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ocean sounds

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Everything posted by ocean sounds

  1. @Spike2015, Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful cruise
  2. Thank you for your review! Looking forward to my Zaandam cruise, 10 months to go!
  3. Thank you for the Review, thoughts, and all the photos!
  4. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I like the font size you have today! Very easy on the eyes (and the Glasses). Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report . Prayers to all in need, and Cheers for those with good news. Have a lovely Thursday, everyone!
  5. I enjoyed your trip report. Wow, your sister had a close call! Thanks for the information on your Cozumel excursion
  6. Good morning, and thank you for today’s Daily and Fleet report. Nice and mild morning here in SE Texas. Up early, too excited to sleep. Will leave for Houston IAH about 10 AM , to meet sister’s inbound flight, then a few hours in the airport until our flight to Heathrow. Prayers to all in need, and cheers for all with good news!
  7. @superoma, This is Awesome!! Thank you for sharing. If only I could get in with it, 😂
  8. @aliaschief, this meme hit home. One summer afternoon, after a softball game at Asbury park by our house in Toledo, Ohio, my older sister had the bright idea that we could ride our bikes to stables we knew in Michigan, to ride horses. We were probably 9 and 12. We ran home, changed, and pedaled away without telling anyone. We didn’t expect such a long ride, after all these were normal 1-speed manual bikes. We rode horses for a couple hours and decided to head back home. Yep - we got home well after dark. Parents were furious! They didn’t even miss us until supper time. it was probably my most thrilling and scary childhood adventure ever. 🚲🚲🐎🐎. Scary in the dark, but more so thinking of angry father.
  9. Love this photo, with Ivan’s head on your legs, @kazu. Wanting to be close to you. He’s yours now.
  10. @dfish, I just loaded my car last night with tubs of clothes from our closets. Some too big, and some too small. 🤦🏼‍♀️
  11. @kazu, Ivan is adorable. Thank you for the pictures. What a special sister to send the beautiful flowers Good morning from a foggy SE Texas. I woke up earlier with the sound of a ship’s fog horn out on the river a half mile away. Some think the sound of fog horns in a white blanket is eerie, but I think of it as comforting. Love brothers and sisters day. There are 5 of us, and we are scattered among different areas of the country, We all got together in February for 3 days, and it was wonderful! One dear sister is traveling with me to London in 2 days! We are so excited! I came up with a crazy plan on New Year’s Eve to be in London during Coronation time. 👑 Being the awesome sister she is, she was all in, and dear brother in law told her, Yes, Go! Booked a hotel that night. Did I mention we leave in 2 days?! So excited. prayers to all in need, and cheers to those with good news or traveling.
  12. Good Monday morning! Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit 🐇Happy May Day. Thank you for the Daily and information yet to come. Cool 59 degrees to start, with a high of 84 this afternoon. Taking the 2 dogs to the kennel/day care/groomer nearby. June will be the first time we board them together. Last time we only had one dog, So, today is a trial to see how they do together in same space, They sleep together anyway, so hope it’s a good day and night for them. It’s the first time Brutus, our mini Aussiedoodle will be away from us. I feel like a mother leaving her child at kindergarten, yikes, Jacks is a pro there. He loves them! Prayers to all in need, and cheers and smiles to all celebrating
  13. @St Pete Cruiser, wow. What a scary turn of events. Prayers to you for healing! So thankful for great medical care for you on the ship. Take care. We will continue to pray.
  14. @richwmn, yes, a few posts later I admitted I had no idea why I added the health part! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m so glad you are in good health! happy cruising
  15. Be careful @kazu, and don’t try to do too much. Is there someone who could help you carry the heavy things, like dog food. As big and sweet as Ivan looked, his food must be a large and heavy size. I hope Ivan brings you much joy. And Hope your elbow heals and gets stronger before Ivan comes! It’s heartwarming that you are welcoming him. Just take care of yourself first. You sound like me, very independent and don’t feel like I need help. But I’ve learned it is OK to ask, and to accept help, I hope you don’t mind the advice, I know how big dogs can put stress on our joints, just with their size and weight, praying for quick healing for you 🙏🏻
  16. Oops, I don’t know what I was thinking with the last line. I don’t think you had a health problem. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m glad you still provide content and post on your cruise!
  17. @richwmn, I always enjoy seeing your screen name when you post. I pretend it’s short for “ rich women “. it brings a smile to my face. I appreciate the content you provide as well, of course! Glad you have recovered your health
  18. Good Sunday morning, everyone! @JazzyV, I am so glad you are only bruised! That must have been scary. So glad other passengers were around to help you! Wow, I love the port pictures! I have to add Norway to my ever expanding bucket list! Thanks to @StLouisCruisers, @Mtn2Sea, @richwmn for those beautiful photos! @summer slope, thank you for the pink pineapple tini recipe. Did anyone else watch hours of the NFL draft? We were hoping a hometown player, who went on to play for Texas would be drafted, and he was! Guess we will be watching Chicago Bears games along with Texans and Cowboys this fall! @StLouisCruisers, such good news about REN’s team! Have a wonderful Sunday, Daily friends!
  19. North lot at Pier 10. Drive up to terminal and drop the bags with a porter (they came up to the cars when I had my last cruise) and then circle to enter North lot. You can park all the way up until the covered parking. (Didn’t know if you wanted to pay extra for premium covered parking for a rental car). Real easy and convenient parking at Terminal 10 North Lot. Hope you enjoy your stay in Texas, and your cruise out of Galveston P.S. reserve and prepay on the Port’s website, and you are emailed the reservation with a QR code. Use it to enter the lot.
  20. Thank you all, for the fleet, daily, F&B, and port pictures! I hope you all dance your way across this Saturday, and take a few moments this evening to appreciate the stars in the sky. Perhaps drop in a bookstore and pick up a book that catches your eye. Cheers and smiles to all traveling or celebrating, and prayers for all in need.
  21. Here’s a map of The Port’s Pier 10 parking lots. North lot is the closest. There is also a covered area - North lot Premium parking. It is literally steps away from the terminal. You can reserve your parking online at Portofgalveston.com
  22. Thanks for the Daily and F&B information, port pictures, and care and celebration lists. 🙏🏻 prayers for those with surgeries this week, and those needing healing. Happy Birthday to @dfish, thank you for keeping us in recipes! Hope someone cooks for you today! hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday
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