, and I don't like it either😒 Avril
  19. Prism. Glass cut at angles that reflects light to show the colours of a spectrum. At least it used to be🤔 Avril
  20. Only when you reach a certain age bro😉 Have a good holiday and a safe journey home to Italy. Sis
  21. Oh how I can relate to this one. Our daughter gave us a fridge magnet at the weekend saying, ''As I get older I find my mind doesn't just wander, sometimes it buggers of completely'' Very fitting for me. Avril
  22. Owtauowyu??? Nope, I can't work that out🤔 Rupraylugby. You play rugby? Avril
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