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Denise T

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Everything posted by Denise T

  1. Thank you for the info. My sister and I have already vowed to look for those rubber ducks.
  2. Good morning everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. We finally reached Anchorage after a long delay. The captain told us that his first officer got taken off our flight because another first office flying out of Bogota was sick and so the airline took ours because apparently pilots have to be specially trained to work from that airport. We had to wait for another first office to fly in before they would allow us to board the plane. We got to the hotel roughly around 11:30 pm Alaska time. As I write this it is early Sunday morning. We will be heading back to the airport to check in with Holland America as they put us on a shuttle to the rail station where are cruise train shuttle will bring us into Whittier and to the ship. It is raining here a little, but then that's Alaska for you. Thinking of you all. Have a safe and healthy day.
  3. After a long day, I have made it to Alaska! I will post some pictures tomorrow. The first thing I noticed were the snow capped mountains. Beautiful!. Going to bed..
  4. Hi everyone. Thank you for the daily and Fleet report. So far travel has been fine I am currently in Dallas/Fort Worth waiting to board for Anchorage. Got up at 3 so very exhausted with jet lag. Soon, very soon, I will be in Alaska. Tomorrow, we board the train to Whittier and then board the ship.
  5. Now at Dallas/Fort Worth for the last leg to Anchorage. Very tired having gotten up at 3 and jet lag will get to me. 5-hour layover. Almost there.
  6. Flight day, Up and getting ready to go to the airport. We should be in Anchorage by 8:35 this evening.
  7. We made it safely to the hotel at the airport. Got some dinner. Settled in for the evening as we had to get up at 3 am. So early!
  8. @1ANGELCAT I am so sorry for your loss. Such a heartbreak when we lose our fur babies.
  9. Today is the beginning of our great adventure to Alaska. Today is for last minute packing and errands (bank, prescriptions). Cats will be dropped at the vet for boarding. They no something is up. Boarding passes are printed. We will be heading to the hotel near the airport later this afternoon. Must be at the airport on Saturday at 4:30 am. Will need lots of coffee. I cannot believe that the time is here. Can't wait to join my brother and sister-in-law as we sail to Alaska.
  10. Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet report. And so, the adventure begins. Today is for last minute preparations. Picking up prescriptions, running to the bank, last minute packing and taking our three cats to the vet for boarding. The cats are very suspicious right now. I am in the process now of printing boarding passes for the ship and our flights. My sister and I will be spending the night at a hotel at the airport as we have to be at the airport at 4:30 tomorrow morning. My plan is to pack my patience as this is a busy travel weekend for Memorial Day. I hope to post pictures of my travels. I do have a live so you can join my adventures. Thinking of you all today. Have a safe and healthy day.
  11. 3 days away. I am done with work so my vacation has technically begun! Friday I will be running last minute errands. The cats will be going to the vet for boarding. My sister and I will be staying at a hotel near the airport as we have to be at the airport at 4:30 on Saturday. This is it! I am ready to go!
  12. Thank you for the Fleet report. This is my last workday before cruising. I am set and ready to go! It will be a warm and sunny day here. Thinking of you all Have a safe and healthy day.
  13. Good morning, everyone! It will be a warm 80 degrees and sunny here today. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 4 days and counting. I have a few last-minute errands in the next couple of days. Friday, we head to the airport for an overnight stay as we have to be at the airport at 4:30 am for our flight on Saturday. Thinking of you all. Have a safe and healthy day.
  14. Five days until boarding. I believe everything is set and ready to go. I am now officially in cruise brain mode. I just have to work two more days. Let's do this!
  15. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. Going into the office today. In 3 days, I will be heading for the airport to spend the night as I have to be at the airport 4:30 Saturday morning. Getting closer now. Just wrapping up last minute stuff. I was able to get my monthly prescriptions filled early as I will be in Alaska when I usually get them filled. You can never tell with the insurance company if they will let you refill early. Should be a nice day here. Thinking of everyone. Have a safe and healthy day.
  16. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Sunny beginning of the week. Working from home today, I can say that I am officially in cruise modes. 6 more days! Thinking of you all. Have a safe and healthy day.
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