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Denise T

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Everything posted by Denise T

  1. I am currently on the Nieuw Amsterdam. Deck 7 verandah cabin. There is only USB by the beds. At the desk there is a USB, 2 115V North American outlets, and 2 220V European outlets. You would need an extension cord as @Haljo1935 said.
  2. Yes. Lots of the trivia we participated in is in the Billboard onboard and we would just sit in there in the middle of the day when it was quiet. We heard the BB King All Stars in BB King's and they were fantastic. We also played Bingo in BB King's.
  3. Yes. Lots of the trivia we participated in is in the Billboard onboard and we would just sit in there in the middle of the day when it was quiet. We heard the BB King All Stars in BB King's and they were fantastic. We also played Bingo in BB King's.
  4. Skagway was very windy and chilly. We were in port with the Celebrity Millenium, Majestic Princess, and Norwegian Encore. We got in about 5:00 or so. We sailed away around 9:00 pm. The wind was a challenge but doable if you dress warmly. We walked the town and shopped. Skagway was packed. We watched several trains come and go. We also saw the helicopters for the glacier tours. We came back after a few hours to warm ourselves in the Lido buffet. We had lunch there and then walked around on the promenade and explored more of the ship as it was less crowded. Try as I might, I am having trouble finding any of those hidden cruise ducks. I have a few more days to find. After lunch, we walked around the ship and settled in our favorite Ocean bar. it is so nice to just sit and relax and talk. We stayed until dinner in the MDR. I am so impressed with the staff. They are helpful and work very hard to make the cruise experience wonderful. I will say that my experience has not been the same as the many people who have complained or been critical. This has been a wonderful cruise so far. We had a couple of medical responses this week. Not sure of the details. Did not do much in the evening except watch sail way. Very exhausted with all of the walking. Tomorrow is Juneau.
  5. We had four cruise ships in today including the Nieuw Amsterdam. The two ships docked near the rockslide were the Majestic Princess which tendered passengers to port and the Norwegian Encore which shuttles passengers to the port. No one walked. Other than that, the Skagway was hopping and busy. There are lots of stores thought that never reopened after the pandemic, but it seems that all excursions were happening. Several train trips, bus trips, and helicopter and whale watching tours were happening.
  6. Hello everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet Report. We docked in Skagway at about 5 am I believe. We have three other ships in port with us. All aboard time is 8:30 pm. Going to explore the town. Thinking of you all. have a safe and healthy day.
  7. I have a verandah on deck 7. This is the balcony cabin. The room is comfortable. It does lack drawer storage compared to when I had a balcony on the Norwegian Pearl. They have good size closets for hanging. The bathroom is a decent size. with a shower/tub combo. There is a small desk with mini fridge and a sofa and little table. The beds are comfortable. It works for two people. The balcony is vey nice. The heat and air work nicely. It is a basic cabin that works for us.
  8. Glacier Bay. What can I say? How about AWESOME! Forst, for those new to Alaska, be prepared for varying weather. It changes at the drop of a hat. We went from chilly and rainy, to bright and sunny, and back to rain. Dress accordingly in layers. We had breakfast in the buffet. What is it about buffet's that people forget their manners? We then stopped in on the bow of the ship for a bit in the rain and wind. We then settled for a while on the promenade deck. We warmed up in the buffet and had lunch. We then spent the rest of the time on our verandah. We spotted lots of otters and even some coastal brown bears. We visited Reed Glacier, John Hopkins, Lamplugh, and Margorie Glacier. Sadly, Margorie did not calve for us. I have many pictures. When we get into Skagway, the Internet may be a little better to download some of them. Dinner was in the MDR. Staff continue to be attentive and the food delicious. I find that there is something for everyone in the buffet and Main Dining Room. We played trivia (not our best attempt), then hit the casino, which is no smoking for those interested. Tomorrow we are in Skagway. Captain says we will arrive two hours early and that there will be four cruise ships. We are docking at Broadway dock. Hope to have some time to eat the local cuisine. Looking forward to it.
  9. Hello everyone and thanks for the Daily and Fleet report. Happy birthday @kazu! It's Glacier Bay Day today. It will be a cold one today with a possibility of some snow. Exactly what you expect traveling around Glaciers. Looking forward to some beautiful scenery. Thinking of everyone. Have a safe and Healthy Day.
  10. I just boarded this past Sunday. We had the train transfer. We were originally told at the Hospitality booth at the airport to come back to the airport (we stayed overnight) and a bus would take us to the train. My brother and sister-in-law were taking the bus so that stayed. My sister and I were out in a cab and sent to the Egan convention Center for a bus to the train station. While there, they were people also waiting for the bus transfer to the ship. There is no information about the transfers. One of the HAL staff took a picture of my boarding pass because she wanted to show the higher ups that no information is being given.
  11. Hubbard Glacier What a day. Started off with whale sightings. Saw two whales. Breakfast was in the main dining room. Breakfast was good. Met a couple on their honeymoon and who knew they were Phillies fans. My sister-in-law wanted to play bingo, so we went to listen to a shore excursion talk in BB Kings so we would have a nice seat for Bingo. My brother came close to winning but alas, it was not to be. We wanted to try the Buffet for lunch, but it was packed with no seating. We opted for the main dining room. The vibe was different. It seemed a little more chaotic, but we were in and out within an hour. Staff were attentive. Many complainers. The staff handled the complaints very well in my opinion. I saw the restaurant manager stepping in to resolve many issues with a smile on his face. I saw staff members stepping in and helping each other all the while being attentive to us and the other cruisers. I think that many fail to notice that the main dining rooms serve many hundreds of diners during one seating. The staff are human. Sometimes they may not get it right but if you are kind, you will be the problems are resolved. After lunch we walled the outside promenade. Cold and windy. We came in and warmed up in the Ocean Bar which seems to be our favorite. We saw more whales. We then sailed through Hubbard Glacier. Such breathtaking views. I will have pictures up when I have a more stable Internet. We saw the ice chunks and the captain did a slow turn so everyone could see. We watched on our balcony so we could just run in and warm up. We saw otters, seals, and ducks. Dinner was in the MDR. It was dressy night. Again, the food was terrific and the staff very attentive. We then went to the captain's welcome who is celebrating 21 years. After that we saw the Step One Dance Company in Humanity. What a great show! I have read that some did not like it but the dancing and music were awesome. A must see. We ended our night early because I think the jet lag caught up with us. The might ended with a spotting of a rainbow. Tomorrow is Glacier Bay. I will have pictures when I get a more stable Internet.
  12. @cat shepard happy birthday! Internet is being sketchy. Embarkation went well. Some hiccups but we got on board. Weather has been rainy and chilly but even though the scenery is spectacular. Saw an eagle on the train transfer. Today I saw whales! We are heading for Hubbard glacier now. I am having a great time. Staff is phenomenal. The food is wonderful. Meeting so many people. I will keep you posted. Thinking of everyone and honoring those who served and are no longer here, including my father and brother this Memorial day.
  13. Hey everyone. Internet has been sketchy. I want to give a full report on each day. Embarkation: Took the train to Whiiter to board ship. One thing about the tran transfer. You check in to the Egan Convention Center by 10:30 where they check you in and take your luggage. This has been an issue as no information is found on the boarding pass. The staff checking us in took a picture of my boarding pass so they can let the higher ups know. The coach was delayed but HAL held the train for us. The train ride was fun. We were seated with another couple and we had a great time. It was cloudy but the mountains were beautiful. They almost look Photoshopped. I saw an eagle. We made it on board. Rainy and chilly in Whittier. Pack your patience with the security line. It was quick. Keep everything in your backpack to put through the xray. Once on board went to our stateroom. No sooner then we arrived our room steward introduced himself. He asked us what we needed as far as room cleaning. You can get evening turndown but need to request it. I have seen comments that this was unavailable. It is, just ask. Dinner was in the MDR. We have anytime dining but you can make a reservation which we did for a table of 4. Dinner was amazing. Service was awesome. Staff was very attentive. The food was great. Had salmon. Many have said the wait is long and dining is long. Makes a reservation and you are fine. Dinner was about an hour. We enjoyed drinks in Ocean bar. We also played music trivia and came in 3rd. We had a blast. We left Whittier early and watched the boat pull away. We also stopped in to BB Kings and the band was awesome. Lots of energy. We wound up back In our staterooms to unpack. I am still getting used to the time change so I don't really know what day it is. We are meeting great people. More later for day 2.
  14. Thank you for the info. My sister and I have already vowed to look for those rubber ducks.
  15. Good morning everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. We finally reached Anchorage after a long delay. The captain told us that his first officer got taken off our flight because another first office flying out of Bogota was sick and so the airline took ours because apparently pilots have to be specially trained to work from that airport. We had to wait for another first office to fly in before they would allow us to board the plane. We got to the hotel roughly around 11:30 pm Alaska time. As I write this it is early Sunday morning. We will be heading back to the airport to check in with Holland America as they put us on a shuttle to the rail station where are cruise train shuttle will bring us into Whittier and to the ship. It is raining here a little, but then that's Alaska for you. Thinking of you all. Have a safe and healthy day.
  16. After a long day, I have made it to Alaska! I will post some pictures tomorrow. The first thing I noticed were the snow capped mountains. Beautiful!. Going to bed..
  17. Hi everyone. Thank you for the daily and Fleet report. So far travel has been fine I am currently in Dallas/Fort Worth waiting to board for Anchorage. Got up at 3 so very exhausted with jet lag. Soon, very soon, I will be in Alaska. Tomorrow, we board the train to Whittier and then board the ship.
  18. Now at Dallas/Fort Worth for the last leg to Anchorage. Very tired having gotten up at 3 and jet lag will get to me. 5-hour layover. Almost there.
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