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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. That is a terrible time to change time forward. I've seen ships change time at 2 pm but never at the lunch hour!🤷‍♀️
  2. I received some Elliott Rose photos and will share one or two with you. First her Easter bonnet. And another because she's so darn cute! I believe she is exactly 6 months old today, Easter! I love that age. What a lovely cabin. I know you will be cozy as can be there. Sue's twin couldn't make it this cruise? It means the DGKs are very, very organized. I notice the DGD unwrapped hers! lol! Darling children.🤗 How awful to be so sick but I'm glad to hear the temperature is gone. Things should be much better soon. Nice of family to bring you Easter dinner and drop it off. I'm glad the power returned before you had to turn on the generator. It will be a relief not to have the system chirp when the power goes off. Our system communicates with a cellular signal and they had to change it out not that long ago due to upgrades in the system. Hope that knee continues to feel better. It's good to hear from you again. I was wondering if you see much progress being made in your area after Hurricane Ian damaged it last year? I also wonder how Sanibel Island is doing since we don't hear much about it.
  3. Gerry @ger_77 I'm glad to hear you are having such a fine weekend with your kids and grandkids. Let me wish you happy anniversary again today since I got my wires crossed and had written down the 8th for you. Therefore you probably didn't see my early anniversary wishes yesterday. Hoping the family is also having a wonderful Easter celebrating with you and DH.
  4. I interpreted Tina's interest in the 3 ports to be the one you booked (legendary voyage) and the one on the front end and back end of that cruise. Winter 2025. Or I could be wrong 'cause I make mistakes all the time!
  5. Happy belated anniversary wishes to you two! Is your wedding date the 8th? We need to add you to our list. Your lunch sounds wonderful. The years do go by quickly don't they? I never noticed when I was younger.
  6. Good morning friends and Happy Easter! I glanced at the Port Everglades webcam and see the first of the ships is already into the port situating itself, with the others all rushing towards the entrance as I type. It's going to be a busy day there. And we know our friend Bruce @aliaschief and DW Sue are going to be embarking today so we wish them well. Thanks to Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily. He's off enjoying Cadiz today. Wouldn't that be fun? This morning our weather is colder than yesterday 42F but the high will rise to 62 with a cloudy morning and a sunny afternoon. I don't think we managed to get out of the 40's yesterday and it rained almost all day long! That's enough for this week!🌧️ Anyway today in addition to Easter we have Name Yourself Day, Winston Churchill Day, and National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day. Good job on the renaming @RedneckBob. I have no idea what I'd name myself as. DH is a big fan of Winston Churchill and enjoyed visiting the Churchill War Rooms in London. And we should all recognize prisoners of war for all that those servicemen suffered while locked up by the enemy. Many never made it home. Thanks for recognizing and honoring Pauline's uncle Graham @grapau27. Also thanks for sending Father David's Easter sermon which I will enjoy listening to later. Please thank him for us!🙏 Robin Williams' quote sounds like part of his stand up routine. He was a funny guy. I would like the grilled shrimp but have never become a fan of couscous. The drink sounds fancy, and that's quite a name for the wine. Since it's a chardonnay I would have to taste a sample to see if I like it or not. I don't like many chardonnays. Thanks to the ladies of the food and beverage department for their work today on those items. That would be Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard. We also want to say thanks to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Care and Celebration lists. Prayers today for all on the Care list especially the people of Ukraine and the families who recently lost their loved ones in Nashville. 🙏 A salute to everyone on the Celebration list and we hope those happy days continue for you. Hope all who are cruising have calm waters and many adventures. Welcome home to @MISTER 67 and @GTVCRUISER!! Also happy birthday and happy anniversary to Karen @luvteaching. Today's port is Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera), Costa Rica. It was our port here on Sept. 22, 2021 so I'll add the link to that date below. Many of us remember that long, skinny dock jutting out into the water. I'm sure many of you have been there so show us your photos. Mine will be added below the link. We've been to Puntarenas three times - on Star Princess 2012, Ruby Princess 2015 and Westerdam in 2016. This restaurant seemed to be a popular place to stop and take a photo because I know Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser has a photo taken here, too. This is an interesting way to spend a half hour, watching all the people scurrying off the ships in port. Also watching those buses back up on the narrow pier for a quarter of a mile or so. On my first trip to Costa Rica on Star Princess in 2012 we took a tour but I'm not even sure where the bus took us. We thought it was Puntarenas and I know it wasn't very far away. We stopped at this local square and watched the children dance. The square was across the street from this church. The remainder of our times in Puntarenas, we just stuck close to the pier and walked through the small town. Since I don't exercise on Sunday and it's still early I think I will go back to bed for a while. My reward! I hope everyone here has a Splendid Sunday!
  7. Easter Sunday Today is Name Yourself Day, Winston Churchill Day, and National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves? - Robin WilliamsMeal Suggestion for today - Lemon-Basil Grilled Shrimp & CouscousDrink of the Day - Crisp Apple AdeWine of the Day - Giesen Chardonnay Marlborough The Fuder Single Vineyard Clayvin 2017Destination of the Day - Puntarenas, Puerto Caldera, Costa Rica Eurodam Fort Laudeerdale, FL 08:00 - 16:00 Koningsdam Dry Dock Vigor Ship Yard until 4/12 Nieuw Amsterdam Fort Lauderdale, Florida 07:00 - 16:00 Nieuw Statendam At Sea Destination Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel Island, Azores Portugal eta 4-15 Oosterdam At Sea Destination Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida eta 4-10 Rotterdam At Sea destination Plymouth, England eta 16 Apr Volendam Pointe A Pitre, Guadeloupe 08:00 - 17:00 Zaandam Huatulco, La Crucecita, Mexico Riviera 08:00 - 14:00 Zuiderdam Cadiz, Spain, Sevilla 08:00 - 18:00Eastern Hemisphere Noordam At Sea Destination Noumea, New Caledonia eta 4-11 Westerdam Yokohama, Japan 06:30 - 20:00 Sandi for Rich
  8. I watched the Nieuw Statendam departure from Port Everglades a while ago but they never panned the balconies so I didn't see DH's sister and BIL. They're off to the Med now. But wow on those toots leaving port! Someone counted 16 long toots! Bon Voyage! Thanks again to everyone for the birthday wishes. Vanessa @JazzyV Twin and I are 6 minutes apart. 11:53 pm for me and 11:59 pm for her. From what I remember hearing, our parents had no idea there were twins arriving until birth. I'm sure Dad was sitting in a waiting room and a nurse or doctor came out and announced the news. Shock! Big sister was thrilled with her Easter gift. At the time we all 5 were crammed into a 1 bedroom flat until they could find something bigger. 😳 Thanks also go to @ocean sounds, Marge @Love the beach, Maxine @AncientWanderer, Linda @lindaler, Paul @kochleffel, Brenda @bennybear, and @tupper10 . Sorry the recovery from your back surgery has been so rough @tupper10. All that activity to stay comfortable must make for a difficult time getting enough sleep. Hope things start going better soon. Paul @kochleffel thanks for showing and explaining your Passover customs. Very informative! Time for happy hour!
  9. I didn't see a single balcony today until the aft balconies so no shot of SIL. But did anyone count how many long toots? I lost count! Edited to say thanks for the count. I knew it was at least 14 or 15!
  10. DH's sister is on the NS. Port side balcony on deck 5 aft of the tenders. May or may not get a view of them if they're looking at the top deck at that moment.
  11. We have walked to downtown Melbourne before using that mostly pedestrian walkway. It's along the tram tracks most of the time as I recall. You really do need the exercise once in a while to combat all that food on the ship! Good for you!
  12. Hi again y'all. I finally located the baby photo I was thinking of earlier this morning. Not where I thought it was. I must have "organized" my photos and placed it with other photos in a box. This must be how Terri @Cruzin Terri feels when things aren't where they used to be. 😂 Here we are. I am on the left and Twin (Linda) is on the right. We are fraternal twins. Thanks for all of you who sent me good wishes today. Graham @grapau27, Ann @cat shepard, Bruce @aliaschief, Terry @smitty34877, Katherine @Lady Hudson, Dixie, @summer slope, Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, @RedneckBob, Debbie @dfish, Charlene @cunnorl, Nancy @ottahand7, Lorraine @cruising sister, Annie @marshhawk, Terri @Cruzin Terri, @Mr. Boston, Roy @rafinmd, Eva @superoma, and Joy @Seasick Sailor . It's nice having so many CC friends and spend time with you here. I have a bunch of cards collected on the mantel I need to open next. Saved them all for the Big Day. Bruce @aliaschief nice being upgraded to First Class today! Sorry about the bad weather here today. I heard the weatherman say we're in a Wedge. Colder temps along the Mid Atlantic down to central Georgia. Hope your travels are safe today and you get settled in at your hotel before long. Thanks for the great memes! Terry @smitty34877 I'm really hoping this new aide works out well for you and Tana. 🤞 Katherine @Lady Hudson wonderful news about the cruise with your TWIN! Joy @Seasick Sailor are you feeling any better today? 🤗 Hugs to you!
  13. Good morning friends on this Holy Saturday! It is going to be a not-so-nice weather day here. The temp is only 46 which is 20 degrees less than yesterday's low temp. We have a 100% chance of rain, sometimes heavy, and will rise to only 51 degrees. 🌧️ Thanks to Rich @richwmn for our Fleet Report and Daily information. Hope Malaga is having a beautiful day for your visit there. Today is All is Ours Day where we should appreciate all the beauty of nature around us. Won't be an easy task here today. Second is Draw a Picture of a Bird Day.🐦 I could try but I'm not an artist. Still it would be recognizable. How about Zoo Lovers Day? I very much enjoy visiting zoos and I'm sure a lot of you do, too. Love the quote by Abraham Lincoln. Sesame noodles might be a good idea for a menu suggestion and shouldn't be too hard to make. The margarita sounds interesting and I can't detect what type of wine today's selection is. I'm sure Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard will help us figure it all out! Thanks to our friend Vanessa @JazzyV for the Care and Celebration lists she posts in Roy's @rafinmd's place. Great job of noting our sorrows and celebrations! Happy Anniversary to Fred and Mitzi @Overhead Fred. I think we have another anniversary, don't we? I may be mistaken but didn't Gerry @ger_77 have an anniversary today, too? If I'm a day off I'll just be early! For me, let me say Happy Birthday to my Twin! 🎂 She was born at 11:59 pm and almost made it to Easter morning! Either she just barely made it onto April 8 or the nursing staff/doctor filled out the paperwork intentionally so we would have the same birthdate. 😉 Today we will say prayers for our friends and family on the Care list and hope for better days for all of them. Also to the many around the world still suffering. 🙏 For those on the Celebrations list we send our good wishes and congratulations. Hope all on a cruise ship are enjoying their wonderful adventures. 🥂🚢 Our port today is Puerto Plata-Amber Cove, Dominicana (or Dominican Republic). I am not sure but that could be a more recent destination developed by a cruise line and I have not been there before. We had that port last on January 3, 2023 and earlier on April 18, 2022. Here are the links to those dates for your convenience in copying and pasting photos for us. Thank you in advance for all who do. Sad news about FC Dallas losing yesterday but they did a great job anyway. Ren should be proud of all his goals and assists. He was next up on the list to try a penalty kick and I'm sure he would have made it. Just a little shift in the order of kickers and we may have had another outcome. Yes penalty kicks hardly seem a fair way to decide the outcome, especially since they don't do overtime periods at the Dallas Cup. Those are the rules and we must abide by them. ⚽ For my Twin and I a photo of us (a very bad photo but oh well!) when we were babes. I was the tiny one so I might be in Mom's right arm. Later I will look for a better photo. DH is asleep and the photos are in the bedroom. Hope everyone here has a Stellar Saturday!
  14. Today is All is Ours Day, Draw a Picture of a Bird Day, and Zoo Lover's Day Holy Saturday Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. -- Abraham LincolnMeal Suggestion for today - Sesame NoodlesDrink of the Day - Sauza Watermelon MargaritaWine of the Day - DeLille D2 Columbia Valley 2019Destination of the Day - Puerto Plata-Amber Cove, Dominicana Eurodam At Sea Destination Fort Lauderdale eta 4-09 Koningsdam Dry Dock Vigor Ship Yard until 4/12 Nieuw Amsterdam Half Moon Cay, Bahamas 0800-1500 Nieuw Statendam Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida 07:00 - 16:00 Oosterdam At Sea Destination Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida eta 4-10 Rotterdam At Sea destination Plymouth, England eta 4-16 Volendam St Georges, Grenada 0800-1600 Zaandam At Sea Destination Huatulco, La Crucecita, Mexico Riviera eta 4-09 Zuiderdam Malaga, Spain Granada 08:00 - 18:00Eastern Hemisphere Noordam At Sea Destination Noumea, New Caledonia eta 4-11 Westerdam Shimizu, Japan 11:00-20:00 Sandi for Rich
  15. Thanks for all the photos of Tangier! Losing two hours in one night will be rough. Hope you get enough sleep for your day in Malaga.
  16. Well, I know very little about the game but it appears Solar and FC Dallas tied 1 to 1 in regulation and since this is the semifinals, had to do penalty kicks. From what little I do know Ren was in the first half as right wing, not his favorite position. However he is the player who kicked in their only goal! Someone else's attempt bounced off the cross bar and he was in the right place at the right time. That was right at the beginning of the game. At halftime DS texted Ren's position and how the goal was scored. Then after halftime I know little except Solar scored 1 goal. The game ended tied like I said and then some penalty kicks occurred. The other team must have gotten one in. Ren is a great penalty kicker so I wonder if he was even picked to try to kick one? This coach may not train his players on penalty kicks as much as Ren's old coach, Scotsman Barry. We are very disappointed of course, but that's the way it goes I guess. Maxine @AncientWanderer I hope your DH isn't too down about it. FC Dallas did win 4 games in a row with NO points scored against them. I wish Ren had been in the center position today and then possibly things might have worked out better. At least in my mind. Well, back home to the Jaguars he goes for a few weeks. There's always another soccer game!
  17. Thank goodness your son has his new roof, but do you mean rainy season is just starting in Mobile? Wow, that's not gonna be fun. We've had nothing but rain in the south for quite some time now. Of course, for fun you can watch your alligator swim by if the neighbors don't get to him. I have to admit I'd be a little apprehensive with an alligator in the neighborhood! Maxine, I'm so glad to hear your DH is showing an interest because of the Dallas Cup! I hope we don't let him down. They've done pretty darn good this week so we shouldn't be greedy, but I still pray that the best team in the match is Ren's new team.
  18. Totally agree with your version Tina as well as @VMax1700. No way have passengers had to stand in a crowd on deck SINCE COVID. Now we scan the card at the lifeboat station and watch the boat drill on TV. Absolutely, prior to March, 2020, we all stood under the lifeboats in whatever weather was going on at the time, and it took a long time to do it. Someone is obviously confused about the year they last stood on the Oosterdam deck in the wind. Hoping not to be attacked since I wasn't on that person's cruise! 😂
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