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Everything posted by beshears

  1. Saint Greg, you JUST heard from your friend who is going with you, and he JUST got married to someone he has known less than a month. Oh my, what kind of decision is that??? 😞 Mary Ann 2, thank you for your input to give me a little "idea" of what some of the speciality restaurants, and other food places serve.
  2. CruisinSusan, thank you for your input in regard to my question of "normally" the cruise ships sales of $10 - $15. If it is champagne, I definitely will not be attending that sale.
  3. The different ones that have posted about different places to get food really helps me. Now one of my questions is, do I have to Google, or whatever the "name" of the "specialty restaurants" to find out what kind of food they serve, or how do I go about to see their menu?
  4. Thank you Dides, and especially Duchessrn, that list is very helpful. 🙂
  5. If you know, could you tell me where I can LOOK ( Princess website or what) for the different restaurants on the Regal ship, as well as the different eating places, that TELL what kind of food they serve, that is, if there is a place to look this up?
  6. It just dawned on me to ask. I know down through the years with most of my cruises, they generally have a $10 - $15 sale close to the end of the cruise. Is that being done on the Regal ship?
  7. CrusinSusan70, I don't like champagne in the first place, so I didn't want to drink it, even if it was offered to me. I just thought it would be an "unusual picture" to be taken, which it was, and it really turned out good with me pouring the champagne into the tower.
  8. Tonit964, the picture you are showing of the champagne tower almost looks like the same one that I poured champagne into the glasses, back in 2000. I see there is a platform to stand on in your picture, and I had to stand on the platform to reach the glasses to pour the champagne too.
  9. ICFT, the only thing I can tell you about the champagne tower was it was taller than me, 23 years ago, and I was 5'5" back then. I have a couple pictures and when pouring the champagne, I could barely reach the glasses then, and I had hi-heels on. 🙂 I just heard that since there is so much rocking/rolling at times, that is why they lowered the tower. How high it is now, I have no clue.
  10. Thank you all for your advice in regard to Holiday Inn and what is going on in February in Galveston. Actually I am leaving that part up to my d-i-l, as her son/my grandson works for this company where there are certain discounts he can get on some hotels, and Holiday Inn on the beach is one of them. When she showed us the price, we thought it was pretty good, but then she said that was the "discounted" price, so we KNEW we were getting a good deal through where my grandson works.
  11. Thank you all for your advice. Actually when booking our reservations for our flights in February, the customer rep mentioned (after we had mentioned none of us had ever been to Galveston) that Galveston was a pretty neat place to check out, which sounds good, as our flight will be coming in early in the afternoon.
  12. I don't believe I have mention this before, but if I did, I'm sorry. In regard to the champagne tower, if there is one on this ship, I would like to know, as the ship I seen it on was the dawn. I remember pouring champagne (not drinking) into the glasses, and it was so neat, and I did that 23 years ago.
  13. Hopefully one of you or Radio might know the answer to my question. I didn't think anything about it, until I believe someone mentioned or maybe I seen a picture, of the champagne tower/fountain. When I read or seen that, it took my mind waaaaaaaaaaaaay back as I remember doing it (not drinking), or pouring the champagne in the glasses. Since I have MANY photo albums, I thought I would look and see if I could find my pictures, still not knowing what year I had done it. To make the long story short, I did find my pictures of me pouring the champagne into the glasses, and it was 23 years ago. My time DOES fly by. 🙂
  14. Dreamscaper, thank you for your input on the dining rooms. I am so used to be assigned to just one dining room, as that way, we get to know our waitstaff and vice versa. Am I correct to understand that all the dining rooms have the same menu for the night?
  15. Yehootu, good to know that the ship we will soon be on handles rough weather. I have done over 15 cruises down through the years, and I've seen just about anything that could happen with a ship, especially when it is "rocking" from one side to the other. I've seen bath doors swinging back/forth, dresser drawers go in/out, etc. Quite an experience, when you are trying to sleep.
  16. Once your on the ship, would you let me know if there is just one formal night or two? We like the two formal nights. I believe someone mentioned that the one formal night is when they do the champagne fountain, and that is nice, but NOTHING like what it was many years ago. Back then the fountain was almost all the way to the ceiling, and I was able to pour champagne into the fountain of glasses. Really a NEAT event that I was able to participate in, and it is a shame after attending what I did back then, it is so much smaller now. Mainly for protection there in the ship with the glasses falling, etc.
  17. Thank you for the input. All I know is this Holiday Inn is on the beach. Thanks for letting me know they have breakfast too.
  18. We are comparing Princess transportation rates to Galveston Express. With the 8 of us, there will be 5 of us that have the senior rate. If you have used or know of someone that has used Galveston Express, would you give me the pros/cons on this transportation.
  19. Dreamscaper, yes I had thought once we know (I guess???) what dining room we will be assigned to, we could try to find the Manager of the dining room and see if we could have our big table booked ahead of time.
  20. Thank you for your input on my question. Yes that was one of my concerns of feeling a little rocky, since we are up so high. I have no clue what the weather will be in February, other than it should be much warmer than here in Missouri.
  21. Jimmywine, thank you for your input on this. I do agree that makes sense, depending upon what we like or what we want to do. At 80 years old (most people think I look/act younger), I am still doing steps pretty good, and hopefully I will still be able to do it on this ship too. I may have mentioned before, but I think the highest room I have been on was deck 8 or 9 which was fine with me. My PVP was the one that chose this, and I know my son and d-i-l were on deck 17 I believe, on another ship and they said it was good, so time will tell. 🙂
  22. Since there will be 8 of us, that is good to read that it probably will be possible for us to get a later seating. I know there are pros/cons on the times for eating, but for us, we like to get back from port, shower, rest, etc. and then go to eat. Yes we might miss a show or two, but I think there is PLENTY things going on (as was mentioned, I will be marking everything I would like to see or attend, and I may not be able to, but I'll see what I can do. 🙂 ) to keep us busy. Actually there were 5 of us discussing where we were going to stay, as well as booking our flights. We know for the most part, the longer we wait, more than likely the flight rates will go up.
  23. Even though February seems a long ways off, the 8 of us are getting more excited of doing our trip. Five of us were together tonight and we started discussing WHERE we were going to stay in Galveston, the day before the cruise. It looks like it might be Holiday Inn. If you have ever stayed at the Holiday Inn in Galveston, TX , would you mind giving your pros/cons of this hotel. Also, does it serve breakfast too?
  24. If you have been on the Regal Princess within the past couple of years, and had a balcony on deck 14, can you give me your pros/cons of where the room is, and if you felt like you were better up high, or should have been on a lower deck? We did not pick this deck, but our PVP is the one that booked it for 4 rooms.
  25. My son and I were just talking about this same issue (getting airline tickets too) for the 8 of us for our February trip. We are thinking at this time to book the Princess transfer to get us from the ship, back to the airport ON TIME!!! I just emailed my PVP, and ASK her if Princess GUARANTEES that we will arrive at the airport in plenty of time to get our flight.
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