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Everything posted by jonthomas

  1. These changes don't make sense to me, but plenty of others are saying changes/cancelations are NOT happening. Thank you for posting that they ARE.
  2. Thank you for the above post.
  3. Most of our cruising has been done pre covid, with 2 on O. In all that time, with all those cruises, we have rarely had port times changed and only once a port was cancelled, Nassau, due to a storm. If a port was cancelled, it became big news, engine trouble etc. It is NOT news any longer, but more of an expectation. So what is driving all these changes, on ALL lines? Only someone on the inside, like a captain, a top exec etc would trully know. The rest of us can only speculate. Of course many of us suspect it has a financial aspect, dont most things? Just follow the money...but we debate how and why.
  4. I did not mean this to be funny, or that someone should not cruise. To most it is clear the disappointment many feel when a cruise line appears to be making significant changes to published itineraries. It may seem like bait and switch, definitely switch. I add this for for those to whom it is not clear.
  5. Since you feel this way, others here will tell you to "stay at home". And worse still, some others will find it funny. But the worst are those who feel you have no right to your opinion.
  6. What Ph said is that the reason given is not clear. Perhaps O is releasing their itineraries for booking way ahead of the research they need to do to make sure that the times in ports and the ports themselves are available. Maybe that is the problem, itineraries are sold before times in port or the ports themselves are made certain. Really can't imagine they would do that. But also don't understand why there would be SO many changes. Add to that all the weather possibilities, tides, waves etc and PH might as well stay home.
  7. If you search for Oceania, how do find other lines too? I don't do those pages. Several have said it happens more on O than other lines.
  8. Have never experienced changes like this in over 60 cruises. Not with celeb, rcl, azamara, nor 7 with O. I understand issues with Panama canal, all cruiselines are dealing with it. But this seems bizarre. A friend just received an email from O, cancelling an entire cruise on the Riviera in July 2024. He was told the ship is being chartered. After some research, he learned that the whole ship was booked by the Atlantis cruises. Seems very unusual to me, but I am not as savy about O as some others here. Perhaps this is quite normal for O. It is a great deal of notice, but according to him "still sucks".
  9. cant blame that on the weather or tides or whatever.... so what it the reason? Victoria is a lovely port, No reason given why it is scrapped? of course there is advance notice so you can show your displeasure with a cancellation.... to those looking for data....you can file this one...
  10. Ty for your opinion, it is my time to waste. I can also say, you are wasting your time by telling me that and I just did.
  11. And could you show the stats to support otherwise? I am going by what consumers are saying here and on other sites. No one is saying that other lines are shortening and cancelling more than O.
  12. But why more so with O than other lines? No one seems to know the answer. Must be a well guarded secret.
  13. If you love a cruise line, my first response when there is something troubling is not to abandon all that I love about it, but to see if I can bring it to their attention. Just as some of you did with the cookies issue. Not to compare cookies to missed, shortened ports. No sane person would compare not entering a war zone port to a possible weather event.
  14. Then it's a real puzzle, isn't it. We are big fans of O, as I'm sure everyone here knows. We have not yet missed any ports. Nor have shortened port stays bothered us. But so many others have missed ports, vital ones. When the itin is why you sail, you don't want to be with a cruise line that has the reputation for most sea days.
  15. Thank you for the info. So then they profit. I think someone here said, they were reimbursed for the missed port(s). That would be appropriate. Although others have said , as per contract, they owe you nothing.
  16. Some have said here that O has the dubious distinction of being the cruise line that has shortened ports and cancelled ports the most. In your opinion, why do you think this is happening? Is it all just bad luck?
  17. Perhaps what some ports now charge is greater than the revenue generated by tours. Panama comes to mind, charging cruise lines exorbitant amounts. But again, I don't pretend to have the facts in front of me.
  18. Don't cruise lines have to pay big bucks to be in ports, as in port charges? Aren't those included in our cruise costs? Should those port charges be refunded if the ship cancels a port while other ships are there? I am sincere in asking the questions. So I'm sure there will be someone here who will enlighten me and correct me.
  19. Perhaps, just perhaps, the cookies are better because enough of you asked that they be improved. Since there is very little additional cost to the cruise line, a change happened. Personally I never touch them. No not "some religious thing".
  20. Contracts are signed in good faith by both parties. If the good faith is replaced by increasing the cruise line's profit then O can expect the consumer to vote with their dollar and spend it elsewhere. Or at least, make their opinions known very loudly. That too can have its consequences. Your answer to all those who had shortened or lost ports for no apparent reason, is to say and do nothing, since they signed THE contract. I wonder how they feel with that advice. And there you go m'am.
  21. We need some kind of united effort. When booking an itinerary, how do we hold O accountable to deliver what they have sold barring any real, unforseen circumstances? If port hours are changed after final pay, if they are changed after sailing, if ports are cancelled but other lines have no issues being there, I will protest loudly, verbally and in writing, demanding compensation. I encourage everyone to do the same. I can hear some of you saying, "good luck with that". Staying silent, negates your right to complain here or anywhere else.
  22. completely agree with you...so well said.... what action can we take to make our voices heard above those who believe that ports should be cut and cancelled in the name of "sustainability"? folks that are champions of "sustainability" should not be sailing to support their beliefs, to do otherwise is hypocritical. if O truly believes in "sustainability" they should then be up front and post shortened port stays when releasing itins, not advertise the long hours and then switch.... its the dishonesty about the reasons for the cuts that is troublesome..... there are unavoidable changes, we all understand that, we are not discussing that... but O is being called out here for being the number one line for most cancelled and shortened ports. It is unacceptable.
  23. Suspicious and concerned. O now being our line of choice. A consumer is now faced with bait and switch. Itineraries are only possibilities and can't be trusted . So what can we do other than switch lines. Make our displeasure known more loudly, in every way possible. As for any here who are into saving the planet by applauding Os actions, make it more than just about words, go live in a cave.
  24. We have been everywhere we want to go and some places several times. We eat very little at home or out and love good food on a ship, totally opposite the poster above. Now we are into a calmer atmosphere, good food, activities that encourage meeting others. O gives us that and more. And we have to be willing to pay for it. Now we are also paying for those that enjoy wine with meals, not ideal for us.
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