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Everything posted by Ipeeinthepools

  1. Excellent, that will be interesting. We are long time Celebrity cruisers that are currently sailing for the first time on the Rotterdam. I’ll be interested to see your perspective. Enjoy your cruise
  2. Did you ever find an answer to your question?
  3. Does anyone have any idea about the cost of a taxi from the ship to the airport
  4. Will you be sailing in a suite? Suite guests and non-suite guests have a much different experience on Celebrity.
  5. We were here first…. For some reason, some people are now objecting to the banter that made this thread popular for 251 pages. We’re not going anywhere.
  6. You can lead a PUPpy to water but you can’t make him drink. It’s been 251 pages like this, I think we’re doing ok.
  7. Ok guys, go start a PUP only thread and the rest of us won’t follow it. I promise
  8. I’ve never found pool crowding to be an issue with and or the major cruise lines.
  9. Disagree Many of the topics that are discussed relate to the general discussion of is Celebrity still worth chasing the PUP. It’s great to get a variety of views on the wide range of topics discussed here.
  10. That’s as good as anything else while the world waits for more PUP Wes.
  11. Well, that would be a helpful discussion. I knew I didn’t forget any discussion Fromm a knowledgeable source.
  12. HaHa, I don’t remember anyone with any knowledge saying that and I have a great memory
  13. Congratulations on your DH clearing quarantine, I hope you can clear soon.
  14. Seems like a built in way to guarantee customer dissatisfaction
  15. A quick question for those who have contracted Covid, do you have any idea how you were infected? Was it a crowded theatre, someone coughing on a bus, etc?
  16. I don’t know what you have in terms of documentation for the insurance but I would try to get a copy of the positive test result with the date showing when you got sick. The insurance may get a lot more difficult once you disembark.
  17. I’m starting to think there might be a lot of Covid on this cruise. We have two people on this thread and the people at the next table at dinner said they had just been released from quarantine and this is a sampling from the small CC community.
  18. I guess there’s the incentive to report as early as possible. If you wait a couple of days to report, you still have to remain quarantined for 5 days even though you will be testing negative by then
  19. I could never do the webinars without the wine and I’m afraid it’s the wine that puts me to sleep
  20. Are the spouses also quarantined to the room if they don’t test positive?
  21. Everything with Covid changes by the day. We caught Covid in October on the Celebrity Equinox and Celebrity copied our passports and took us off the ship through a gangway that is used by the crew. Celebrity arranged for limo service and picked us up by the dock. We only needed to go to downtown Fort Lauderdale but I think they would have taken us anywhere reasonable.
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