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Everything posted by ChiefMateJRK

  1. Yeah. From what I've read, the story really has some missing pieces.
  2. LOL. Hey, it could happen! 🐀😎
  3. I love dining with strangers provided: a) they don't mind my/our drinking b) they don't mind my "unique" sense of humor c) they don't mind if I pay no attention to their babbling on about family/careers/stuff/experiences/pets/..... d) they enjoy my personality e) I enjoy their personality f) they don't slow my dining down or try to speed it up IOW: there's about a 1% chance a forced partnership of this type would "work" for all parties involved. disclaimer: If it works for you, go for it!!!😎 I'll (continue to) make my friends at the bar or through a certain "pack." Sometimes I have to gaze into the future to see who my friends will soon be.....🤣
  4. I think we know how it happened. A year or two ago, NCL had a system problem. I log into my account and book a cruise. I then add DW to the booking. They system is supposed to retrieve her lattitudes info, but was instead assigning new numbers as if she was new to NCL. A sharp phone agent alerted me to this and fixed the three or four affected bookings. I believe it is now fixed.
  5. Is there a reason that you haven't already contested the charges? I would have done that as soon as I heard the first cricket.
  6. What?! You literally swore at Jun, Randy, Jamie and the guy whose name I still can't remember? They did a fantastic rendition of Tears in Heaven. Did you catch that one or did your swearing (on and off) eliminate that possibility? disclaimer: I've never watched an episode of American Idol, so I really have no idea what you are talking about.
  7. In my experience it's been all over the map. Advance MDR reservations are just like NCL supplied (nice) luggage tags. Some cruises I get them, others I don't. Just grab them if you can. As many others have suggested, it will likely make very little difference if you have MDR reservations or not. I make them because, well, that's just the kind of brain I have.
  8. Yes. Scotch will often help with whatever it is that ails you. (I almost typed "ales," which could also be true but on a different level)
  9. Well, yeah, that works for you @graphicguy But you're a much more likable guy than "some of us." They take one look at me (with my sweats and slippers trying to pass for code-compliant), and just say "you might as well have a seat, it may be a while."😀
  10. It is. That's what we generally do as well. I just have some reservations in my hip pocket in case DW and DD insist that they want to eat dinner in the MDR. Those reservations are FULLY refundable at any time! 🤣 The last thing I want to do is to have to wait around until six to eat dinner and wind up getting a crappy seat (or none at all) in my target bar/lounge for a seven O'clock performance of whoever it is that just became my favorite new performer. I have evidence to believe that those performers really appreciate my front row attention and engagement. disclaimer: it could also be the Scotch😏
  11. Let's do this the 🐀way! 🐀's love great music.😎
  12. I'm pretty sure it would make ME stay on the ship. disclaimer: I've never sailed to a Mexican port and never will.
  13. Okay, I like Fleetwood Mac. I bought the Rumors LP when it came out. That said, I'm not standing in line an hour and a half to hear a cover band in an overcrowded venue unless all the other music/venues on the ship suck. This is approaching the "Beatles" level of crazy.
  14. It likely depends upon how much beach time a person wants/needs. For me, it's one day max, so GSC it is! 😎
  15. Bingo!! Actually, most of my days (sea or port) are no schedule whatsoever. If an excursion catches my eye, and it's not booked, I'll spend some (or all) non-refundable shareholder OBC on it. If there's one we REALLY want, we'll book/pay in advance. We're down to mostly repeat ports at this point, so been there done that.... If I miss it this time, I'll do it next time, or next time.
  16. I book my specialties and then "fill in the blanks" with blanket 5:30 MDR reservations. Takes a few minutes and I have until 5:25 on the day of the cruise to change my mind. (yes, I cancel earlier in the day than 5:25 if we make other plans...)
  17. 🤣I get it @DeSaxMan13. But I may not be representative of the broader audience. 😀 They just don't write 'em like that anymore.....
  18. Yeah, I get that. And I seem to recall legit stories about high energy lasers actually causing some problems. I just don't consider "laser pointers" to be in that realm. And you're absolutely right. My cat used to love those things.😀
  19. Absolutely. I've read about that, and likely that there have been arrests. It's a sad state of affairs. That said, when I used to use those cheapo laser pointers in the conference room back at Megacorp, I was lucky if it even worked. The standard practice was to a) hit the screen and then b) move it around to try to point out what you were babbling about. This was generally ten to twenty feet away from a non-moving target. A quarter mile from a fast moving jet? It ain't happening...and if somebody claims it did they're just trying to get youtube hits or whatever else it is the kids are after these days.🤣
  20. I'm still more worried about the Bermuda triangle. Why isn't that on @KKB's list?
  21. "Many high-powered lasers can incapacitate pilots flying aircraft that may be carrying hundreds of passengers." High-powered lasers, sure. Who would argue that? "Laser pointer?" 🤣
  22. These are really two entirely different questions. As other have suggested, triple points seem to pop up once in a Blue Moon. Double points? Probably every month or two, often including steerage (where this 🐀 sails). 😎
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