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Denise T

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Everything posted by Denise T

  1. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. I will be planting my vegetable garden when I come back from my cruise. Cruise starts in 9 days. I currently have cruise brain. This will be a very much needed vacation. Busy day for me today. Chiropractor, dentist, and a couple of clients. Thinking of everyone. Have a safe and healthy day.
  2. Good morning everyone Thank you for the Daily and Fleet Report. I have a busy day seeing clients today. I am 10 days away from cruising on the Nieuw Amsterdam! Thinking of everyone. Have a safe and healthy day.
  3. I am on tis cruise as well. Not sure what that area is. I will be in 7094. Not doing a land tour. getting in on the 27the and taking the train in to the port. First time HAL cruiser as well.
  4. Good morning everyone Thank you for the daily and fleet reports. Working from home today but first getting my hair done before my cruise. 11 days to go! A little cooler today and apparently, we will get down into the 30's tonight. Crazy weather. Thinking of you all today. Have a safe and healthy day.
  5. 12 days to go. I checked with my TA. The cruise train transfer leaves around 12:45. My boarding time is 3:20 so this makes sense, I will need to get to the Egan convention center, drop luggage off and then get taken to the train which will take me to the ship. I will be bringing lots of hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes as I am reading on CC that Norovirus is increasing. Wash your hands everyone!
  6. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. Purple happens to be my favorite color, so I try and wear it every day. It will be a warm 82 here. I plan to spend some time outside today. 12 days and counting until cruise day! Thinking of you all. Have a safe and healthy day.
  7. Looks like it will be rainy and 60 when I arrive on June 1.
  8. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. It is a beautiful sunny morning today. Any day that chocolate is involved is a day to celebrate. Working from home on student papers. Up first though is a massage and later I will cut the grass in the yard. I packed for my cruise yesterday. I will try again later this week as I realize that my suitcase probably ways well over 100 pounds. As my sister pointed out, I am also taking a carry-on so not everything has to go into the checked bag. I am overthinking this. 🤭 Holding all of you in my thoughts Have a safe and healthy day.
  9. Round one of packing is complete. Packed way too much. Luckily, I have two weeks to narrow this down. Must remember that there is laundry service on board!
  10. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. Happy Mother's Day! My mom passed away 23 years ago. I still miss her. I love dogs. My wonderful rescue dog Abby sadly passed away last year. She had a very rough start to her life but at the end of her life, she knew she was safe and loved. Today is 14 days until cruise day. I am packing. Hope to get a lot of it done because these two weeks will go quickly. Thinking of everyone today. Have a safe and healthy day.
  11. I was thinking about the bus to Mendenhall. We have nothing permanently planned and it all depends on the weather. I do want to do the Tramway.
  12. So excited! the final boarding passes have the bar codes. Yeah! Two weeks from today I will be spending the day flying to Anchorage. Flying out of Pennsylvania at 6:30 am and will arrive in Anchorage at 8:30 pm. Packing this weekend. Let the fun begin!
  13. Good morning, everyone. Happy Saturday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. I do love hummus so today is my day! I am feeling better today. Looks like I had a 24-hour virus. I checked my boarding documents, and they have the official barcode! Yeah! Two weeks from today is my travel day to Anchorage. The suitcases are coming upstairs today. Going to get stuff packed. Cruise day is almost here! Thinking of everyone today. Have a safe and healthy Saturday!
  14. 16 days and counting. This weekend I will be starting the packing in earnest. I have been listing my outfits and what I will be wearing. The Navigator App has some of the "Where and When" activities listed. Lots of trivia, yeah! Lots to do. I have read many posts that the entertainment is somewhat lackluster. if this is the case, i am sure my family and I can provide the entertainment after a few drinks. I see so many posts recently of unhappy cruisers who feel that HAL is deliberately trying to ruin their vacations. What would Hal get from ruining people's vacations? All industries have customer service issues because there are many customers who feel entitled and make unreasonable demands instead of working to solve problems. The travel industry has changed tremendously since the pandemic. Hotels have limited room cleaning and many no longer offer room service. Lots of service issues all over. I chose to be concerned only by what i have control over and that is my attitude. My first cruise on another line was not perfect but we let the imperfections slide and had a wonderful time. I think the worst part of that trip was trying to fly out of Boston early on a Saturday morning. What a disaster! We survived. So, am I expecting perfection, no. The ship may be short staffed. We will make do. To avoid long lines for the MDR, we won't go as soon as the dining room opens. I just know that this will be a great cruise because i will be with my family. That is all that matters.
  15. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. Feeling a little under the weather today. Thinking of all of you. Have a safe and healthy day.
  16. Good morning, everyone. It should get up to almost 80 today. Going into the office today to see clients. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. I tend to eat what I want every day. I cannot for the life of me follow an eating plan. I get bored easily. Technology and I have a love-hate relationship. I get frustrated with my laptop as it is not fast enough for me. You should see me arguing with my GPS. Then, Alexis on my television does whatever she wants. Thinking of everyone today. Have a safe and healthy day.
  17. Looks like Brilliance of the Seas has shown up.
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