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Denise T

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Everything posted by Denise T

  1. Happy Labor Day everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. The meal and drink of the day sound interesting. I love all of the pictures from Sitka. I will be there in 2025. Just relaxing today. It will be a hot week here. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  2. Good Sunday morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. The hot weather has returned. We will have several days in the upper 90s. Yuck. Nothing special planned for today. Maybe work on a few odd jobs around the house. Bon voyage to @Crazy For Cats and @luvteaching I love seeing all of the pictures from everyone. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  3. Happy Saturday everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Should be another cool day here. Then next week it gets hot and muggy again. Putting up my fall decorations today. It is the start of college football so you know I will be watching all day. Hoping to get Fancy out to the park. Happy anniversary @Quartzsite Cruiser Happy birthday @RMLincoln Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  4. Happy Friday and first day of September. Thank you for the daily and Fleet reports. Should be a cool and sunny day today. I will make sure that I get outside. Will be in the office this morning. The meal of the day sounds delicious. Happy birthday to @Cruzin Terri. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day. In honor of Ginger Cat Appreciation Day, here is Chase.
  5. To me, the smaller ships are not those ships with all the slides and stuff on the top and have more over 4000 people. It is the perfect size for me. I would also travel on ships even smaller than the Nieuw Amsterdam.
  6. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Expecting cooler weather today. The calm before the high temps next week. Working from home today. I have to take a laptop in to have the webcam fixed. It is a new laptop, so this is rather annoying. Luckily, I have a backup. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  7. Good morning, everyone and welcome to Wednesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. It is rainy here but expected to clear up. Thinking of all in the path of Idalia. Stay safe. Working from home today, grading papers and seeking clients virtually. Fancy loves it when I work from home. I would try the meal and drink of the day. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  8. I was on Nieuw Amsterdam this past May/June. It was my first sailing with HAL. I loved it. We had cabin 7094 which was a verandah cabin. I thought it was in a good location. While on the balcony, we could hear the naturalist from the speakers on the Lido deck which was two decks up. We had difficulty with hearing announcements in our cabin. Sometimes we would hear and sometimes we would not. In Glacier Bay, we did go to the bow of the ship and walk around the promenade deck. It was raining heavily. We went to our cabin which is covered. The captain turned the ship around so all sides of the ship could view the glacier. I thought the food was wonderful. It was delicious and filling. We had anytime dining but we made reservations and did not have to wait for a table. Overall, I really enjoyed the ship. We did a lot of trivia which was fun. We went to the casino and played bingo (I actually won the jackpot at bingo). I love these smaller ships. We are going on the sister ship, Eurodam in 2025. I did not do the land portion.
  9. Good morning and Happy Tuesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Cooler and a little muggy today. This humidity is awful. Working in the office today. I am scheduled for an MRI on 9/11/2023. An adrenal mass was discovered in 2019 when I was hospitalized for gall bladder issues. No one was very concerned at the time. My doctor at my last appointment just wants to follow up with it. Last night, Fancy decided to chew on my coffee table. Luckily it is old and we have been considering replacing it. She does keep me on my toes. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  10. Happy Monday everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet report. It will be a coolish day today. Going for a massage and then will be attending to my classes and grading assignments for the rest of the day. I will take several breaks with Fancy taking her for walks today. I will have the cranberry mojito as I eat my delicious garlic butter lobster tail. So many to remember on Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. My cats, Squeaky, Misha, Tommy, Basil, Pepper, Tabitha, Frisky, Stripes, and Bradley. Most recently my beloved dog Abby. What wonderful pets they all were. I will be thinking of all on today's care list and celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  11. Good Sunday morning everyone. Thank you for the daily and fleet reports. It should be a nice day today. I will be listening to church online, throwing dinner in the crockpot (macaroni and cheese with cauliflower), then a Zoom call with my family. I am also working on rearranging and organizing my home office. Thank you @dfish for the recipes. I want to try some of those, they all look good. Thinking of everyone on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  12. Happy Saturday everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. It is a muggy and mostly sunny today. Working indoors as I have a toe causing me some pain. Trying to get the house a little better organized. I love shrimp scampi and zucchini noodles. I have a spiralizer that makes those. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day. In honor of National Dog Day, here is Fancy!
  13. Hello everyone. We made it to Friday! Thank you for the daily and Fleet reports. It is a cloudy and humid day today and we are expecting thunderstorms. Fancy and the cats have the right idea, they are sleeping in. I will be working from home on a variety of work-related activities. Lasagna roll ups sound good. Watching cruise videos. Because of travel commitments in 2024, I was unable to schedule a cruise until 2025. I have a trip coming up in October 2023 to Colorado for a conference. I do miss traveling though. Thinking of all on the care list and @Haljo1935, praying that surgery goes well so you can get on those cruises. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  14. Good morning and happy Thursday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Looks to be a cloudy and possibly rainy day here. We do need the rain. I will be in the office today working and having Internet connected. Have been using a hotspot for years and for the last several weeks, the Internet was so unreliable, I could not get work done. So much for trying to save a few bucks. I love tostados. I love foods where you have so many options for variety. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  15. Good morning, everyone and happy Wednesday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. It will be a cool and sunny day here. I am working on grading assignments today at home so I may just take the laptop outside along with Fancy. I will report that with the change in medication, a more concerted effort at eating better and a wonderful Fancy to go for walks with, I can report that my fasting blood sugars are now 50 points lower. I will continue to work on it. Happ birthday to @Vict0riann Bon Voyage @HAL4NOW Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating, Have a safe and healthy day.
  16. Good morning. It is a beautiful cool morning today. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Yes, to the shrimp taco salad. I will be in the office today, but it will not be a long day. Hope to come home and take Fancy out for a nice long walk. Happy anniversary @grapau27. Thinking of all on the care list today. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  17. Thank you for the great review. I will be sailing on Eurodam from Seattle to Alaska in 2025. I sailed this year on her sister ship Nieuw Amsterdam and loved every minute of it. Hoping they get the kinks out of the service issues by then. I always drank from the tap water in the state room. I would fill a bottle and take that with me. The water was good. The great thing about cruising is that there is something for everyone.
  18. Hello everyone. Yes, it's Monday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. It is another hot one today here. I love making meals in sheet pans. They are so easy to use. Thank you all for the well wishes. I have successfully defended my dissertation proposal! The nerves were real, and I was able to get through it. Thank goodness it was virtual. My proposal has been approved and now I am waiting for approval from the Institutional Review Board so I can begin data collection. An amusing moment was when the doorbell rand and Fancy started barking. I just ignored that and forged ahead. This is a huge relief and just one more step closer to finishing. Thinking of all on the care list especially those in the path of Hurricane Hillary and those still recovering in Maui. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Everyone, have a safe and healthy day.
  19. Happy Friday! We made it. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Cooler today and a little less humid. Fancy and I might go to the park today. Right now, she is cuddled next to me as I work. Tomorrow Fancy and I will work in the garden. I will definitely try the meal of the day. I love fish. In honor of fall I will try the drink of the day. Happy birthday @Mr. Boston. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  20. Happy Thursday everyone, Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Somewhat cloudy and humid here. I will be working at the office today. I had to break down and get a new laptop. I like this one. It is small and more portable than my other one. Less weight. I am continuing to work on my presentation for my oral defense on Monday. Going well so far. Continuing to work on lowering my blood sugar. Making progress here. Having Fancy is so helpful as she is very active. She loves to run in the yard and make me chase her. She keeps in on my toes. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. In honor of Black Cat Appreciation Day, I appreciate my favorite black cat, Sheldon. Have a safe and healthy day.
  21. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Busy week for me as I prepare for my oral defense of my dissertation proposal next Monday. Working on my PowerPoint slides this week. Today I am working from home. I have four classes of grading to do. My intention is to take Fancy to the park later today. It has been so hot here that I worry about her. She loves to run at full speed in the yard. Lots of energy. I love turkey burgers so I will try the meal of the day. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  22. Happy Sunday everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Slept through some big storms overnight. I love my air fryer. Any chance I get to cook with it I will take. Will be working in the garden today. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with those who are celebrating, Have a safe and healthy day.
  23. Good Saturday morning. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Expecting a warm and sunny day today. Planning on taking Fancy to the park for a long walk. Fancy is very energetic and loves running in the yard. I will try the lo mien and the drink of the day sounds tasty. I have several boxes of vinyl records sitting in the garage. If I ca, I will stay up to see the meteor showers. Happy birthday to @richwmn. Happy anniversary to @Copper10-8 Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  24. Hello everyone. It is a rainy Thursday here. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. I am celebrating Lazy Day by working from the office seeing clients. I would absolutely love to try the shrimp boil. I continue to hold those who have been devasted by the fires in Maui in my prayers. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with those who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
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